8 Ways Modernism Apes Catholicism

Snake-like, Paul VI Center

“I . . . . firmly embrace and accept each and every definition that has been set forth and declared by the unerring teaching authority of the Church, especially those principal truths which are directly opposed to the errors of this day.”

-First Line from The Oath Against Modernism (Pope St. Pius X)

Oh, modernism, how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways.

Modernism has been one gigantic “camel’s nose” problem for Catholicism. We must lament over how its many tentacles have ensnared and warped the human element of the Church’s social and moral fabric. What began as a seed of “nuance” or “tolerance,” has metastasized into clown Masses, drag queen liturgical dancing, and using cheap boxes as tabernacles.

Now, everything is diametrically opposite of what it once was in the Church. Behold this non-exhaustive list of barbaric changes that have occurred in the 20th and 21st centuries.

One: An Almost Overnight Demolition of Beautiful Liturgy

Many defenders of “modern Catholicism” insist that the 2nd Vatican Council documents (notably Sacrosanctum Concilium) do not call for the horrible liturgical innovations we see nowadays. I’m currently working on a lengthy project where I demolish the Vatican 2 documents, but for now, let’s assume that’s true. Irrespective of the written documents, there was a rash of insane innovations invited into Pope Paul VI”s Mass, in response to the council, almost immediately thereafter.

Those who are old enough to have witnessed the radical changes, claim it happened almost the very minute the V2 council ended. That flies in the face of the endless chorus from apologists over how “removing altar rails isn’t in the actual council documents.” Maybe the council stepmothers fathers wrote one thing, made it incomprehensible to most readers, then implemented an aggressive counter-Church agenda?

At any event, modern Catholicism allows for abominations like this:

The Mayan Wheel of Fortune.
This is the alleged “Mayan Rite,” which resembles the Wheel of Fortune. Those folks are about to take home some fabulous prizes (and probably a demon or two).

Two: Insertion of Communist/Fag Clergy

There are many times where I regret having to employ vulgar terms like “fag” in my writing, but, alas, reality compels me to select appropriate verbiage. No longer can we argue effectively through mere neutral or academic terms. To say someone “struggles with same sex attraction” doesn’t quite drive home the severity.

This is most true when we discuss the condition of the Catholic clergy. In the 1940s, Bella Dodd and other communists tricked Catholic seminaries into accepting subversive, anti-Catholic sexual perverts. She helped insert over 1,000 faggy-commies into the seminaries, before she left Communist Party USA (by the grace of God).

How many others remained and were even more prolific in their infiltrative efforts?

It doesn’t take a math whiz or biologist to see how thousands of fags (from the 1940s) could expand, like eukaryotic mitosis, and overwhelm the hierarchy within a few decades. So, no, Fr. Fag does not represent the real Church. He and his commie buddies are the fruits of “the long game” of freemasonic communists sneaking into Catholic seminaries. Then again, some of them (photo below) even founded their own gay, liberation, clerical religious orders.

Fr. Marcial Marcel, mean dude.
Fr. Marcial Marcel – Yep, you didn’t see us coming, and we’re legion.

Three: Modernization of the Roman Breviary

What made the clergy so unreliable, leftist, effete, and astoundingly homoerotic?

There are many reasons, but I’m surprised commentators seldom mention the weakening of the obligation to recite the Roman Breviary.

Some of you have heard the modern version called the “Liturgy of the Minutes,” since that’s about how long it takes to complete. One striking problem with this new version is the de-emphasis of Psalm 118, the longest biblical Psalm, and a dedicated meditation on God’s “mandata” or commandments. Just like the Rosary, it requires the prayer participant to repeat similar words and themes for over a half hour.

The 1570 Breviary, by contrast, required priests and religious to recite it every single day during the little hours (Prime through None). Today’s Liturgy of the Minutes barely mentions it at all. I wonder why . . . 

This carries significant consequences for the priesthood. Once clergy stopped reciting Psalm 118 as often, with its constant reminder to love God’s commandments, they disregarded them. An ignorance of this psalm has also contributed to this ugly theological error – that one must only obey Jesus’s Two Great Commandments.

While it’s true those are the two most fundamental (per Our Lord), it doesn’t mean they abrogated the 10 Commandments and other precepts. All we have to do to prove that is to imagine how life would be if Our Lord somehow reneged all previous teachings. How well would you love your neighbor by murdering him (with no more 5th Commandment), or taking his wife (no more 9th Commandment)?

Does that make any sense?

Mind you, I’ve heard priests announce publicly that they didn’t know all 10 Commandments.

This is also a shining example of how modernists flap their gums about the Two Great Commandments, taking them totally out of context. It results from priests neglecting their Breviary, and the abundant graces, which flow from it. They adopt asinine theological positions and inflict them upon innocent laity.

You, my friend, can counter this problem by meditating on Psalm 118, every Sunday, and understand “more than all my teachers: because thy testimonies are my meditation.”

Four: Why Did We Need a New Catechism?

Given how today’s Catholics behave, we’re led to wonder what folks did with catechisms prior to 1992. Perhaps they read them and learned the authentic faith, free from heresy. What a horror to modern sentiments.

Consider how the Church already published a binding and universal catechism from the Council of Trent. Why did we need another? Because modernism has to redo positively everything, and never for the better. However, the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) is not binding on anybody, nor does it purport to be.

How can I submit such a shocking claim?

I can do so by reading the document JP2 used to promulgate the CCC, his apostolic constitution, Fidei Depositum. There you’ll notice it makes no claim to bind consciences or anything beyond serving as a teaching tool. If it’s any help, just run a few keyword searches (CTRL F for “binding”), and see for yourself that it lacks authoritative language.

JP2 wrote the CCC in 1992, and seems to permit compulsive masturbation (as Fr. Dave Nix explains). Could its errors have contributed to the massive pandemic of Internet pornography and self-harm that arrived thereafter? At either rate, I have a hard time seeing why this lengthy, verbose, and non-user friendly document would help ordinary Catholics.

For these reasons, and others, I call it the Zombie-chism of the Anti-Catholic Church (ZAC). Catholics (who aren’t zombies) should read the Catechism of the Council of Trent.

Five: Collapse in Vocations to the Religious Life (especially nuns)

In my previous post on semi-arranged marriages for Catholics, I mentioned how young ladies discerning the religious life may have to wait until age 95. That’s if they wish to keep pace with modern trends. Anyone who wants to use statistics to destroy the modernists, and expose their poisonous fruits, should check out the cataclysmic nosedive of religious vocations among women.

The reason the average age has risen to 95 is because there’s been a 75% decline in the overall number of women religious since 1965.

There has been no greater crash, among ANY Catholic vocation, worse than religious sisters/nuns. The fascinating part is that this occurs even though women are also getting married far less often. Since women have only two traditional vocational options (consecrated life or marriage), this shows just how apathetic women have gotten with their vocational discernment.

Where have the ladies gone?

If not marriage or the convent, they’re left with fewer remaining options, typically abysmal lifestyles like “non-profit director,” “strong-and-independent lesbian,” or lifelong loneliness. It gets even worse when you observe how modern women treat their sparse volume of children . . . 

Six: Confirmations Gone (Not Cute, Like First Communions)

Have you ever wondered why children’s First Communions are still relatively frequent, whereas Confirmations aren’t?

The simple truth is that First Communions offer “adorable” photo opportunities, while Confirmation involves less-than-adorable teenagers. This old clip from The Simpsons illustrates what it’s like when children just aren’t cute and interesting any longer.

Bart didn’t even make it to 1st Communion.

Confirmation, without all the traditional white outfits from 1st Communion, doesn’t offer terrific photo opportunities other than the obligatory picture with the bishop. My theory won’t appear in many major “Diocesan studies” explaining collapsing Confirmation rates, but it’s at least interesting speculation. Catholic moms (not all, but most) attend to their children’s sacraments when it elicits “cutesy joy,” “good feels,” and opportunities to showcase what they view as adorable trophies.

Oh, and yes, you better believe those photos will go on the social media platforms: Narco-Book or Insta-Vainglory. To be sure, modern men pursue trophy wives, who then make trophies out of their offspring.

Seven: The New Boobus Americanus Catholicus

Perhaps you’ve heard of H. L. Mencken’s term: Boobus Americanus. It was how he described the decline of American intelligence and sophistication, brought about by lavish prosperity, leading to excessive comfort.

Here, the masses (the proverbial “peanut gallery”) refuse to use their brains, but that doesn’t stop them from voicing opinions or interfering with public affairs. This explains the trouble with democracy (mob rule, according to Aristotle). You’ll also find it in full effect all across modern Catholic American parishes with empowered parish councils, busy-body Karens, and other imbecilic, petty tyrants. It also manifests in awful faith formation.

Today’s Catholics believe things like . . .

  • The Holy Spirit chooses the Pope directly (even though there’s over two hundred Cardinals, who use an electoral process).
  • You can commit several deliberate grave sins as long as you intend to confess them later.
  • The Pope can waltz into a donut shop, wave his hand around a little while, and select an “infallible” donut fit for his consumption. That’s because he has lots of super duper powers.
  • Despite that alleged papal magnificence, Jesus is not present in the Eucharist (according to some 75% of Novus Ordo Mass goers).

Now, I wonder what could have made Catholics so stupid . . . 

Eight: Stupendously Bad & Evil Theology

Men with terrible theology.
Blame these guys.

Why did the Church ban “bad” books before the 1960s?

Because there’s never been a shortage of evil deviants seeking to corrupt the masses (remember, gullible old Boobus) with wicked ideas. It’s just gotten several-fold worse since the evil Vatican 2 Council.

What contributed to this problem?

Look no further than the 20th century Nouvelle Theologie, espoused by Karl Rahner, Hans Kung, Yves Congar, and an assortment of other backwards V2 villains. Even the ever-lenient John Paul II had to discipline Kung, a suit-and-tie priest, who denied papal infallibility, after significant contributions to the V2 documents.

Then there’s Karl Rahner, the German champion of gibberish, highly influential on the council, lived with a girlfriend (as a priest), and was an enemy of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Rahner was a major reason the council had almost nothing to say about Our Blessed Mother, on account of how it would impede ecumenism with heretics Protestants. He also used the infamous Hegelian dialectic to form a synthesis of modernism (intrinsicism) with the Catholic Faith (extrinsicism) to form a theological Frankenstein, designed to justify evolutionism.

I could continue with countless other examples . . . 

The fruits of modern theology take a very legitimate toll on the laity, too. Consider, for example, the woeful misunderstanding of the “Judge not” teaching from Matthew, Chapter 7. A supermajority of Boobus Catholics can’t distinguish between judging a person’s interior versus external manifestations. The former is evil, whereas the latter is essential for survival.

As Adam Piggott explains, judging the externals is the only way to avoid brainwashing and manipulation from false shepherds. If this was untrue, and we couldn’t make common-sense assessments of our surroundings, then it would be almost impossible to avoid wolves in sheep’s clothing. That’s especially true since today’s shepherds won’t warn us about them anymore (since they’re the wolves).

Honorable Mentions – Everything Else from Pope Paul VI

Pope Paul VI wearing tiara.
This is the last time I’m ever going to wear this hat.

Finally, I’d like to mention a few other tragic extractions from Pope Paul VI, of miserable memory. These include the elimination of the Index of Forbidden Books and Minor Orders.

Some may view it as poetic justice that the Catholic Church’s list of banned books was itself banned in 1966. However, now it’s a free-for-all, where Catholics read anything they want, vulnerable to innumerable horrible ideas. Even traditionalists don’t seem to have a problem with “classics” like the Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost, or Les Miserables (all banned). We should ask ourselves how serious we are about holy obedience to the true Church, and whether we should read previously forbidden books that were only reinstated by modernists.

Of course, that wasn’t enough for the uber-revolutionary, Paul VI. He also took the ecclesial chopping ax to other traditions and institutions like the Raccolta (rich book of indulgence prayers) and the Minor Orders. For anyone unaware, Minor Orders were the old preliminary path to the priesthood where a young man would progress the ranks of Porter, Lector, Exorcist, Acolyte, Subdeacon, and Deacon. All that remains today is the diaconate, reconstituted into a part-time vocation for married dudes over 50 (long story, made short).

Once the Minor Orders got the “heave-ho,” we’ve had poorly trained lay people fill in for these tasks instead (the explicit intention of the modernist V2 counselors). We should not, therefore, experience any surprise that this has led to more sanctimonious lay people . . . and far fewer priests.

Conclusion – Be a Chainsaw Against Modernism

Super-sized chainsaw.
. . . not exactly a “hedge trimmer.”

It was said that St. Anthony of Padua (a far greater man than I) was the “hammer of heretics” because of his God-given ability to demolish errant influencers of his times. I suspect that with modernism, we would need another St. Anthony, but given how it’s the synthesis of all errors, we could use something mightier than a hammer.

You and I, dear readers, must be chainsaws against modernism if we’re to enjoy any counter-revolutionary success. Of course, modernism might require an incredible Gamma-Ray Burst to eliminate it, but regardless, we must elevate our efforts if we expect to win. The alternative is to let the Jimmy Martins, Bergoglios, Tuchos, and other antichurch villains scandalize everyone into hell.

As usual, the real chainsaw comes from the Blessed Virgin: Her Most Holy Rosary. Such a magnificent prayer, Our Lady’s Psalter, may as well be a chainsaw, Gamma-Ray Burst, nuclear bomb, and the combination of every other awesome force to destroy Satan’s forces.

Pray it every day, de-prioritize or eliminate anything that prevents that, build towards a 15-decade routine, and let us halt the encroachment of modernism.


  1. p kapusta says:

    I don’t know why you seem to blame mothers for the lack of Confirmations. We did not change the age, which was a terrible mistake. In 1994 my daughter was not even confirmed by a bishop and the parish did not even separate it from her 1st Holy Communion, all at one Mass. Not sure what they are doing these days, God help us!


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