Bishop Strickland: Don’t Recognize, Just Resist!

On How Antipopes Can’t Depose Bishops

And as often as they were penitent for having revolted from the worship of their God, the God of heaven gave them power to resist. (Judith 5:19)

So, here’s where the rubber meets the road for good Bishop Joseph Strickland, who must decide whether to jettison the dangerous “recognize” component of the ineffective “recognize and resist” position. This regards how one must deal with Antipope Bergoglio, especially as a devoted bishop of God’s Holy Church.

He will need to resist (without recognition of the fraudulent Bergoglio) or Bishop Strickland’s legacy will be nothing beyond yet another ecclesial casualty. God has been waiting for one (EVEN JUST ONE) of his bishops to disavow all the cordial collegiality garbage, and oppose the modernist antipope, as a malicious, apostate enemy.

Will Bishop Strickland finally be the one to do it; resist the monster to his face, and refuse to budge from his See?

Or . . . 

Will he go the gentlemen’s route (ala Bishop Schneider, Cardinal Burke, et al.) and simply write letters to the Oily Father, Bergoglio?

Nobody has attempted the first option in quite some time. Many cancellation victims (not all, but most) believe it’s better to bide their time and wait for God to “take Bergoglio to his reward.” They think that passively resisting the problem will allow time to heal the wounds of the Church, as if you could extinguish a massive blaze without using water. However, as others have mentioned, docile resistance isn’t the way the Church rids herself of antipopes, arch-heresiarchs, and other villains.

In short, the few remaining “good” bishops and cardinals MUST do something about Antipope Bergoglio, because that’s how the Church has always handled these crises (several dozen times). An act of disobedience to the Bergo Regime, a refusal to leave, would be a terrific step in this direction.

Here’s why . . . 

Reasons Bishop Strickland Should Resist Bergo 100%

Bishop Joseph Strickland
Bishop Joseph Strickland
  1. Antipopes can’t tell Catholics to do anything; let alone a Bishop of Jesus’ One True Church. Bishop Strickland, like all Catholics, outranks this ridiculous Argentinian lurking around the Vatican (or pushed around in a wheelchair). 
  2. This is where Bishop Strickland could be the first prelate in decades to repel the attacks from the sodomite Vatican. This would distinguish him from every other man of good will who has repeatedly fled from the wolves.
  3. Remember the reason for Bishop Strickland’s firing: he opposed the sodomite society known as the Sisters of Perpetual Incontinence, when they invaded Dodger Stadium. That’s not poor job performance, but exemplary. However, the modernist antichurch, managed by perverts, commanded by the devil, wasn’t about to tolerate the good Bishop’s rebuke of their homo-homies.
  4. It will inspire the faithful rather than leave them “crying, sobbing, and moping” as is usually the case whenever there’s a priestly cancellation.
  5. It’s essential that we have the right enemies in life. If folks in the gay Vatican don’t hate you, then you’re failing at something, and probably in danger of losing your soul. Nevertheless, if they attempt to cancel you, then it’s time to carry one’s Cross and embrace martyrdom (not just retire to a cozy cottage and pray). Thankfully, Bishop Strickland has already alluded to this potential outcome in some of his recent pastoral letters.
  6. One could argue that it would be futile for Bishop Strickland to even deem this nonsense with a response. It’s like coddling a whiny child, only to watch it continue carrying on incessantly. The only difference is that Bergoglio isn’t just a colicky baby; he’s a megalomaniac antipope, the worst and only anti-Catholic one in Church history. Since he lacks any semblance of authority, one should ignore him to his face.
  7. Authentic popes can indeed depose bishops (and should whenever they’re heretics), but there’s obviously a canonical process. Bergoglio, true to his form, doesn’t care for the rule of law, including Church law, and conducts his fire-breathing antipapal business any old way. Bishop Strickland has no reason to vacate his See, irrespective of the oppressive pseudo-church’s random and irrational decrees.
  8. Bottom Line: There’s no reason for his firing, so he should maintain active governance of his episcopal See until reaching the customary age for retirement. If Bergo wants folks to follow the rules, why doesn’t he adhere to any? For that matter, why hasn’t there ever been a trial for the obvious criminal, Ted McCarrick? Because Bergoglio’s a lawless, arch-heretical antipope.

Next, let’s see what it looks like when a marvelous bishop opposes an obnoxious totalitarian.

Bishop Strickland – Be Like St. Ambrose and Resist An Evil Emperor

St. Amborse and the Emperor.
St. Ambrose dismisses the brutal tyrant, Theodosius, who could have raised an army and destroyed the holy bishop and Church doctor. However, with faith, a commitment to justice, and legitimate ecclesial authority on his side, St. Ambrose boldly opposed the murderous emperor (and got him to repent).

Sometimes, bishops must get in the face of powerful figures and exercise their office without concern for their personal livelihood.

There was a time where the illustrious Archbishop of Milan had to risk his life to defend faith and morals against none other than the powerful Roman emperor. This happened in 393, after the Emperor Theodosius slaughtered thousands of civilians in response to an assassination. St. Ambrose has the responsibility to refuse communion to Theodosius until he repented. He even blocked the emperor (the highest civil authority, who could have easily slain him) from entering his cathedral.

Theodosius, upon witnessing the holy prelate’s magnificent resolve, and not wanting to remain excommunicated, submitted himself to harsh penance before re-entering the Church. If St. Ambrose hadn’t done this, then Theodosius would never have reformed, lost his soul, and probably would have committed further atrocities.

Remember this the next time you hear about a priest or bishop unwilling to restrict a pro-abortion politician from receiving Holy Communion. 

What does this have to do with Bishop Strickland and the wayward Bergoglio?

Good bishops must refuse to comply with those who willfully excommunicate themselves (as Theodosius and Bergoglio have done). It’s both an act of charity toward the sinner, and the only way to ensure justice.

“But, St. Ambrose excommunicated Theodosius, who was his ecclesial inferior. Bishop Strickland can’t do that to Bergoglio.”

Bishop Strickland doesn’t have to excommunicate someone who’s already outside the Church. He needs to have the guts to admonish him and defend his episcopal dignity. Perhaps this means going as far as St. Ambrose, by refusing to move from his cathedral. 

Yes, this will be harder because Bergoglio is more powerful and less pious than Theodosius (who at least wanted to be Catholic). He’s also a man the global secular elites have installed as a pseudo-pope, making him a difficult opponent. Regardless, this is where we stand as a remnant Church with scarcely any holy bishops left.

Would anybody want to listen to Bishop Strickland if he didn’t take this hardline stance?

Also, might this be what Bergoglio needs for his personal conversion? To my knowledge, nobody has ever stood up to this guy, throughout his entire horrid career. Sometimes a pronounced defiance, a display of true Catholic heroism, could knock some sense into someone like Bergoglio.

We have a better chance with this than sending more Dubia to the anti-Holy Office, owned and operated by the Tucho.

Conclusion – Pray for Bishop Strickland & Russia’s Conversion

Consecrate Russia to Mary.
Notice how it says “Pope” and not “heretic” or “antipope.”

Now’s not a moment to lament over how sad this is. It’s an inspiration for action. Yes, pray for Bishop Strickland (folks shouldn’t have to repeat that constantly). However, it’s time to stop allowing the antichurch villains to demoralize us, and instead, return fire. This should include as much disobedience as possible to any non-Catholic pretending to be a clergyman.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we must do the following:

  1. Pray for Bishop Strickland (consider offering one or more of your 15 daily Rosary decades)
  2. Pray for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These Church afflictions continue to worsen because there has never been a valid consecration. We must first pray for God to send us a new pope, since it’s impossible to do this under the current conditions.
  3. Study everything that has led to the Bergoglian Antipapacy, including all the abominable Vatican-2 deformations, so that you don’t succumb to scandal or confusion.
  4. Explain what you find to others, so that they can comprehend the turbulent Church situation, allowing them to navigate around all the modernism.
  5. Don’t assume you must always “do as you’re told” from wicked, fake authority figures. You have the dignity of a future citizen of heaven, not an incoherent, flesh-consuming zombie.

Also, since it’s November, don’t forget to meditate on the four last things (death, judgment, heaven, and hell) and pray more intently for the poor souls in Purgatory. Unlike the Bergoglian regime, we Catholics believe in the afterlife, and better prepare most carefully for it.


  1. John Christian Canda says:

    Do you think God allows the TLM to be suppressed because Traditional Priests and communities acknowledge Bergoglio as pope?


  2. Chris Munier says:

    Whenever God permits us to suffer (or actively chastizes us), it’s for our spiritual improvement somehow. The depravation of the traditional liturgy would be no different. So, yes, on some level God is punishing the good priests (and faithful) who still pay homage to Bergoglio. There’s bound to be consequences to commemorating an antipope at Holy Mass, to say nothing of all the missed opportunities for instructing the laity to avoid and ignore Bergoglio’s dictates, heresies, and other errors.


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