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Men Who Get Women

June 10, 2024

Fulfillment for a man comes from discovering 
what he was born to do, and doing it. 
God has given every man a mission. 
A man becomes a man when he finally believes in himself, 
 and doesn't put any man or woman above him. 
These men don't need women, except to help them
 fulfill their mission. 
They are the real men real women want. 

"So long as the love, even the smallest, of man toward woman is not destroyed, so long is his mind in bondage as the calf that drinks milk is to his mother." -Buddha

updated from July 1, 2018
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Like a Zen Koan, men who get women don't need them and don't want them. They aren't pretending. They don't want them and they don't need them. 

Test this formula in reverse. Are women attracted to men who adore them? Temporarily maybe. But ultimately, women don't want to be idealized. They want to be seen and loved for whom they really are. A real woman is somewhat passive by nature. She looks to her husband to give her purpose. She doesn't want to be HIS purpose.

This wisdom has come too late to help me. In spite of being bright and relatively successful, I squandered my romantic life as the poster boy for needy. I was programmed by the mass media and education to regard sex and love, especially sex, as the prerequisite for my personal development. I was taught that these were the highest experiences life had to offer. In other words, I was inducted into an occult secular religion which required .... a woman.


Popular occulture programmed me for failure. It taught me to idealize attractive women, to worship the "goddess" within, to "need" them to validate me. At the same time, women were programmed to think they were more unique and important than they really were.

In heterosexuality, women empower their husbands by exchanging their worldly power for his power expressed as love. (Men want power; women want love. Marriage is an exchange of the two. See my book "Cruel Hoax."
A woman does not respect a man she can control. 
But, women were retrained to seek power instead and emasculate men.

Attractive women were rarely portrayed in a negative light in movies or on TV. On the contrary, the rule was sex appeal = moral superiority. If an unattractive person was cast, the chances were s/he was a bad guy. (All of this is still true.) No wonder I pursued chimeras. No wonder my marriages were built on delusions.

Let's see this in a larger context: the modern world is not dedicated to realizing the intentions of the mysterious Intelligence that created the universe.  We don't discern the inherent natural and moral laws that ensure our healthy development. 

In Aldous Huxley's prescient novel Brave New World  (1932) monogamy is a selfish perversion. Bonding is a crime. The words "mother" and "father" are obscenities. Life begins on an assembly line that starts with the fertilization of conscripted eggs. Babies are brainwashed for 12 years, by endless repetition of state-approved axioms. This is the world we are entering as the Illuminati take away our toys but leave us our pills, Viagra-Prozac-Soma. We are becoming zombies with six-hour erections.


When I was young and full of religious zeal, I considered becoming a monk. I decided against it comparing myself to a hamburger cooked on only one side. As long as I craved feminine love and sex, I wasn't ready. But now I'm 74, happily married after three unsuccessful tries. Having put in countless hours of lovemaking and studying the female, I believe that sex and romance are mostly a matter of hormones and mental programming. Anonymous sex 
is a facsimile for love; pursuing an elusive goal by imitating the act of love.  It is dehumanizing and degrading. Its normalization is a sign of our satanic possession. 

Sex is meaningful only as an expression of a loving bond between a man and woman. But, men don't need women or sex to fulfill themselves. They only need them to realize they don't need them

Love grows over time when a man and woman trust each other for companionship and support. The other kind of love is worship, and that is reserved for God alone.



Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Men Who Get Women"

David S said (July 1, 2018):

Well done. I circulated your article, "Men That Get Women."

Your confession that the understanding came too late for you added evidence of authenticity that is refreshingly unlike what is usually found in the bravado-ridden manosphere. This state of deprivation is true for me as well. I (b. 1957) was ruined by the bad ideas of the times and I did not figure it out for myself only later and with the help of others. My reward now comes from aiming for Heaven by tending my soul in thought & action as well as trying to alert others.

Borris said (March 12, 2009):

I have this saying that many women to whom I have told have literally burst out laughing. Mostly because it does sound so corny, but it keeps me sane. Most woman I have met, will skip the first stage and only concentrate on the second and most men I have met will allow it even though to have a lover who knows not you or your dreams, is like having a real life inflatable doll at your side: "a cum bucket", as you put in one of your articles.

I would think if the men would demand more from their women instead of allowing them to act like little miss slut-slut, women would get the message that men don't want girls who have gone wild.

Anyways it goes:

There are 4 stages every woman will go thru in the life of a man.

Friend - with whom he learns to laugh, love, dream, and cry
Lover - of mind, body, and soul
Wife - because he needs no other
Mother - of that which makes him whole.

The journey thru the first three stages allows the fourth to flourish. so begin with a first step for the last step will be a lifetime in the making and a journey unto itself.

Needless to say, I have not found many woman that understand what I mean by this saying. Like I said, most laugh. However, I am also not in a position to even think about it because I have not become that which can provide a foundation upon which the "pillars" can be erected.....yet. I still have work to do in undoing that which has been done to my head and heart. Resent and bitterness is still strong in this man.

A future should never pay for mistakes of a past.

Nidal said (February 21, 2009):

I don’t know whether it is the age (33 now) or the maturity or the lack of really attractive women (inside and out) in our modern life that makes me feel now quite comfortable living without a woman in my life. I still can have occasional short relations or encounters, but marriage and relations are big "no no" for me at this point :) women need to change their attitude, social behaviour and level of knowledge (almost an impossibility in the current wave of hype and BS feminism) before I can consider one in my life.

Otherwise I will just set myself for unbearable pain and a detriment to my freedom and spiritual and intellectual development. The attention-to-women hype is a bubble just like any other economical bubble (after all women have become an economical product) that will bust with the rest of the hyper inflated bubbles. More and more men will be turned off by women’s attitude, and the women stocks will go bust, and then they will realize their real size in our social life and will return to their natural role in the society. Women will be looking for men and not the other way around. Of course this talk will hit right on the nerve of some people. But who cares, it is another crazy idea I have.

Jessica said (February 12, 2009):

There's a paragraph in the Urantia Book that says all the romantic embellishment given to marraige is the cause for divorce. Romance ruins romance. I threw away my old romantic movies. I am taking four college classes about politics and history. There's a whole world out there I had not discovered. I got a whole new CD case full of classical music to replace the romantic pop CD's I had. After letting your Cruel Hoax book sink in for so long I can no longer enjoy pop music. It's like nails on a chalkboard. Pop music is too mushy. I can't listen to it. I took them all to be traded.

Lisa said (February 12, 2009):

Fulfillment for a man comes from discovering what he was born to do, and doing it. God has given every man a mission. A man becomes a man when he finally believes in himself, and doesn't put any man or woman above him. These men don't need women, except to help them fulfill their mission. These are the real men real women want.


Thank you immensely for your article. I can personally attest that this is true. I have been blessed with a relationship which allows me to do just this, and I have never been able to put my finger on the exact nature of this feeling of contentment and inner happiness that it brings me... a peace which passes all understanding.

I consider myself so blessed to be able to live this out in real life, but I, too, did not come into this knowledge until I was much older and wiser. I pray that some of your younger readers will learn from our mistakes and spare themselves a lot of heartache in the process.

Nada said (February 12, 2009):



Vincent said (February 12, 2009):

After reading it, It made me realize that far too many of us males had our minds programed from such an early age to think this way. From the time I was a teen around 16 I seen physically attractive females as toys for sex & yes I too induldged on several occassions.
As a teen of 18 I was engaged for roughly 2 years to a girl that I thought was my lifemate, I couldn't understand why the sex was mutually great but my inner voice was telling me for a long period of time over the 2 years that somehow the relationship was void of something. That something was real healthy respect & a lack of evolving mutual partnership.

At 24 I met a young woman, we had sex very soon after the first date & within a few weeks she was pregnant. As I have never agreed with abortion, I felt obligated to marry her for the childs sake..mistake. We married, a year almost to the day another child, two years later we couldn't stand each love, no caring & I had for some time before lost even the desire for any intimacy, I slept on the couch rather than be around her. The boys are grown now in their mid 20's but I have lived with the pain of not having been in their lives much after having moved across the country when they were 2 & three. I never told them of the time near the end when their mother came home with a piece of jewlery while mentioning a mans name she worked with who was "so nice" & gave her a present..I knew she was having an affair..the calls when I was home from work & no one would answer when I picked up. Why tell the boys, there's no good that can come from their knowing.
Failure again because I thought sex meant commitment to each other etc.

At last! (I bet you're saying the same thing after reading all of this)...Almost 19 years ago I met a woman three years younger than me. I'll be 48 next month. We were married 18 years ago & have one daughter who is now 15. I've changed so much since my younger days, I don't see women like I used to. My wife who had a birthday yesterday is a wonderful person, interesting, kind, loving, understanding, we're companions, the intimacy is still there, we have grown to know without having to ask when one of us needs a little extra love in the true sense of the word.
I now look back on how I used women & they used me without either really being fully aware of it or why. Sad that we have to take the long road to get to where we should have been in our development so long ago but the journey was worth it.

Often I look at my wife whe she's reading comfortably in a chair or while she's talking to me & I listen but also find myself truly loving her & respecting her for the person she is. It's what was missing all those years, real love based on respect, loyalty, compassion & love for who she is not selfish desire.

Lynda said (February 12, 2009):

Thank you for sharing your life's lessons and the wisdom you have distilled by your adventure. I don't know how many laps around the sun you have done, but you are lighting the way to more generous possibilities for humane fellowship (in all its dimensions) and joy.

Not for nothing does any society wishing to live through its generations surround courtship and marriage with the most careful attentions and the best the community can offer in terms of occaisions of happiness for the young people.

This is very carefully looked after by the older generations who anticipate the joys of grandchildren and posterity.

Great care is taken in how young women are introduced to young men. A young man is assisted by his family to get the wherewithal to establish his identity in the society through his skills and training. This can translate into a home.

A young woman is assisted by her family to obtain the means and the skills to make a home - whatever other education she may obtain. In societies which intend to perpetuate national, cultural and spiritual identity, young women do not just 'hang out' with men. They are secluded from the society of young males in groups.

Young men in groups in particular are not permitted to 'call the shots' in terms of social access for young women. If this is permitted as it is in America, what this means in fact is - if a young woman wants to go out, have fun with other young people, meet young men, see, be seen etc then she must pay a price in terms of sexual availability. No society that intends to survive as a society is going to allow this.

By the same token, neither are the young women as a group permitted to call the shots. For they will set the kind of rules that are materialistic in terms of fashion, popularity and are too slavish towards the most physically attractive men, most contemptuous of the more homely women.

Introductions and social events proceed under the guardianship of the elders of the community who finance and appoint recreation for the young men and women who may be eligible. Familiarity is not permitted to become contempt. The sterling qualities of the young man the family might 'have its eye on' will be presented to the eligible young woman in a way calculated to arouse her interest. Occaisions will be thoughtfully designed to introduce the young people and allow them to see each other in the best light.

Young North Americans were simply abandoned without family, cultural, spiritual disciplines of the community and brainwashed by the most determined foes of the society. They navigated uncharted sociological space and made a mess of it. But it is an INTERESTING mess with a huge learning curve and many possibilities for romantic recovery.


Below- Men! You are the Best Company (scroll down)

June 10 - Populist EU Backlash May Derail War Plan

Headlines saved from 2021 & 2022. COVID was a dress rehearsal for a Communist police state and most were fine with that. The attack on unvaccinated Canadians was relentless. Remember the absolute fear and ugliness that this whole experience brought out in ordinary people.

This was a complete betrayal of public trust by ALL social institutions, especially government, justice, medicine and media. Nothing undermines trust in government as when government tries to murder you and your family. 


Right-Wing Populists in France and Austria Storm to Victory in EU Elections, Macron Dissolves Parliament, and AfD Surges to Second in Germany

Right-Wing Tsunami: France "Stunned" After Macron Announces Snap Elections Following Crushing Defeat In European Parliament Vote

Perhaps the biggest news following European Parliament elections were the results from France, which saw France's National Rally storm into first place with 31 percent of the vote, soundly defeating French President Emmanuel Macron's party, which scored below 14 percent.

"Macron has since announced that he will dissolve parliament and call new elections due to the catastrophic result. Le Pen responded to the shock news with a message that her party would win the upcoming elections.

Macron said France will hold new elections on June 30 and July 7, a high-stakes maneuver that the WSJ said "stunned" the nation after projections based on early ballot counts came in for Sunday's elections for the European Parliament. The projections showed National Rally garnering around 31% of the vote, twice the support for Macron's Renew Party."

Why didn't they rig this election??

Pierre Poilievre exposes Fidelito's ties to Red China but stops short of demanding a DN A test - Trudeau is Fidel Castro's son!


Canada--COVID was a huge boondoggle 

Feds claim they can't even give away $22,000 ventilators

This fiasco is part of a larger trend, as the cabinet awarded over $720 million in sole-sourced contracts for ventilators during the pandemic, with most being warehoused. Why isn't Poilievre holding these thieves to account?

Dr. Michael Yeadon: I No Longer Trust ANY Product of the Biopharmaceutical Industry
I regard big pharma as enemies of humanity and must be put out of business for good.

"No, the irretrievable loss of trust extends from the evident willingness to commit global-scale crimes against humanity to the total failure of regulatory agencies, which we had hitherto entrusted to evaluate, regulate and inspect and therefore keep reasonably honest in this industry."


Dr. Mike Yeadon: You're Being Lied to About Chicken Influenza - Bird Flu is not contagious
The same thing appears to be happening again. Oddly enough, it's precisely the same cast of characters as last time.


Top Canadian university posts job listing that excludes white heterosexual men
The University of British Columbia says the new job is 'restricted to members of the following federally designated groups: people with disabilities, indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.'


New National Poll Finds 62 Percent of Americans, Including Democrats, Support National Program to Deport ALL Illegal Aliens (Video)


DISTURBING: Health Canada Did Not Conduct a Risk-Benefit Analysis Before Authorizing COVID-19 Vaccines for Children
Exclusive government documents show that Health Canada's expedited authorization of the novel mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for children came with all risks, and real-world data show no benefits.


"H5N1": Canadian Food Inspection Agency still can't find valid evidence that Bird Flu exists

May 10, 2023: "experts" at Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) confessed in a freedom of information (FOI) response to having zero scientific proof of the existence of any alleged "virus" ever claimed to have affected livestock in Canada (see FOI response A2022-00201 / MD here).

CFIA is now the "lead agency" in Canada on the supposed "H5N1" health threat.

Jon Rappoport-  Yes, We're Living In A Giant Medical Experiment

"I saw it all unfolding with AIDS and I wrote about what I saw. Then. And ever since. I saw the details, the big picture, the whole enchilada. About 15 years ago, I described exactly how the planners could stage events to make it seem a virus was invading the world...when in fact nothing of the sort was happening.

I'll review that scenario in this podcast, because the planners could be getting set to launch it. Just as they did launch COVID. But this time they'll make it more convincing. I invested a lot of sweat and time and energy uncovering the AIDS hoax, I warned people about the future, and very few alternative press outlets had the courage to pick up my articles."

Majority of US citizens reject arming Israel: Poll
The White House and US Congress have sent unprecedented amounts of weapons to support Israel's genocide of the Palestinians, despite opposition from the US public

Among Democrats, 77 percent said the US should not send weapons, compared to 38 percent of Republicans.

At the same time, 62 percent of US citizens said the US should send humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza, while 38 percent opposed it.


Yemen strikes UK warship in response to Israel's Nuseirat massacre
The Yemeni army said it struck a UK warship, as well as two ships belonging to companies that violated the ban on sailing to Israeli ports, in response to the massacre in central Gaza on Saturday


Putin Takes up Gonzalo Lira Cause 

The Russian president has chided Washington for ignoring the incarceration and killing of American blogger Gonzalo Lira

US journalist Gonzalo Lira. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called out the US government for neglecting to even ask questions after an American journalist was tortured to death in a Ukrainian jail earlier this year.

"They tortured an American journalist to death in a Ukrainian prison, and the US is not even asking what happened to him," Putin said. "No one went to the trouble of asking what actually happened."

Illegals Marching in NYC Usher In Next Phase Of Biden's Color Revolution

"In retrospect, it may seem clear all along that it was the "newcomers" and not the Hamas-indoctrinated college kids who would be the George Floyd rioters of the current season, after having invaded the country to the tune of some 11 million.

The earlier protests were, of course, a test run for Soros-funded organizers to dust off their riot gear and update their four-year-old call lists for when a spontaneous flash-mob is needed, the underlying cause being moot (as many of the terrorist sympathizers demonstrated in on-the-scene interviews)."


Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today.

None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.

What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Below - June 9 - We're Trapped in a Masonic Jewish Solipsism (scroll down)

Men - The Best Companion in the World is YOU

June 9, 2024

Despite the rhetoric, Communist Cabalist cult-ure has dehumanized women to the level of porn stars and whores. 
Having destroyed marriage and family, Feminism has left them with nothing else to offer men.

It started with "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle"  but now it's "a man needs a woman like a fish needs a bicycle." The Internet is alive with women screaming about how men no longer approach them or seek commitment.  Feminism has let men off the hook. They now realize that unless they definitely want a family, young women generally are a trap. The vast majority (not all) are boring and stupid. They were designed by nature to bring up children. This is essential to a healthy society. 

Most of what passes for "love" is sexual desire. Cabalist Jews have turned sex into a religion: Orgasm is a mystical experience and sacrament. We have been inducted into this satanic sex-and-death cult. Hollywood portrayed sex as a panacea. It turned us into sex addicts with mainstream films that verged on porn (i.e. American Pie, Risky Business) Womyn are idealized. Movie intercourse takes place to a chorus of angels. This is Bliss. This is unity with God. We have been brainwashed.

In reality, sexual intercourse is a bodily function no different from defecation unless it celebrates an exclusive bond between a man and a woman. 

Men must stop trying to suck meaning from "relationships."  (Women get meaning from motherhood. Men from protecting and providing for their families. Men also get meaning from their work.) 

Many men have ruined their lives chasing tail. I am one of them. Women need to be enlisted, not petitioned. But who needs them?

By far, the best companion in the world is YOU! 

Men - Design Your Perfect "10" (Updated)

(Updated from 2007 and Nov 20, 2021) 
by Henry Makow Ph.D. 

Lately I have been thinking about a really great woman I knew when I was 24.  I ignored Liz because I wasn't sexually attracted to her. She was pleasant-looking but there was no "chemistry." 

She had many of the qualities in the left-hand column below, and she liked me. But my tastes and even my ideas had been formed by PLAYBOY.   Average-looking women literally were invisible. 

I had been brainwashed by my cult-ure to believe that "sexual attraction" is 90% of what male-female relationships are all about. 

Marriages were based on sexual attraction. You had to live together before marriage to make sure you were "sexually compatible."  Sex was the Holy Grail. Women had the keys!

I was thinking about Liz lately, wondering what her life has been like. Wondering how my life would have been had I responded to her overture. 

It must be hard for really great women to be ignored just because they aren't "hot." All women are beautiful in the act of love. Their face is a light show. 

Men search in vain for a porn model that turns them on. None do because there is no emotional connection. What we really seek is femininity, charm and personality.

I was thinking about Liz because at age 74, I realize that sex is only part of a good marriage. And good sex isn't dependent on sex appeal. There is no greater turn-on than the look of love in a woman's eyes. We seek intimacy, not physical release. 

You don't need sexual attraction to have a great marriage and great sex. My cult-ural brainwashing cost me a normal sex life and family because overvaluing sex emasculates a man. Women are hypergamous. A man undermines himself when he puts a woman on a pedestal.


Our cult-ure is besotted wth sex.  It wasn't until I was 50 that I realized female beauty and character were not connected. I was so brainwashed by the movies, and PLAYBOY that attributed a moral quality to attractive women. Most (not all) sexually attractive women are vacuous. 

"Beauty is only skin deep," I told my third wife, the Filipina. "You taught me that."

Our cult-ure is run by a satanic cult which dehumanizes women. Women and now young girls are taught that their only value lies in their sex appeal. When sex was tied to marriage, their measure was as wives and mothers. Now they're strippers & porn stars. 

Femininity is modest. There is a gaping hole where femininity used to be. The world is starved for it.  


Men today see women as sex objects. Men are dogs and women are fire hydrants. Men can't form honest relationshiops because they don't see women as people.

Sex without love and commitment is dehumanizing.  Satanists use sex to control and degrade us.

"We corrupt in order to control," is their motto. 

Many people are sexually attractive. But we can love very few, and very few can love us. These are the only people we should have sex with.

When you love someone, you really want their happiness. It's not just what they can give you. 

What if I knew all this back then? I wouldn't have had three failed marriages by the age of 50, two largely based on sexual attraction.  

I am happily married now but how different my life might have been. I might have had a family. 

My 22-year fourth marriage has taught me that marital partners cannot be custom-designed, as the hypothetical exercise below assumes. People come fully formed. You cannot choose options as with a car. You enjoy the good and put up with the bad. And they with you.

We also have a tendency to look for our male or female counterpart, our "soul mate."  I have been more successful with someone who is not like me, but rather complements me. For example, I have no patience for "technology" but my wife is a techie.

lillian_hellman_5108.jpgThe thought of being married to my female counterpart (left) horrifies me. In general, a man needs to accept his wife on her own terms, and be patient and nurturing. Never let her control you. Meet her reasonable demands.

Finally, if I were designing a spouse from the list below, I would not choose sex appeal at all. I would choose all ten great personality traits. Sex is mostly in the mind. You can shut your eyes and have great sex, especially when your partner has the wonderful qualities listed below.

How could you not love such a human being?  Having sex used to be called "making love."

Men, Design your perfect "10" 

You can choose 10 of the 20 qualities listed below.  If you choose only from the right-hand column, you will get the woman in the picture above, but she will have none of the qualities in the left-hand column. Put another way, what are you willing to give up for sex appeal? Write and tell me your answer. Give your age. (

Character  (Honest, Fair)                         Sex Appeal

Personality (Cheerful & fun)                     Sex Appeal

Great Sense of Humor                             Sex Appeal

Intelligent and reasonable                        Sex Appeal

Skills & Talents                                       Sex Appeal

Warm and loving                                     Sex Appeal

Devoted & Loyal                                      Sex Appeal

Common Beliefs & Interests                     Sex Appeal
Great conversation.

Incredible Cook & Homemaker
Good mother to your children.                  Sex Appeal

Unselfish, Interested in Others                 Sex Appeal

We have been satanically possessed by Cabalism 

First Comment by Wade

Have not emailed in a while. You asked for your reader's response. I am 75 married 24 years to my 3rd. wife who is 46. I married the first two times based on sex appeal. My current wife and I have worked together every day for 30 years and still do. I am not retired. I still ride my Harley. Upon first meeting my current wife I was not attracted to her at all, (not my type I thought) but I greatly admired her non-sexual attributes. We became close friends long before romance.

I took your test and checked every thing on the left side and was not willing to give up any left side attributes for sex appeal. I am sure I would not have had the wisdom to answer your test in that manner when I was a younger man. It is not that sex is no longer important to me. I mean I have a 46 year old wife to keep me young. It is just that with time, and much costly and painful experience the left side of your test is clearly all that really matters.

It would be great to devise some way that this wisdom could be imparted to young men before they marry for the 1st. time. Not easily accomplished. Thanks for a very helpful article for your readers.

Ken Adachi wrote:

Women already possess all the sex appeal they need by virtue of being born a woman. It's what they do with the equipment after its issued that makes the difference in what sort of man they wind up with (and I'm not talking about plastic surgery or any primitive alterations to the body; e.g. tattoos, ..ugh).

The Universal Law of Cause & Effect is always in play, 24/7, in every dimension of reality, whether it's the 3rd or the 5th; the same spiritual rules apply. You reap what you sow.

Decent men are attracted to a decent woman because of their decent behavior and attitudes. Women who throw away their self-respect by talking, acting, dressing, or behaving coarsely, wind up with the sort of guy who's turned on by vulgarity and cheapness. Is that who they want for a husband (or unmarried "partner") and father of their kids?

If she shows off her body in public at every opportunity, then she's TRYING to attract a lot of basic, Neanderthals types. Is that who YOU want for your wife and the mother of your kids?

It's how feminine a woman acts, feels and behaves that motivates normal, decent guys. Normal men are as excited by a small breasted woman as they are by large breasted women if the woman looks, acts, and thinks like the soft, loving and vulnerable gift to mankind that they were meant to be by Divine Plan ~ then it's "Bingo": every single time.

It's that gentility, sweetness, and devotion to that one special man that makes life a gift from one end to the other. Look at Audrey Hepburn. A small body in every department, yet how feminine and desirable she was for millions of men BECAUSE of her innate feminine qualities in both appearance and behavior. Sex is God's way to show us the Light about the more important roles of love, honor - and above all -  the heart, in our lives. 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Men - The Best Companion in the World is YOU"

Tony said (June 10, 2024):

Love and sex are extremely powerful drugs when you're young. They work as baits to get you to participate in producing and raising a new generation of slaves for the farm. That's the sole purpose.

It loses its appeal as we age for the simple reason that the drug loses its potency, for should the elderly bring a child to the farm, he/she wouldn't have enough time left to raise the new slave. As simple as that. Everything else is BS.

As Carles Fort used to say, the earth is a farm. We are someone else's property.

JM said (November 22, 2021):

Your article made me think of the quote attributed to Socrates:

"By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."


I doubt very much that the quote is authentic, but rather based on the (apparently controversial in itself) character of his wife, Xanthippe, who, it is said, he married knowing full well her difficult nature. Still, I believe the thought behind the quote has merit, at least for some individuals. In my own case I can say that over more than 70 years the situations that have been most unpleasant have also resulted in the greatest enlightenment, and for that I'm grateful.

Tao said (May 7, 2020):

Firstly, I'd like to thank you for your tremendous insights in regards to relationships and love.

I'm a 25 year old from South Africa - and your insights have resulted in me having a profound paradigm shift, because what you say is true, feminism, and our brainwashed understanding of love and relationships, has lead to many broken hearts.

For example, I dated an older woman for three and a half years, starting when I was twenty-one - and much of what I thought was love was merely sexual attraction, because I was madly hooked onto her looks and sex appeal.

I was convinced I couldn't be with a woman who didn't make my hormones rage, but now I understand that's a fools errand.

Sacrificing character for sex appeal is a recipe for disaster! Finding a helpmate instead of a soul mate not only intuitively feels right, it makes a tremendous lot of sense, and on reflection, I realize that what fundamentally caused my relationship to fail was because it was based on sexual attraction.

I will carry your words with me forever, as I continue to seek the companionship of a woman who wants to serve me and my goals as I help her do the same.

Thank you for your advice. It has changed my life.

Jared said (April 22, 2020):

agree with the core of the article. Here is my list of non-negotiable
desires for a wife:

Bible thumper conservative believer

anti-feminist (willing to submit)

healthy body weight (indicative of her ability to care)

Under 25 (prime fertility years are 18-26 & I desire healthy children)

Caucasian (as am I)

Did not ride the carousel (still able to bond)

Only 6 requirements yet virtually Impossible to find today so I refuse
to marry as I nourish and cherish myself (Eph 5:29 - def love).

I am completely convinced that if a woman were to do what is right, she
would almost certainly be beautiful and could attract and marry a Godly

The problem is women choose otherwise.

JP said (April 22, 2020):

Hi Henry

Great article

I am 45 years old

1 Personality

2 warm & loving

3 devoted and loyal

4 good mother to children

(Not interested in cooking, that should be a separate category)

5 unselfish

6,7,8,9,10 Sex appeal!

David N said (April 22, 2020):

Thank you for your 04/21/2020 story. We're ten years apart and I learned the lesson your teaching in the story when, of all things, it was PB mag that I detested.

It seemed to me to be a fake lifestyle that I didn't see in my father, so I didn't take part in it. But to my chagrin, when I got older my dad spoke to me about "titty bars" and I was embarrassed and appalled. Then wondered in my twenties what have I missed..... I came to find out that I probably missed out on an STD.

But I wanted to say thank you because I hadn't thought about it like that for years and your ending to the story made me appreciate where I am at sixty years old.

Thank you again for the story, as it's the first time I've ever read your material.

William D said (April 21, 2020):

I gave up looking for the perfect 10 long ago, after the woman I married with the" China doll" face took me to the cleaners. It ruined my attitude toward women and I never remarried, although I've had a few girlfriends along the way. I came close to getting serious with one a few years ago who was 12 years younger until I caught her texting another guy while we were out for the weekend.

I'm in my late 60s now and my libido has thankfully waned a lot. I've travelled a good bit and found I enjoy teaching, but who knows what new rules have in store for us. It sounds like I followed the same flawed plan early on that you did. Thanks for sharing.

Ryan M said (April 21, 2020):

Great post today on your website, at 40, I completely concur with your assessment.

Men are wise to minimize their exposure to the attractive unclad woman they aren’t married to. If Samson, David, and Solomon couldn’t handle it, no wise man today thinks he can either.

At the risk of being called a prude - which bothers me not at all because I only need one friend when I die: my conscience - permit me to relate that it was an admirable habit my parents taught me and my 17 siblings growing up to never go to the gym, swimming pool or beach. They also didn’t have a television in the home, and wouldn’t let us watch movies or listen to popular music, though we often tried to pursue it on our own.

It would have been wonderful if every parent in America trained their children like the Founder of Kellogg’s raised his. He understood that masturbation was wicked, today, society lies to us and says it’s wonderful.

Kellogg’s ideas on eugenics and on only copulating for procreation are off, but every single other idea he had was spot on. In light of globalist bankers trying to use many non-whites to overwhelm America with their Anti-American ideology, it’s something to consider.

Also, I’ve found the Transformed Wife website to be a treasure trove of wisdom from women who are dedicated wives and mothers, a welcome breath of fresh air in the poisonous feminist stench men in America have been breathing for so long.

Below- Patrick O'Carroll- Toxic Ingredients in Vaccines (scroll down)

June 9 - We're Trapped in a Masonic Jewish Solipsism

(In a solipsism, reality is redefined to conform with partisan self-interest) 

Whether it's the Left (Communist) or Right (Zionist) wing of the Masonic Jewish dialectic, Humanity is trapped in the self-serving Cabalist Jewish Mission to enslave and dispossess mankind through plandemics, vaccines, financial crises, and contrived wars. 

In a solipsism, reality is redefined to conform to the magalomaniacal Jewish narrative that Jews are "chosen" by God. This narrative which jeopardizes all Jews states for example, that Gaza is "self defence" and not genocide, "vaccines" are "safe and effective" and homosexuality is natural. 

Whether it's Zionism or Communism, the Jewish narrative is enforced by censorship, smears, loss of employment and even murder. The Masonic Jewish agenda is to destroy Western civilization.
This satanic inversion of truth and goodness is the real meaning of "revolution." As before, Jewish dupes will be Satanists' scapegoats for WW3 and the NWO.

Do you think Russian warships headed for Cuba and Venezuela are carrying missiles? 

Russia ready to arm US enemies - Medvedev
Washington's arming of Ukraine is about to backfire, the former Russian president has warned

"Now, may the United States and its allies experience firsthand the direct use of Russian weapons by third parties," Medvedev added. "These persons, or regions have been intentionally left unnamed, but it can be all those who consider the Yankeeland & Co their enemy, regardless of their political outlook and international recognition."

"Their enemy is the US, and that means, to us they are friends."
Kids ARRESTED AND JAILED For Leaving Scooter Skid Marks On 'Pride' Road Mural

A nineteen-year-old and two other teenage children have been arrested for leaving scooter skid marks on a LGBTQ flag painted on a road intersection in Spokane, Washington.

Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech  by Greg Reese

The Moderna patent for this mRNA technology stated that they contain self-assembling lipid nanoparticle technology. And now that an estimated six hundred million doses have been administered to the US public, Bill Gates admits this.

"Making the mRNA is really easy and really cheap. And that's the magic of this thing. But there's no doubt in the next five years, we can, you know, we just need to mess around. There's a lot of lipid nanoparticles, and some are very self-assembling. There's no inherent reason [that] it's not thermal stable, it's not cheap and it's not scalable. And so, as over the five years we fix that part of it, mature it, which is very typical, we'll be able to build factories worldwide that can make $2 vaccines with even less lead time than we've had to have here during this pandemic." --Bill Gates

German politician flees to Russia
Former AfD member Olga Petersen has claimed that the authorities in Hamburg were planning to seize her children

Macron building 'coalition' to send troops into Ukraine
The French president has claimed that several allies have already agreed to deploy military trainers in the former Soviet republic

French President Emmanuel Macron has gone beyond merely talking about the possibility of deploying NATO troops in Ukraine, taking steps to form a coalition of military trainers who would work inside the former Soviet republic preparing Kiev's soldiers to fight Russian forces. "We want to have a coalition for reasons of efficiency, and several of our partners have already given their agreement," Macron told reporters on Friday in Paris. "We will use the coming days to finalize the largest possible coalition capable of responding to Ukraine's request."


Israeli using AI to generate fake support for genocide on social media

In the world's eye, Israel has gone from being victims of genocide to perpetrators.


Left, Branco is officially a Zionist rep for the Masonic Jew World Order

Houthis target ships in Haifa Harbor

However, the Israel Defense Forces had quickly issued a statement denying that there was any successful strike on Haifa port, which is in the north. "It's not true," a military spokesman said. Reaching Haifa would have indeed been a significant long-range achievement, but there's as yet no evidence of this.

They're not contagious

Dr. Mike Yeadon: You're Being Lied to About Chicken Influenza
The same thing appears to be happening again. Oddly enough, it's precisely the same cast of characters as last time.


Destroying India's Democracy From Within

The husband of an outspoken anti-World Economic Forum (WEF) lawmaker has been found murdered in his car after being strangled to death with a zip tie. Italian MEP Francesca Donato revealed this week that her husband, Angelo Onorato, was found dead in his vehicle.

Onorato's body was found with something tightly wrapped around his neck, signaling a murder. Donato rose to prominence for her vocal activism against the WEF's globalist agenda.

She has become a thorn in the side of Klaus Schwab and his allies by standing firmly against the mass Covid mRNA vaccine campaign, the WEF's "Net Zero" climate agenda, and the Western funding if Ukraine's war with Russia.

The Member of the European Parliament has frequently warned that Schwab and the globalists are pushing the world into World War Three so they can enslave what remains of humanity.

(If they would only stop killing Christ today, we might forgive them)

Sheinbaum labeled Mexico's Trudeau

Mexico's Leftist President-Elect Gathers Latin American Socialist Leaders, as Opposition Candidate Demands Recount, Another Mayor Is Killed, and the Panicked Market Melts

On today's FAR, we look at the recent selection of Mexico's latest president, Claudia Sheinbaum. In a country that's 80% Catholic, a Jewish, progressive, pro-abortion, climate change and vaccine pusher was "elected"  as the "Southern Trudeau."

cgilandscape comment-

"Russ, you mentioned that we have to feel sorry for Biden in his pitiful state. I have to disagree, I don't feel sorry for a traitorous scumbag that sold out his country and race while presiding over the murder of innocent people in Palestine. Actually, I see Genocide Joe's dementia as being punishment for his many transgressions.

In a just world, Biden, Trump, Netanyahu, Fauci, Bill Gates, and most of the US Congress and Senate would be tried for crimes against humanity and publically executed. And the Crime Syndicate would be hunted down and exterminated by the likes of Delta Force and Seal Team 6. But that is only in my dreams lol. Russ, good diet and regular exercise will go a long way to preventing you from gettig dementia like Genocide Joe, there are many people Biden's age and older who are in good health and mentally sharp like Joel Skousen, Ron Paul, Gerald Celente and Judge Andrew Napolitano. You can age gracefully and pass on peacefully in your sleep if you take care of yourself, but most people do not that is why they have so many health problems. Plus they take vaccines and prescriptions meds which makes things worse.

As far as Palestine is concerned, it looks like Israel will win and annex the place because the rest of the Muslim world with the exception of Houthis and Hezbollah is just standing by like cowards and doing nothing, but this is typical of genocides. No one did anything during the Armenian genocide, Rwandan Genocide or the Genocide in Darfur, which is ongoing and few are talking about. I am disgusted with Iran and Turkey especially, they could send an army into Palestine to protect the Palestinian people if they really wanted but they do not. I agree with Robert that Iran is probably controlled by the Crime Syndicate and so is Turkey. In response to Sand's statement above, I guess the Jews must be God's chosen people huh, how else do they always seem to win and get their way? Isn't it amazing how they are such a small population of Mexico and other nations yet always seem to end up in positions of power? And they always seem to run the financial system of every country they end up in? If they are God's chosen people then I say F God, simple as that." 

Organized Jewry is Satan's Chosen.  Don't blame God for Satanist sins.

(by way of deception...reputation as liars is well deserved)

BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions

In a contentious case involving the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs versus the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the court has declared that mRNA COVID-19 injections do not qualify as vaccines under traditional medical definitions.


Elon Musk's AI chatbot accidentally discloses his plans for Nuclear War 

"Starship is not capable of reaching Mars" but is "to sway the balance of nuclear war and allow the U.S. to construct a space-based missile defense system."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "June 9 - We're Trapped in a Masonic Jewish Solipsism"

WB said (June 9, 2024):

The Democrats are so stupid. They voted in the man who is making sure that Gaza becomes part of Israel.

The Palestinian protests in DC won't amount to squat.

They forgot the big man gets ten percent. Only one power on earth can ensure he gets that. Biden is a whore for money. The Jews know this. You think Biden would side with broke ass Arabs when the greatest money power in human history opens it's checkbook?

The Palestinians will soon have a new place to live. Canada, the US, and areas in Europe will become their new digs. The ones that refuse will be bombed into oblivion by the IDF.

The Arab rulers will do nothing as none of them would be in power without Jewish financial power. You think the Jews of Riyadh would still be in power without their help? Yes, the House of Saudi is Jewish, even though they proclaim themselves Muslim. You think XI or Putin would still be in power without their say so?

Things are now going to play out just the way they want. It has been that way for 2000 years. The Romans and the Mongols both had one thing in common, Jewish paymasters.

From the Venetians to the French, the Prussians to the Brits, no empire was built without their help.
If the Jews want world war it will be so. If not, they are the only power on earth that can stop it.
So here we go.

Below- Reply from an American Jewish Woman (scroll down)

Patrick O'Carroll - Toxic Ingredients in "Vaccine" BioWeapons

June 8, 2024

AyoubDavid.png(l. David Ayoub, MD)

When Rockefeller scientists "study" human reproduction, 
or viruses, or ANYTHING for that matter, they are not trying 
to HELP people but they are looking for ways to 


By Patrick O'Connell

 For at least 30 years, Dr David Ayoub MD has been on a crusade against bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines"). 

In 2005, he gave his most famous lecture at Dr Stanley Monteith's Radio Liberty Conference in Aptos CA, which is synopsized below.

In the video, you can see that he was proved RIGHT in most of what he said, particularly about the genocidal and sterilizing aspects of the bioweapons agenda:

In 1972, the Rockefeller "Commission on Population Growth and the American Future" submitted a major report to the Nixon Regime. Basically, this report concluded that the USA has "population problems" but that the American people should not be notified of any of the US Regime's depopulation plans.

Later, Kissinger's 1974 National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) focused on "international political and economic implications of population growth". 

This study was dated 24 Apr 1974 but it remained top-secret for 15 years, i.e. not getting declassified until 1989. It was ultimately a Rockefeller document and it was signed by Rockefeller protégé and Rockefeller-Agent Heinz-Alfred Kissinger (nickname Henry).

Interestingly, in 1911, Rockefeller scientist Francis-Peyton Rous discovered that a chicken tumor was caused by a virus, called an oncovirus. Because he was an inept lackey who served the Talmudic "new" world order, he was awarded the Nobel "Medicine" Prize in 1966, although he failed the main Rothschild-criterion by not being Jewish.

Rous's work was the main reason why the carcinogenic Simian Virus 40 (SV40) was placed in polio bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") in the 1950s and in the Pfizer and Moderna versions of the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB.


The innate immune system uses antibodies to destroy all sorts of things it deems undesirable.

But one goal of bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") is to trick the immune system into attacking the body's own reproductive hormones so as to disrupt pregnancy. 
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by the fetus in the early days of pregnancy.
Pregnancy tests use it to detect pregnancy. Since the 1990s, bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") have contained hCG ANTIBODIES for stealth-abortion.

From a diabolical viewpoint, the "advantage" is that the victim will not even know that she was in fact pregnant.

bill-gates-admits-the-shots-contain-nanotech-scaled.pngIn 1995, a BBC film ("The Human Laboratory") showed how 75 percent of vials of a tetanus bioweapon (disguised as a "vaccine") given to Filipino women in a WHO-Unicef program were contaminated with these hCG antibodies.

Thanks to such bioweapons programs, the average Philippines fertility rate dropped from 7 in 1960 to 2.1 in 2010.


All the "regulatory" agencies consider mercury a potential genocide agent.

Nowadays, all bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") contain over 50,000 ppb (parts per billion) of mercury. The consumer "protection" agencies are bribed to ignore this, even as they simultaneously prohibit more than 2 ppb in water; or more than 1450 ppb in fish; and even more than 200 ppb in what gets classified as "toxic waste".

That means if a vial of bioweapon (disguised as "vaccine") smashes on the floor, it is treated as "toxic waste", but the Big Pharma Mafia, your "benign" Regime, the "regulators", and consumer "protection" labs are "comfortable" about injecting over 50,000 ppb of mercury into infants (meaning they are comfortable with open genocide).

Mercury is an abortifacient, i.e. it induces miscarriages and (spontaneous) abortions. Since the 1990s, bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") have contained mercury under the "harmless-sounding" label THIOMERSAL or THIMEROSAL. Prior to 2000, women were mostly sterilized by mercury-amalgam fillings.

A study by Gerhard in 1998 showed that women who could not get pregnant, or who had repeated miscarriages, had over twice the amount of mercury in their urine than the average (mainly from dental amalgams).

A major Hong Kong study showed that mercury succeeded in reducing sperm-count and sperm-motility in males.

Mercury poisoning is also called ACRODYNIA and it was found to cause sterility. A 2002 study found that mercury poisoning caused the following increases: 1.6x miscarriage, 2.1x infertility, 2.9x stillbirth, and 3.3x male fertility. This 2002 study showed the REASON why bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") contain mercury. And that reason is because mercury is a MEANS toward achieving stealth-depopulation.

Naturally, your "benign" Regime never thought of notifying you that these results clearly implied that you need to avoid bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") like the plague. That means your "benign" Regime is trying to kill you.

A 2005 study of 22,000 Amish people in Lancaster PA showed only three cases of autism:
The first was in a person who had an acute vaccine reaction; the second in a vaccinated person; and the third in an adopted child from China. This study is discussed here:
Many cases of autism are reversible with the help of chelation, which reduces heavy-metals in the victim.


Rockefeller-funded scientists found aluminum makes the genocide-agent mercury much more deadly.

That is the reason why bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") contain both mercury (Thiomersal) and "adjuvants" such as aluminum, that are generally disguised as "preservatives" but are in fact designed to enhance the toxicity of the mercury so that the two together (mercury and aluminum) can synergistically achieve a higher kill-count.

Many studies show that women suffered miscarriages or (spontaneous) abortions within days after taking a flu bioweapon or a HepB bioweapon (both of course disguised as "vaccines").


GAVI is a genocide organization that masquerades as the global "alliance" for "vaccines" and "immunization".

GAVI only thinks about "improving the world" by injecting the Goyim "Livestock" with bioweapons, but it always "forgets" to provide cod-liver oil, water, sanitation, or improvements to crops in those countries in which it is active.

The GAVI "alliance" was launched in 1999 and it comprises most of the organizations, groups and agencies that the Rockefeller-Kissinger 1974 NSSM 200 proposed: NGOs, the UN's Worst Hell Organization (WHO), the World Bank, Unicef, the Bill & "Male Linda" Gates Foundation, and makers of bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") ...

GAVI manifests a major satanic inversion by promoting genocide under the guise of "extending longevity".In the longer term, GAVI wants coercive population control, coercive abortion, coercive sterilization etc.

There are already very many birth-control bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines"). In 1919, Rockefeller-funded eugenicist Margaret Sanger synopsized to the whole world the KEY EUGENICIST IMPERATIVE: "More children from the fit; less children from the unfit; this is the chief issue of birth control".


In 2005, Gary Null established that the leading cause of death in the USA is medicine (including iatrogenic errors) which counted 783,936 deaths annually, followed by heart-disease (699,647), followed by cancer (553,251).

Journalist Shannon Brownlee asked: "When industry has penetrated every level of medicine from the lab bench, to the FDA advisory panels, from the pages of the medical journals to your doctor's prescription-pad, how are physicians to make [proper] decisions about treating their patients?"

From the point of view of PROPER HEALTH, an ideal world would be a world in which doctors were broke. At 1:20 in the latter link, Dr Ayoub quotes a press-release dated 29 Aug 2005 by the UN's Worst Hell Organization (WHO), which stated that over 750,000 "vaccinators" were unleashed on Indonesia to inject bioweapons into 24 million children under the age of five IN ONE DAY. 


In many bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines"), the real genocidal payload is by contamination of the vial. 
The Rockefeller Death-Care-Business is all about genocide but it fools many by masquerading as "philanthropic".

The Rockefeller Death-Care-Business likes to blame autism on "genetics" but if "genetics" were the REAL cause, then the incidence of autism would have remained roughly constant since 1870, instead of increasing 10,000-fold.

When Rockefeller scientists "study" human reproduction, or viruses, or ANYTHING for that matter, they are not trying to HELP people but they are looking for ways to STERILIZE, DEBILITATE, and GENOCIDE them.

The best way to commit genocide is to mobilize the "government" and its corrupt puppeticians to do the job.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Patrick O'Carroll - Toxic Ingredients in "Vaccine" BioWeapons"

RH said (June 8, 2024):

My guess is that your average day to day reader understands the actions of pharmakeia; that it is fait accompli. We resign ourselves to that end. We place the blame on the right people, not the messengers.

Now imagine trying to inform the general population, who does not read your website, this is happening! They would think you are a crazy conspiracy theorist who should be locked up. If they die suddenly, get turbo-cancer, or abort their pregnancies, they are without a clue that it may have been made so by their kindly leaders. Instead, they would attack you for your claims! "Follow the science," they say.

And then again, now that we know, what do we do?

June 7 - Tucker Carlson is False Opposition (scroll down)

Liz Glass - A Jewish Reader Replies

June 7, 2024

(left, Liz Glass)


The Jewish Plot to Destroy Christian Civilization

"The first task of Our World Revolution is Destruction," 
Nahum Goldman, founder of the World Jewish Congress

Liz Glass became an activist when she had to pull her children 
out of school to prevent them from being vaccinated. She is probably the only American Jewish Woman who could agree with this article which states that
Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is a satanic cult.

By Elizabeth Glass

As you are aware, most folks cannot get their heads around the information you're sharing. The vast majority do not have the stomach to face these truths, or are too busy being broke or grief-stricken to even try. 

Also, most Jews are like my family - very nice - and the average gentile will balk at your posts (although many ARE becoming cognizant of our ZOG, Jewish supremacy, etc). 

Or, since you are from a Jewish family, they'll think there's something else going on...when (sadly) your information is factually correct. 

I agree that a certain subset of Jews are Luciferians - every copy of the Talmud and Zohar should be torched - and the central bankers are psychopaths, but two questions: 

1) Do the religious groups and bankers work well together? No. 
2) What is the endgame...their ultimate goal? A NWO with enslaved, jabbed gentiles? A heterosexual-free communist Hunger Games society? 

If you look at the research of Alison McDowell (, James Scott ( and others, and analyze certain scientific and government websites, studies, etc: it appears the goal is a world run by a global AI brain populated by bug-like humans

What was the purpose of jabbing BILLIONS of humans? According to a Dutch study only 4.22% of the batches of shots were deadly. So what was the real reason? 

The goal was to get nanoparticles into people...but what about the anti-vaxxers? In the same way pro-shot people were tricked into injecting nanoparticles, anti-shot folks have been scammed into consuming nano-containing Ivermectin, HCQ, Zeolite, CBD, Shilajit, Methylene Blue, and more.

These nanoparticles - which are in almost everything (why seven corporations control food manufacturing and herbalists, etc are being targeted) - fuel the biodigital convergence, or transhumanism. 


Which country is spearheading transhumanism? No surprise...Israel: 

Just like how the C19 shot was supposed to be a miracle, marketing of the biodigital convergence makes it sound terrific...when - in actuality - it is literally destroying the human race.

To be fair, these technologies are being developed all over the world, not just in Israel. Israel is creating the garbage, but nearly every government is eating it. 

I haven't covered this so much: humanity is being psychically destroyed, and it's critical for people to lift themselves find spiritual connection to the Earth, strength within themselves, and grasp the incredible power of our minds. 

The bad guys - Kabbalists and high-level Freemasons - are cognizant of these powers. The power itself is not bad, but they use it for nefarious purposes. 

These nanomaterials: it's in our air, water, has been happening under our noses for many years. Sadly, there's nothing that can be's like an invisible hook has been attached to our backs, ready to hang us in a metaverse closet.

However, we haven't been hung yet: the SMART City infrastructure is not complete. 

The solution: work at the local level to educate our community about the biodigital convergence and destroy the SMART infrastructure - cameras, 5G/6G, SMART meters, etc - by any means necessary. 

Liz Glass became an activist when two of her four children were kicked out of school due to the Repeal of the Religious Exemption S2994/A2371 - the forced vaccination law - a bill sponsored by her state senator. After learning NYC children were getting deadly shots at school without parental knowledge or consent, she decided to challenge him. Despite being an unknown, inexperienced candidate, she scored 34% of the in-person vote in the June 2020 Democratic primary, a victory highlighting cracks in the globalists' armor."
IG: @glass_for_sovereignty
Twitter: glasselizabeth

First Comment from AL-

Sadly, there's nothing that can be done.."  she says just like Celeste Solum who accidentally leaked out that Darpa knows that BORAX fights against the poison shots then neglected to elaborate.

"MOCKERY OF THE VICTIM" is what they are doing.  The truth is as long as we are alive we can do SOMETHING, only when we are dead we can do nothing.  Not so long ago before men were neutered by communism people formed posses.  Protocol 5 of Learned Elders of Zion - "...THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN PERSONAL INITIATIVE..".

(5min Karen Kingston explains Mockery of the victim)

The Amish are doing something by staying out of our satanic system and they have no autism, no cancer and no diabetes in their community.  We can all take notes from the Amish.

Comprehensive study: There are ZERO Amish kids suffering from cancer, diabetes or autism:

Amish Farmer Sentenced to 6 Years In Prison For Cancer Cure:

I found this 2021 Study on Eggs... Did you see this?:

Eggs can stop the spike protein! This study from the GOVERNMENT APPROVED WEBSITE lays it all out and it makes you wonder why the egg factories and burning down.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Liz Glass - A Jewish Reader Replies "

Mike Stone said (June 8, 2024):

really liked the article by Liz Glass. Love seeing people take action like she did. And what she said about nanotechnology in the fake vaccines . . . Did Bill Gates just admit this?

Below- June 5 - Rothschild's Third Masonic-Jewish World War is Starting (scroll down)

Tattoos Signal Satanic Possession in South Korea

June 5, 2024

One-third of Korea's adult population, 
or some 13 million people, 
have tattoos as of the end of 2022, 
according to data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

From a reader-

Hi Henry, I am a longtime reader, 41 male. I have been traveling in South Korea and I've noticed many young women have grotesque tattoos on their forearms and chest, even face tattoos! 

The young men are also heavy on tattoos and it seems 1 out of 5 have them. Particularly ugly tattoos that don't make any sense. 

One guy had in tiny layers "Satan" under his eye. Kid you not. The foreign women who are living here are often white with nose rings and tattoos and dressed provocatively. They definitely look like the modern feminist. 

Interestingly most young people are holding hands and in relationships as if it was the 1950s, but they are pushing baby strollers with Pomeranians or other small dogs. I got a haircut from a local Korean guy aged 29 who told me that Koreans have decided to be the last generation and will no longer have children. This is all so fucking bizarre.

I wanted to share this because I suspected they have been infiltrated by something related to all of this madness happening in the world. It's been very disturbing to see this and I grew up in a generation that was already messed up. 

South Koreans are known to work extremely hard. And long hours. To raise baby dogs in strollers for the next generation? Makes 0 sense. 

To specify the tattoo situation - it's all over the country but the area to see the most is near universities and city centers. Particularly they are western style, upside down crosses, guns; one guy had a man holding a gun with a ski mask on his wrist; a girl with what appears to be an angry demon on her throat; a man with a demon on the back of his head. You can't even make this up. And it has nothing to do with yakuza or organized crime, this is the NORM! 

Lastly, I went on a date with a Korean woman who told me she is disgusted by babies and children. She attends church every Sunday and is an ATHEIST! 

So what I see is this cancer of the West is spreading in eastern countries sadly, where they used to be known for being traditional and conservative. It's truly disgusting and tragic. 

I was reading that "Japanese are becoming more open with tattoos now" and in my opinion women in particular have no business sporting masculine tattoos across their body or any tattoos for that matter. It's just a sign of moral decay which is clearly in its infancy stages across Asia. 


First Comment from Alex- 

I am writing you now to confirm what your reader in Korea recently wrote. Things have gotten much, much worse since I wrote "the Illuminist Hand in South Korea" back in 2009. You see this with how much the cultural scene has degenerated here, how disrespectful the young have become, and how demoralized everyone and everything in general is. Young girls in middle and high school dress like absolute sluts. Though they still wear school uniforms, their hemlines go straight up to their crotch. A lot of boys here are porn addicts, thanks to access to smartphones and no supervision from their parents. The parents here just don't care. Disciplining children in schools has all but been banned for the past decade. 

Organized Jewry Controls Most Governments

April 14, 2024


Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society - Floods US with 3rd world invaders & terrorists. List of local offices.

March 23, 2024

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Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society - Floods US with 3rd world invaders & terrorists.

Mayorkas is on their board!

HIAS Resettlement Partners

Here they are, #GabFam. They should know how we feel about them aiding the invasion of our nation.

Arizona: Jewish Family & Children's Services of Southern Arizona (Tucson) - 520-795-0300
California: Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay (Concord) - 925-927-2000
Jewish Family & Children's Service of Long Beach and Orange County - 562-427-7916
Jewish Family Service of San Diego - 858-637-3030
Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley (Los Gatos) - 408-556-0600
Colorado: Jewish Family Service of Colorado (Denver) - 303-597-5000
Connecticut: Jewish Family Services of Greenwich - 203-622-1881
Delaware: Jewish Family Services of Delaware (Wilmington) - 302-478-9411
Florida: Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services (Clearwater and North Port) - 727-479-1800
Jewish Community Services of South Florida (Miami)* - 305-576-6550
Illinois: JCFS Chicago (Skokie) - 312-357-4800
Maine: Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine (Portland) - 207-772-1959
Massachusetts: Jewish Family Service of Metrowest (Framingham) - 508-875-3100
Jewish Family Service of Western Massachusetts (Springfield) - 413-737-2601
Michigan: Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor) - 734-769-0209
New York: Jewish Family Services of Western New York (Buffalo and Niagara Falls) - 716-883-1914
Commonpoint Queens (New York City) - 718-268-5057
North Carolina: Carolina Refugee Resettlement Agency (Charlotte) - 704-535-8803
Ohio: May Dugan Center (Cleveland) - 216-631-5800 ext. 123
Jewish Family Services (Columbus) - 614-231-1890
Greater Toledo Newcomer Center powered by Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County - 216-282-1061
Oklahoma: The Synagogue | Congregation B'nai Emunah (Tulsa) - 918-583-7121
Pennsylvania: Jewish Family Service of Greater Harrisburg* - 717-233-1681
HIAS Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) - 215-832-0900
Jewish Family and Community Services (Pittsburgh)- 412-422-7200
Rhode Island: Refugee Dream Center (Providence) - 401-300-0544
Washington: Jewish Family Service of Greater Seattle (Kent) - 253-850-4065
Wisconsin: Jewish Social Services of Madison - 608-278-1808
Texas: HIAS Austin -