
"El papa Francisco ha cambiado la forma de comunicación"

El jesuita argentino Guillermo Ortiz, responsable de la programación en español de Radio Vaticana y que conoce a Jorge Bergoglio desde hace más de 30 años, expresó que, en la nueva forma de comunicación …More
El jesuita argentino Guillermo Ortiz, responsable de la programación en español de Radio Vaticana y que conoce a Jorge Bergoglio desde hace más de 30 años, expresó que, en la nueva forma de comunicación que estableció el papa Francisco, los gestos son casi tan importantes como las palabras.
"El papa Francisco ha cambiado la forma de comunicación. Con los papas anteriores, nuestro trabajo consistía en la traducción de los mensajes, una cosa planificada, con mucha anticipación. Pero ahora no hay textos preparados y tenemos que estar también muy atentos a sus gestos, que no son cosas planeadas con antelación", cuenta Ortiz en una entrevista con Télam desde el Vaticano.
El sacerdote trabaja desde hace seis años junto a otros tres argentinos en Radio Vaticana, que emite en 39 lenguas y 12 alfabetos distintos, y prepara sus programas en 45 redacciones, cubriendo con su trasmisión la mayor parte del mundo para hacer llegar la voz y el mensaje del papa.
Para explicar esa nueva modalidad de …More

Cristina ayudó a elaborar el cáliz que usará el Papa Francisco

La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner recibió en la Casa Rosada al orfebre argentino Juan Carlos Pallarols, quien está confeccionando el cáliz que usará el Papa Francisco durante su Pontificado. …More
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner recibió en la Casa Rosada al orfebre argentino Juan Carlos Pallarols, quien está confeccionando el cáliz que usará el Papa Francisco durante su Pontificado.
La jefa del Estado, en su despacho de Casa de Gobierno, dio el cincelado número 2 millones a la pieza, porque su autor quiso que en su confección participe el pueblo argentino, a través de una técnica que se llama martelé o martillado, informaron fuentes oficiales.
El cáliz tendrá como única figura la imagen de la Virgen Desatanudos en su patena o plato, mientras que la base será obra del cincel de los millones de argentinos, de diversas edades y confesiones religiosas, que están participando activamente en la obra.
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Rouco Varela ensalza la entrega de Ratzinger a la Iglesia en la época nazi

MADRID, 9 May. (EUROPA PRESS) - El cardenal arzobispo de Madrid y presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Española, Antonio María Rouco Varela, ha ensalzado la entrega de Joseph Ratzinger a su vocación …More
El cardenal arzobispo de Madrid y presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Española, Antonio María Rouco Varela, ha ensalzado la entrega de Joseph Ratzinger a su vocación sacerdotal en la época nazi, aun habiendo sido introducido en las juventudes hitlerianas y aun habiendo sido hecho prisionero por los americanos "pasando semanas durmiendo en el suelo de un campo de concentración".
"Un joven alemán de veintitantos años al final de los años cuarenta que nace para la vida de la segunda enseñanza de la universidad con el nacionalsocialismo implantado que tenía una pretensión no solo de monopolio político sino como le pasa al otro totalitarismo de la época, un monopolio cultural y humano completo, pues el nacionalsocialismo no se contentaba con que mandasen ellos en la economía, el Ejército, querían conformarlo, cambiar al hombre, querían una nueva raza incluso", ha recordado Rouco Varela.
Así lo ha indicado durante la presentación de la traducción al español …More
Susy Longoria
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Campaña para “borrar el aborto” en España

MADRID, 09 May. 13 / 04:38 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El martes 14 de mayo, con una gran pancarta que se colocará en su sede, la plataforma Derecho a Vivir presentará su campaña #BorraElAborto, con la …More
MADRID, 09 May. 13 / 04:38 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El martes 14 de mayo, con una gran pancarta que se colocará en su sede, la plataforma Derecho a Vivir presentará su campaña #BorraElAborto, con la que busca reforzar su pedido al gobierno de conseguir una norma de “Aborto cero” en España, tras la reforma ofrecida a la Ley Aído.
La campaña inundará las calles de España con vallas publicitarias pidiendo la desaparición del aborto en el país, y será reforzada también con anuncios en internet, radio y televisión.
La médico pediatra Gádor Joya, portavoz de Derecho a Vivir, pidió al gobierno español que la nueva ley sea una de “aborto cero”, y subrayó la importancia que la norma que trabaja el Ejecutivo, bajo la administración del Partido Popular, afecta al derecho que antecede a todos: el derecho a la vida.
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Susy Longoria
Enhorabuena, pedir a Dios para que esto también se realice en México y se logre el cometido. 👏 👏 👏 👏More
Enhorabuena, pedir a Dios para que esto también se realice en México y se logre el cometido.
👏 👏 👏 👏

Colombia: 19 Priests Killed in 5 Years

Archbishop Jairo Jaramillo Monsalve of Barranquilla, Colombia, presided Wednesday over the funeral of one of his priests, Father José Antonio Valle Bayona, killed violently at the age of 48. He was …More
Archbishop Jairo Jaramillo Monsalve of Barranquilla, Colombia, presided Wednesday over the funeral of one of his priests, Father José Antonio Valle Bayona, killed violently at the age of 48. He was found in a ditch with 17 stab wounds, mostly on his face and neck.
Valle Bayona is the 19th priest to be killed in Colombia in five years. According to the Fides news agency, so far this year, four Colombian priests have been murdered. A priest was murdered in 2012. Six priests and a layman working for the Church were murdered in 2011; three priests and one religious were murdered in 2010; and five priests and another lay worker met a violent death in 2009.
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Republican Congressman: “Mom, Did You Ever Think About Aborting Me?”

The Republican congressman Marlin Stutzman from Indiana has revealed in the Washington Times that in December 1975 he was almost aborted: “Recently, after speaking on the House floor about the horrors …More
The Republican congressman Marlin Stutzman from Indiana has revealed in the Washington Times that in December 1975 he was almost aborted:
“Recently, after speaking on the House floor about the horrors of Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic in Philadelphia, I began wondering if my mother had ever thought about ending her unplanned pregnancy. My parents never gave any indication that it was ever a consideration, but was it?
I gave her a call. When she answered, I talked to her about my speech on the House floor and then asked gently, “Mom, did you ever think about .” There was a tense pause, and then, through tears she said, “Marlin, I’m so sorry!” As we cried together, I was no longer a congressman, but a son understanding for the first time the heartache and struggles my mom had gone through before I was born. As we talked about her fear of driving 40 miles alone, I had to think, «What if a ‘Gosnell‘ clinic was only four miles away instead of 40?»” – Stutzman writes.
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Wyoming Catholic College Student Killed in Hiking Accident

Lander, WY (May 8, 2013) – Wyoming Catholic College administrators learned early this morning that Christine Allen, who had just completed her freshman year at the College, was tragically killed while …More
Lander, WY (May 8, 2013) – Wyoming Catholic College administrators learned early this morning that Christine Allen, who had just completed her freshman year at the College, was tragically killed while returning with her parents to their home in San Luis Obispo, California.
While many details are still unknown, Christine fell to her death during an evening hike with her family on May 7, in San Juan County, UT, near the Kane Creek Campground. Her body has been recovered.
“We are deeply saddened by this tragedy,” said Rev. Robert Cook, President of WCC. “We do not know all of the details at this point, but we are working to find out all that we can. Our College Chaplain, Monsignor Dan Seiker, who is currently near the area of the accident, will provide immediate support to the Allen family.”
“Our prayers and deepest sympathy are with the Allen family, and we ask you to keep them in your prayers.”
A Mass will be offered for Christine and her family today at 5:30PM, at Holy Rosary Catholic …More
Requiescat in pace. 🙏
Bishop-elect Michael Barber, SJ - Press Conference. May 3, 2013.More
Bishop-elect Michael Barber, SJ - Press Conference.
May 3, 2013.
I hope with you, Domsbrat.

Nun, 83, and Two Other Activists Found Guilty

(May 9th, 2013) Sister Megan Rice, 64-year-old Vietnam War veteran Michael Walli, and Greg Boertje-Obed, a 57-year-old, all of them peace-activists, were found guilty Wednesday of intending to harm …More
(May 9th, 2013) Sister Megan Rice, 64-year-old Vietnam War veteran Michael Walli, and Greg Boertje-Obed, a 57-year-old, all of them peace-activists, were found guilty Wednesday of intending to harm national security when they intruded in July onto the Y-12 National Security Complex, a nuclear-weapons production facility in Oak Ridge, Tenn. They cut through four chain-link fences and spray-painted biblical messages of nonviolence on a building that warehouses an estimated 400 tons of highly enriched uranium, the radioactive material used to fuel nuclear weaponry.
In its closing arguments, the defense contended that the activists intruded into Y-12 as a symbolic act in support of the peaceful transformation of nuclear-weapons programs to nonviolent initiatives.
Sentencing for Rice, Walli and Boertje-Obed is expected within four months. Together, the two felonies carry a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison. Defense attorneys have filed a motion for acquittal on the “sabotage” charge …More

Lesbian to Be Honored at Jesuit University of San Francisco

(May 8th, 2013) On May 17, the Jesuit University of San Francisco will hold the 2013 commencement exercises for their School of Nursing and Health Professions. The commencement speaker and recipient of …More
(May 8th, 2013) On May 17, the Jesuit University of San Francisco will hold the 2013 commencement exercises for their School of Nursing and Health Professions. The commencement speaker and recipient of an honorary degree will be Barbara Garcia, director of health at the San Francisco Department of Public Health. She is an open lesbian.
Garcia is well known to the wider public following national news coverage of a decision of the San Francisco board of supervisors that the city’s Healthy San Francisco program will, in addition to coverage for abortion and contraception, provide free “gender reassignment surgery.” As director, Garcia will be in charge of implementing this program.
On November 10, 2012 Gay Star News reported “San Francisco will now offer mastectomies (removal of the breasts), genital reconstructions and other surgeries recommended for some transgender people under the city’s 5-year-old universal health care plan.” Garcia justified the procedures.
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Kenyan Bishops Condemn Condom Ad

(May 9th, 2013) The Catholic Bishops in Kenya are taking a united stand against a series of advertisements by the pro-abortion lobbying group Catholics for a Free Choice promoting condom use in the …More
(May 9th, 2013) The Catholic Bishops in Kenya are taking a united stand against a series of advertisements by the pro-abortion lobbying group Catholics for a Free Choice promoting condom use in the country.
The advertisements read “Good Catholics use Condoms”, and have been seen on billboards across Kenya, as well as appearing in leading newspapers in the country. The US-based “ Catholics for a Free Choice” has repeatedly been condemned by the US Catholic Bishops as not being Catholic, and being an “arm of the abortion lobby.”
“Catholics for choice are not Catholics in the sense of the one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We want those adverts pulled out,” said Cardinal John Njue, the Archbishop of Nairobi, who serves as president of the Kenya Episcopal Conference.
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Invitation to Enda Kenny Draws Ire of Pro-Lifers

Boston College’s invitation to Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny to speak at commencement and receive an honorary degree is drawing opposition from pro-lifers who call the invitation “unconscionable” …More
Boston College’s invitation to Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny to speak at commencement and receive an honorary degree is drawing opposition from pro-lifers who call the invitation “unconscionable” in light of the politician’s push for legal abortion.
Students for Life has launched the project “Not at BC” to oppose Kenny’s appearance at Boston College.
Kenny is making a strong push to legalize abortion in Ireland when the mother’s life is in danger, including when she threatens suicide. The law could force Catholic hospitals to comply with abortions and also lacks individual conscience protections for physicians, nurses and other health care workers.
Kenny has also suggested that pro-life members of parliament may be expelled from his party if they refuse to vote in favor of the abortion legislation.
Students for Life said it is “simply unconscionable” for any college, particularly a Catholic one, to “honor the man who would usher in the mass death of Irish preborn children.”
Students …More

Where are the Christians on burying Tsarnaev?

(May 5, 2013) Cemeteries and even some mosques have refused to take suspected bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s body. His city, Cambridge, has urged family members to bury him elsewhere. Republican U.S. Senate …More
(May 5, 2013) Cemeteries and even some mosques have refused to take suspected bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s body. His city, Cambridge, has urged family members to bury him elsewhere. Republican U.S. Senate candidate Gabriel Gomez and local talk radio host Dan Rae want him dumped in the ocean, like Osama bin Laden. Clergy have largely kept mum.
“The only signs of people who are showing some sort of moral conscience are those few who stand with a card near the funeral home saying (burial) is a corporal work of mercy,” said James Keenan, a moral theologian at Boston College. “To say, ‘we won’t bury him’ makes us barbaric. It takes away mercy, the trademark of Christians. … I’m talking about this because somebody should.”
Christians beyond the Boston area are taking steps to see that Tsarnaev gets a burial. The group Evangelicals for Social Action has collected 42 signatures for a new petition calling on Christian cemeteries to accept Tsarnaev’s body. Paul Keane, originally of Hamden, Conn., …More
It may even be worse. When we hear in the Church that somebody is "compassionate", this means too often, that he promotes evil and fights against what …More
It may even be worse. When we hear in the Church that somebody is "compassionate", this means too often, that he promotes evil and fights against what is good...
Indeed, love the person, but hate the false and erroneous religious ideologies and doctrines. However, there is a unity of value and virtues. One can …More
Indeed, love the person, but hate the false and erroneous religious ideologies and doctrines. However, there is a unity of value and virtues. One can not love without being courageous, wise, temperate, and just. A pacifist seperates love from the other virtues, which becomes a psuedo-love, one that is cowardly, unwise, intemperate and unjust. It is a passivity that allows evil to triumph over good.
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Great History of Typography. A paper-letter animation about the history of fonts and typography. 291 Paper Letters. 2,454 Photographs. 140 hours of work. Created by Ben Barrett-Forrest © Forrest Media …More
Great History of Typography.
A paper-letter animation about the history of fonts and typography.
291 Paper Letters.
2,454 Photographs.
140 hours of work.
Created by Ben Barrett-Forrest
© Forrest Media - 2013 Information Sources: Thinking in Type by Ellen Lupton Just My Type by Simon Garfield If this video sparks any ideas, I would love to hear about them!
False Nuns Arrested for Smuggling Cocaine In Colombia. 07 May 2013 Police say they have arrested three women dressed as nuns who were trying to smuggle 6kg (13lb) of cocaine hidden under their habits …More
False Nuns Arrested for Smuggling Cocaine In Colombia.
07 May 2013
Police say they have arrested three women dressed as nuns who were trying to smuggle 6kg (13lb) of cocaine hidden under their habits through the Colombian island of San Andres - a notorious drug trafficking route. The fake nuns were searched after police saw them acting suspiciously.

Rate Of U.S. Gun Violence Has Fallen Since 1993, Study Says

The U.S. rate of gun homicides and other crimes fell after 1993, according to two studies released Tuesday. But a survey showed that only 12 percent of Americans said they felt gun homicides had fallen. …More
The U.S. rate of gun homicides and other crimes fell after 1993, according to two studies released Tuesday. But a survey showed that only 12 percent of Americans said they felt gun homicides had fallen.
Since 1993, the United States has seen a drop in the rate of homicides and other violence involving guns, according to two new studies released Tuesday. Using government data, analysts saw a steep drop for violence in the 1990s, they saw more modest drops in crime rates since 2000.
"Firearm-related homicides dropped from 18,253 homicides in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011," according to a report by the federal , "and nonfatal firearm crimes dropped from 1.5 million victimizations in 1993 to 467,300 in 2011.
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"Mare Misiune" organizată de Calea Neocatecumenală la Oradea

În aceste ultime cinci duminici, dacă cineva a trecut prin Parcul Liniştii (Olosig) din Oradea, în orele după-amiezii, nu se poate să nu fi văzut sau auzit un grup de oameni veseli care cântau, vorbeau …More
În aceste ultime cinci duminici, dacă cineva a trecut prin Parcul Liniştii (Olosig) din Oradea, în orele după-amiezii, nu se poate să nu fi văzut sau auzit un grup de oameni veseli care cântau, vorbeau la microfon despre viaţa lor, dansau.
Practic, ce făceau aceste persoane? Pur şi simplu anunţau Iubirea lui Dumnezeu pentru toţi, chiar şi pentru cei îndepărtaţi care nu mai trec pragul Bisericii de multă vreme.Ce le-a împins pe aceste persoane (adulţi, tineri, vârstnici, copii) să iasă în aer liber şi să mărturisească întâlnirea lor personală cu Isus cel Înviat, întâlnire care le-a schimbat viaţa?
Ceea ce s-a petrecut aici, la Oradea, face parte dintr-un proiect amplu pe care Calea Neocatecumenală l-a iniţiat în pieţele din lumea întreagă.
Motivul îl reprezintă Anul Credinţei pe care Calea Neocatecumenală s-a oferit să-l concretizeze în pieţele din marile oraşe ale lumii, printr-o serie de cinci cateheze în duminicile din timpul pascal (pentru romano-catolici) sau de post (pentru greco-…More

Vatican: Nu există divergenţe

08.05.2013, Vatican (Catholica) - Congregaţia pentru Doctrina Credinţei (CDC) şi Congregaţia pentru Institutele de Viaţă Consacrată şi Societăţile de Viaţă Apostolică au colaborat de ceva vreme pentru …More
08.05.2013, Vatican (Catholica) - Congregaţia pentru Doctrina Credinţei (CDC) şi Congregaţia pentru Institutele de Viaţă Consacrată şi Societăţile de Viaţă Apostolică au colaborat de ceva vreme pentru o viziune teologică înnoită asupra vieţii consacrate în Biserică. Preocuparea Sfântului Scaun, exprimată în parte de declaraţia doctrinală privind Conferinţa Persoanelor Consacrate din SUA (LCWR), este motivată de dorinţa de a sprijini vocaţia nobilă şi frumoasă a persoanelor consacrate, pentru ca elocvenţa mărturiei vieţii lor să prospere în Biserică pentru câştigul generaţiilor viitoare.
Conform materialului făcut public astăzi de serviciul de ştiri al Vaticanului, iniţiativele Sfântului Scaun în acest domeniu privesc în primul rând credinţa Bisericii şi exprimarea ei în viaţa consacrată. Credinţa Bisericii – în planul de iubire al Tatălui, care l-a trimis pe Fiul Său să fie Mântuitorul nostru, în inspirarea Sfintei Scripturi, în darul harurilor primite în Sacramente, în natura Bisericii …More

Vizită pastorală a Prea Sfinţitului Alexandru la Deva

În a doua zi de Paşti, Prea Sfinţitul Alexandru s-a aflat în vizită pastorală la Deva în parohia „Imaculata”, fiind însoţit şi în acest an de mons. Angelo Pop, Vicarul General al Eparhiei de Lugoj. De …More
În a doua zi de Paşti, Prea Sfinţitul Alexandru s-a aflat în vizită pastorală la Deva în parohia „Imaculata”, fiind însoţit şi în acest an de mons. Angelo Pop, Vicarul General al Eparhiei de Lugoj.
De mai bine de zece ani a devenit o tradiție pentru Eparhia de Lugoj, ca episcopul eparhial să efectueze vizite pastorale anuale în marile centre şi capitale de judeţe ale Eparhiei (Deva, Reşiţa, Timişoara şi Arad).
Alături de Prea Sfinţia Sa, la Sfânta Liturghie s-au aflat: mons. Angelo Pop vicar general, pr. Micu Ceciliu Vasile – protopop al Devei, pr. Silviu-Lucian Bindea – protopop de Orăştie, pr. Didi Nicolae Adrian – paroh de Turdaş şi pr. Sabo Sorin, parohul locului.
„Iubiţi credincioşi” a spus P.S. Alexandru „învierea lui Cristos este sărbătoarea cea mai mare a întregului neam omenesc. Este sărbătoarea care uneşte pe toţi oamenii din toate timpurile; este triumful Vieţii asupra morţii, Binele a învins răul. Învierea lui Cristos ne dă speranţa că şi noi vom învia. Cristos-adevărul a …More

Înălţarea lui Isus Cristos la cer înseamnă şi înălţarea noastră

Unul dintre spectacolele cele mai grandioase ale lumii antice era cel al întoarcerii victorioase al unui rege de la război; mulţimile îl aclamau, duşmanii erau puşi în lanţuri; prizonierii erau eliberaţi …More
Unul dintre spectacolele cele mai grandioase ale lumii antice era cel al întoarcerii victorioase al unui rege de la război; mulţimile îl aclamau, duşmanii erau puşi în lanţuri; prizonierii erau eliberaţi; iar prăzile erau împărţite tuturor familiilor luptătorilor.
Un asemenea grandios spectacol ne oferă şi nouă astăzi Isus, care se întoarce glorios în cer, în mulţimea de urale ale îngerilor, sfinţilor din cer şi ale Bisericii pelerine. "Dumnezeu se înalţă în mijlocul strigătelor de biruinţă, Domnul înaintează în sunet de trâmbiţă" (Ps 47,5). Căci el a dat libertate tuturor robilor; a înfrânt pe toţi duşmanii oamenilor: diavol, păcat şi moarte; şi a împărţi daruri şi munţi de prăzi tuturor celor care cred în el.
Înălţarea Domnului este minunea prin care Mântuitorul nostru şi-a încheiat umblarea sa vizibilă lumea de păcate, prin care şi-a încheiat lucrarea încredinţată de Tatăl, aceea de a ne mântui din robia diavolului, a păcatului şi a morţii (cf. Fap 1,1); este minunea prin care Isus …More