
Italian priest faces defrocking for ‘organising orgies on church property’

There must be a video, no? 🧐

Martyrdom on the Installment Plan

How appropriate for today especially the USA
I think a great new name for a ballistic USA missile would be "the Intercissus"

Confraternities of Catholic Clergy Issue Joint Statement on Amoris Laetitia

I for one would a list of the clergy who signed the joint statement if for no other reason than to know if any of them are from my diocese....

Watch Mia Love Bring People To Tears At The March For Life

For me, she gave a truly moving and from the heart speech.
She surpassed all other speakers in making the case for the pro life movement
It is because of the likes of her that we are winning.

Notre Dame Faculty Senate demands ‘sanctuary campus’

It would be a great fallacy to declare itself a sanctuary for illegal immigrations without a qualification such crime history, legalization process is ongoing but not completed, membership in violent or terror organization, not willing to assimilate and follow the USA constitution,etc.
In a broad sense all of Christianity is a sanctuary for decent and God believing people, it is not a safe house …More
It would be a great fallacy to declare itself a sanctuary for illegal immigrations without a qualification such crime history, legalization process is ongoing but not completed, membership in violent or terror organization, not willing to assimilate and follow the USA constitution,etc.
In a broad sense all of Christianity is a sanctuary for decent and God believing people, it is not a safe house from criminal behavior or future intent
ND has no experience in vetting of individuals and as such should be cognizant of the laws of its own land.

Two arrested suspected of murder of Polish missionary in Bolivia

A martyr for sure
Future saint?

Catholic Guilt? The Lying, Scheming Altar Boy Behind a Lurid Rape Case

Unbelievable story! There is at least one martyr and future Saint in heaven.
I will pray today specifically for those falsely accused of sexual crimes and even for this psychopath. May he discover God during the remainder of his short life as I suspect it will be.

The Plot to Change Catholicism

I aapreciate this article because it gives those of us who like the Church as it was, is and ever shall be a glimmer of hope
May we read more of similar articles
What I am still uncertain about is whether there is a mechanism in place to remove a heretical pope?

Rubio criticizes Obama's mosque visit

This is predicated on whether 9-11 type level of attack does not occur anywhere in the non Moslem world and a new administration in the USA

Rubio criticizes Obama's mosque visit

I think radical Islam is a threat and if the Sacrament of Marriage is under "attack" then why is the present pope acting the way he is?

Rubio criticizes Obama's mosque visit

I always wanted to know if "Don Reto Nay" is the same person as my favorite priest Father Don Reto Nay.

Attack on the Dormition Abbey

It would be helpful if you could identify the location at start
It saves me "Google " time

Pope's New Book: The name of God is Mercy - Perspectives Daily

This illustrates clearly that this pope should refrain or abstain from airplane press conferences as well as spontaneous outbursts of some of his mental activity and instead relegate his message if he so intends to allow others to write it for him as in this book

The Eye of Mercy (with apologies to J. R. R. Tolkien

If there is no sin, then there is no need for mercy
If there is no need for mercy then there is no need for prayer
If there is no need for prayer then there is no need for organized religion
If there is no need for organized religion then there is no need for a (this) pope

Cardinal Burke calls final synod doc ‘deceptive in a serious way’

I agree with Cardinal Burke but would qualify his statement as "deceptive by design"

Vatican newspaper blasts Charlie Hebdo cover

It would also be encouraging if the Vatican would blast with equal vigor all derogatory articles, photos, cartoons etc. about Jesus Christ, the Holy Father, Bishops, Priests, pregnant women, aborted fetuses etc..

BONNE ET JOYEUSE ANNEE 2016 !!! REFRAIN : Bonne année, meilleurs souhaits, la joie dans les coeurs,…

Sounds pretty secular, no?
It brings to mind the photos of UK revelers and the aftermath of their all night "party"

A Year with Pope Francis 2015 A Year with Pope Francis 2015

Two thumbs DOWN