Coronavirus and Riots Fit Well Together – But Who Is Behind All? Coronavirus and Riots Fit Well Together – But Who Is Behind All? A Reddit post about the present riots in the United States, is very …More
Coronavirus and Riots Fit Well Together – But Who Is Behind All?

Coronavirus and Riots Fit Well Together – But Who Is Behind All?

A Reddit post about the present riots in the United States, is very telling. Quote, “The fact that two weeks ago, you were considered a selfish a**hole if you went out to socialize, and now it’s okay for thousands of people to gather, shows you, how much media controls the masses.” Needless to say, that Reddit removed the posting. Reddit is owned by rich American investors.

Who Is Behind It?

Yvonne Lorenzo, who calls herself a traditional Christian, after having been a materialist, cautiones against blaming the usual Rothschilds, Soros, Adelson, Koch brothers or Paul Singer for the riots. Referring to Tolkien and C.S. Lewis she stresses that there is a sinister power that uses lies and violence and rules this world now. Quote, “That power is the devil.”

Kneeling in Front of Black Neighbors

Following the death of George Floyd, a group of white Texans in Houston have bent their knee to their black neighbors and begged them for their forgiveness during a prayer service. One of them was asking for – quote - “forgiveness from our black brothers and sisters for years and years of racism” screaming, “We’re humbling ourselves before you.” Yvonne Lorenzo calls this “an inversion of true Christian faith.” She explains, “We ourselves must repent our sins continually—and kneel before God, not men.”

This Is Not About “Racism”

This not about “racism” the great Paul Craig Roberts, a longtime critic of police brutality, writes. Previously, black protests were against the absence of police accountability, but this time accountability is being enforced. Blaming Floyd’s murder on “racism” is for him “an agenda-driven misrepresentation.” According to official data, American police brutalizes and kills more whites than blacks.
F M Shyanguya and one more user link to this post
So telling! Media controls the masses. Good job Yvonne Lorenzo, but that power is often found in the people who worship him and know no limits to how they offend him. Bravo Paul Craig Roberts! Thank you, Gloria tv, you're our hero!
Holy Cannoli
Does anyone else see similarities to the color revolutions? I(Algeria, France, Ukraine, etc.,)It all looks very stage managed to me. Wonder what the agenda is?
Holy Cannoli
Black Lives Matter et al. is behind it all.
Into the mix let's include the always seeking relevance but are nothing more than pandering Catholic bishops.
F M Shyanguya
@Holy Cannoli Black Lives Matter behind Coronavirus?! Now who is spewing nonsense?! Utter rubbish!
Holy Cannoli
The video that I linked and the photograph deals specifically with the riots. PERIOD. END OF THOUGHT.
If you have difficulty understanding that, have someone with common sense explain it to you. 🤪More
The video that I linked and the photograph deals specifically with the riots. PERIOD. END OF THOUGHT.

If you have difficulty understanding that, have someone with common sense explain it to you. 🤪
F M Shyanguya
@Holy Cannoli Common sense that you clearly display you don’t possess.
Common sense would mean one doesn’t require a video to do the explaining for them.
So you have common sense? Explain to us how Black Lives Matter were able to achieve this in the slums of Kenya:More
@Holy Cannoli Common sense that you clearly display you don’t possess.

Common sense would mean one doesn’t require a video to do the explaining for them.

So you have common sense? Explain to us how Black Lives Matter were able to achieve this in the slums of Kenya:
Holy Cannoli
As difficult as it will be for you, try to follow along. This news thread deals with the riots currently occurring in the United States and the relationship between those riots/police misconduct and certain public figures. eg. Yvonne Lorenzo, George Floyd and Paul Craig Roberts.
Although Kenya is evidently an important subject for you, it does NOT relate to this thread. Other than you, neither …More
As difficult as it will be for you, try to follow along. This news thread deals with the riots currently occurring in the United States and the relationship between those riots/police misconduct and certain public figures. eg. Yvonne Lorenzo, George Floyd and Paul Craig Roberts.

Although Kenya is evidently an important subject for you, it does NOT relate to this thread. Other than you, neither the news presenter or anyone commenting on this thread has mentioned “KENYA.”

I mistakenly thought you had a modicum of common sense and could engage in meaningful dialogue. I was obviously incorrect

My time is too precious for me to waste it on half-wits and there are actually several to choose from at GTV. 🤪

F M Shyanguya
And even in the US Black Lives Matter behind Coronavirus i.e., whoever is behind Coronavirus in US different from the rest of the world? Nonsense! Utter Rubbish!
Splitting hairs and distinction without a difference.
Coronavirus scamdemic: worldwide
Floyd protests: in major western countries worldwide!
Bye! Mutual!More
And even in the US Black Lives Matter behind Coronavirus i.e., whoever is behind Coronavirus in US different from the rest of the world? Nonsense! Utter Rubbish!

Splitting hairs and distinction without a difference.

Coronavirus scamdemic: worldwide

Floyd protests: in major western countries worldwide!

Bye! Mutual!
F M Shyanguya
The Apocalyptic Beasts are behind it all.
Holy Cannoli
F M Shyanguya
@Holy Cannoli I shall await your apology.
Holy Cannoli
Don't hold your breath you Virtue Signaling Pretender. Better yet, do hold your breath. 🥴
Holy Cannoli
noun: virtue signaling
the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue. 🤪
F M Shyanguya
@Holy Cannoli I will continue to await your apology, which perhaps you will be to ashamed to offer.
Holy Cannoli
Holy Cannoli
The Motherland is calling you. 🤪
F M Shyanguya
This is their game, the one @Holy Cannoli is playing here, when the matter here is so serious with eternal consequences. This is @RorateCaeli pointing to China:
They will point everywhere else but to themselves.More
This is their game, the one @Holy Cannoli is playing here, when the matter here is so serious with eternal consequences. This is @RorateCaeli pointing to China:

They will point everywhere else but to themselves.
F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya
In one word, LUCIFERIANS
Quote, “That power is the devil.”
The Devil does not operate on his own or in a vacuum. It is the “principalities and powers in the high places”.
The Synagogue of Satan opposes the Church of Christ. You can be sure The Rothschilds et al belong to the former.
A Rothschild lady(?) - Obama, Trump, the Queen, all trannies - and her jewelry for you:More
In one word, LUCIFERIANS

Quote, “That power is the devil.”

The Devil does not operate on his own or in a vacuum. It is the “principalities and powers in the high places”.

The Synagogue of Satan opposes the Church of Christ. You can be sure The Rothschilds et al belong to the former.

A Rothschild lady(?) - Obama, Trump, the Queen, all trannies - and her jewelry for you: