I know this is long, I was there! What a blessing! If you look closely you will see my little and lovely daughter, Leonie, in the front pew on the left side with her sponsor. This was so incredible, I …More
I know this is long, I was there! What a blessing! If you look closely you will see my little and lovely daughter, Leonie, in the front pew on the left side with her sponsor. This was so incredible, I only hope you will feel also the glory of God and His loving providence He has for you! I will post a few more pictures when I get back home and find my cell phone!
Ivan Tomas
Thank you Jeffrey for sharing this.
God bless you and all your beloved ones.
Jeffrey Ade
@Ivan Tomas Thank you, the afternoon was a very memorable moment for our family! Thank you for sharing it with us! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
English Catholic
@Alex A Try office@gloria.tv and ask if they have a tech person who could help.
Alex A
@English Catholic> Thanks for the advice.
Alex A
For some unknown reason we here in Melbourne, Australia, cannot enlarge pictures or able to view videos posted on Gloria TV. It is the only platform we experience such problems. Anyone able to advice/help?
Darice Henriques
I have the same problem here in India. I can click links and open them. But videos don't start and while i can see an image thumbnail, the videos don't start.
Alex A
Damn frustrating!