Bernie Sanders staff exposed planning to burn cities, overthrow police and kill Trump supporters. Footage leaked by Project Veritas January 15th, 2020. Kyle Jurek, Field Organizer of Bernie Sander's …More
Bernie Sanders staff exposed planning to burn cities, overthrow police and kill Trump supporters.

Footage leaked by Project Veritas January 15th, 2020. Kyle Jurek, Field Organizer of Bernie Sander's campaign says that if Trump gets elected again, Milwaukee and other cities will be burned down, police will be violently overthrown and Trump supporters will be assaulted and interned to be mass-murdered in Gulag labor death camps to be "de-Nazi-fied" and "re-educated". Jurek praises Stalin's Gulag camps and reasons that they should be used to teach "Nazis" (who he defines as Trump supporters) a lesson again. Bernie Sanders is a Jew and a communist. He's publicly praised communist Russia and Cuba.