
Pope Francis approved family synod’s controversial mid-term report before publication: synod chief

ROME, January 29, 2015 ( – The lead organizer of the Vatican’s Synod on the Family has revealed that Pope Francis approved the controversial mid-term report from the meeting before it was published. Until now, Pope Francis’ role in the document’s publication has been left to conjecture.

The Relatio post disceptationem, as it is called, was intended as a provisional summary of the debate from the Synod’s first week. But after it was released it was strongly criticized by numerous Synod fathers, including Cardinals Raymond Burke, Gerhard Muller, George Pell, and Wilfrid Napier, some publicly and some behind meeting doors. Some critics have even described it as the worst official document in the history of the Church.

Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, spoke about the pope’s role regarding the Synod documents in an interview with Aleteia at a Pontifical Council for the Family conference last week.

“The documents were all seen and approved by the Pope, with the approval of his presence,” Baldisseri said. “Even the documents during the [Extraordinary] Synod, such as the Relatio ante disceptatationem [the preliminary report], the Relatio post disceptationem [interim report], and the Relatio synodi [final report] were seen by him before they were published.”

“This point is important not only because of his authority, but also it puts the Secretary General at ease,” the cardinal added - "wryly," according to Aleteia.

In its most controversial sections, the Relatio post disceptationem, or “report after the debate,” asked whether “accepting and valuing [homosexuals’] sexual orientation” could align with Catholic doctrine; proposed allowing Communion for divorced-and-remarried Catholics on a “case-by-case basis”; and said pastors should emphasize the “positive aspects” of lifestyles the Church considers gravely sinful, including civil remarriage after divorce and premarital cohabitation.

Its most controversial provisions were left out of the Synod’s final report, the Relatio synodi, but many critics have called on the Vatican nevertheless to rescind the interim document.

Cardinal Baldisseri also confirmed that the pope ordered that several controversial sections in the proposed Relatio synodi, or final report, be included in the published version even though they failed to get the necessary two-thirds vote from the Synod fathers.

“It was the Pope’s decision to include the points that did not receive the two-thirds majority,” he said.

“The Pope said: ‘These three points received an absolute majority. They were therefore not rejected with a ‘no,’ as they received more than 50 percent approval. They are therefore issues that still need to be developed. We as a Church want a consensus. These texts can be modified, that’s clear. Once there has been further reflection, they can be modified.”

These sections were re-published as part of the Lineamenta, without a note that they were rejected, that was sent out to the world’s bishops for discussion in preparation for the next Synod in October 2015.

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Let us pray for the year long synod of bishops. May they be guided by the Holy Spirit as they work to strengthen the family.
Cardinal Baldisseri also confirmed that the pope ordered that several controversial sections in the proposed Relatio synodi, or final report, be included in the published version even though they failed to get the necessary two-thirds vote from the Synod fathers.
“It was the Pope’s decision to include the points that did not receive the two-thirds majority,” he said.
Blessed Pope Pius IX
Pray …More
Cardinal Baldisseri also confirmed that the pope ordered that several controversial sections in the proposed Relatio synodi, or final report, be included in the published version even though they failed to get the necessary two-thirds vote from the Synod fathers.

“It was the Pope’s decision to include the points that did not receive the two-thirds majority,” he said.

Blessed Pope Pius IX
Pray for us
don't call him 'francis', cos that is accepting he is pope, when he is not' he is an ecclesiastical freemason who is draging into apostasy as many catholics possible.
Leonard Wessell
What are the conclusions that I should draw concering the "belief/faith"-structure of Pope Francis, "The Merciful" (my gosh, sounds like one of those names Muslim Potentates used to give themselves)? Is homosexuality as activity, including perhaps some sort of co-habitation aka "marriage" and as a lifestyle evidently a "gift" from God evincing some admirable features, so admirable that the sinful …More
What are the conclusions that I should draw concering the "belief/faith"-structure of Pope Francis, "The Merciful" (my gosh, sounds like one of those names Muslim Potentates used to give themselves)? Is homosexuality as activity, including perhaps some sort of co-habitation aka "marriage" and as a lifestyle evidently a "gift" from God evincing some admirable features, so admirable that the sinful nature of the activity is to be, well, not denied, just repressed from any critical consciousness (until social acceptance be so great is that we have a new "norm")? I know that I am, to quote Pope Francis's comments on those who think about diversity (of doctrine) and not "pastoral" (SIC!) unity, working for the Devil (and, yes, did post his words as he tried once to speak in broken English and slipped back into Italian). I am a bad oldster! So, in one of those "surprises" (that Pp Francis tells us is a feature of the Spirit), I guess, to remain true to Pp Francis' value judgments, I must protest "in the name of the Devil" (for so Francis has judged me), as I am in the class of those thinklng of "diversity" > "unity" evidently inspired by a see-no/hear-no/speak-no "mercy". So low the man has brought me!

I have just wandered about in my formulation above. And on purpose! Why? I am trying to hint at the destructive effects that the man Bergoglio, dressed in papal ornaments, is causing me. I am too old to be pushed into instability of the type already denigrated by Pp Francis. That man in papal attire is uttering or supporting "things" (I dare not say it directly or Pp Francis' words will insult me) is offending the cognitive content of my believing and that means my FAITH. Pope Francis has spoken about concern for the old. Well, I belong to that group and i wish the Pope "Merciful" would cease concerning himself about my group, as his mercy is naught but .... for me (there I did not say it, though I thought it). J'accuse!