NASA's Mars 2021 Perseverance Rover Landing Animations - It is impressive how the Luciferian psychopaths who run the world keep humanity completely deluded, submerged in a fantastic and unreal world, …More
NASA's Mars 2021 Perseverance Rover Landing Animations - It is impressive how the Luciferian psychopaths who run the world keep humanity completely deluded, submerged in a fantastic and unreal world, split from God, divine revelation and the natural order of things -take, for example, the "evolutionism", "secularization", "gay marriage" and the "right to abortion", among many other modern fictions-, subjected to the sibylline and omnipresent maneuvers concocted by the Father of Lies, and executed by his retinue of foolish lackeys. The same happens -for those who have eyes to see- with the supposed "pandemic", the "quarantine", the "masks", the universal vaccination, etc. But, basically, let's say things clearly: the truth is that, despite everything, there is no problem, -I mean, that all this it is transitory and ephemeral-. Indeed, it is only a matter of persevering, of enduring a few years more, of arming yourself with holy patience, trusting always and in all circumstances in Divine Providence, who will never abandon her faithful children, without allowing oneself to be emotionally disturbed or to lose one's inner peace or union with God, since all this will be resolved favorably on the occasion of the glorious Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which is closer every day. Then, the universal deception that we currently suffer will end and we will finally live in the unity, the truth and the charity of God...
Very funny descriptive text of this sci-fi video: "This reel depicts key events during entry, descent, and landing that will occur when NASA’s Perseverance rover lands on Mars February 18, 2021. In the span of about seven minutes, the spacecraft slows down from about 12,100 mph (19,500 kph) at the top of the Martian atmosphere to about 2 mph (3 kph) at touchdown in an area called Jezero Crater. Perseverance will seek signs of ancient microbial life on Mars, collect and cache Martian rock and regolith (broken rock and dust), characterize the planet's geology and climate, and pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet." Oh, please, I'm breaking off laughing! These enlightened ones mock us blatantly. But it doesn't matter, their time will come, and I wouldn't want to be in their shoes...
Source: NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Landing Animations
Here is another video for those who want to laugh another good time:7 Minutes of Terror: How Perseverance Will Land on Mars - Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover - What's Different This Time? A Narrated Explanation.
Fore more information: 1.
The NASA Moon Landing Hoaxes - 2. 9-11 Explained in 5 Minutes - 3. Six months of Global Health Tyranny - 4. Questioning the official account - 5. A 20 años del atentado terrorista del 11-S. - 6. 20 Years After 9/11. - 7. Animación del aterrizaje del Rover Perseverance de la NASA en Marte 2021 - Es impresionante cómo …
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