holyrope 3
Blessed Alexandrina - October 13, 1955 Blessed Alexandrina da Costa.... Although Alexandrina pleaded with Jesus to end these diabolical assaults, He explained that they were necessary in order to help …More
Blessed Alexandrina - October 13, 1955

Blessed Alexandrina da Costa.... Although Alexandrina pleaded with Jesus to end these diabolical assaults, He explained that they were necessary in order to help save souls. Jesus said to her - "My daughter, suffering is the key to Heaven. I have endured so much to open Heaven to all mankind, but for many it was in vain. They say, "I want to enjoy life, I have come into the world only for enjoyment." They say, "Hell doesn't exist." I have died for them, and they say they did not ask Me to do so. They have formed heresies against Me. In order to save them, I select certain souls and lay the cross on their shoulders. Happy the soul that understands the value of suffering! My cross is sweet if carried for love of Me ... I chose you from your mother's womb. I watched over you in the great difficulties. It was I who chose them for you, that I might have a victim to offer Me much reparation. Lean on My Sacred Heart and find therein strength to suffer everything."
Alexandrina died on October 13, 1955.
Her last words: "I am happy, because I am going to Heaven."
One can only imagine the high place in God's kingdom that she now reigns forever in.
Dr Bobus
I visited her home in 1985, then read a book on ber life. . Since then I have prayed to her every day.
holyrope 3
@soundingjoy...bless you dear one. What a beautiful soul is Alexandrina! 🤗
@soundingjoy...bless you dear one. What a beautiful soul is Alexandrina! 🤗

Dear Holyrope3,
Beautiful message from the heart of Jesus to Blessed Alexandrina, now in the portals of heaven. Bless you for this post. 😇 😇
Thank you. The story is inspiring.More

Thank you. The story is inspiring.
holyrope 3
Pray for us, Blsd Alexandrina!