Science and the atheist movement. It’s very pathetic that Most of modern day Scientists are atheists. No matter what “break through” discovery is made, none of them can defeat death. Almost the entire …More
Science and the atheist movement.

It’s very pathetic that Most of modern day Scientists are atheists. No matter what “break through” discovery is made, none of them can defeat death. Almost the entire science community ignores the fact that death 💀 cannot be avoided.

Take Steve Hawkins for example, he is considered the worlds smartest man and is basically worshiped by the science community.

The sad reality is the Steve Hawkins cannot stop himself from dying. Take a good look at this man and pray for him.

Its pretty pathetic that the modern day Godless science community has not looked in the mirror...
Lion IRC
I often felt sorry for Stephen Hawking. He seemed so fixated on trying to erase God from cosmology/astrophysics. Racing against time.
I think he was desperate to "tear aside the veil" and show everyone...see, there's no God
In the end I think he tainted his reputation a little and will be remembered somewhat more as a bad philosopher than a brilliant physicist.
(Take note Lawrence Krauss, Sean Carrol …More
I often felt sorry for Stephen Hawking. He seemed so fixated on trying to erase God from cosmology/astrophysics. Racing against time.
I think he was desperate to "tear aside the veil" and show everyone...see, there's no God
In the end I think he tainted his reputation a little and will be remembered somewhat more as a bad philosopher than a brilliant physicist.
(Take note Lawrence Krauss, Sean Carrol, Victor Stenger, Et al)
Well: If you look at a dead body, the processes that start inside the body when the blood stops streaming. The decomposition gasses, the destruction of the cells after a mere hour. And if you study that, or only read what fellow scientist who did study that write about it, then there is only one way out.
Namely: Resurrection from death after 3 minutes is difficult. Resurrection after 1 hour is fake …More
Well: If you look at a dead body, the processes that start inside the body when the blood stops streaming. The decomposition gasses, the destruction of the cells after a mere hour. And if you study that, or only read what fellow scientist who did study that write about it, then there is only one way out.
Namely: Resurrection from death after 3 minutes is difficult. Resurrection after 1 hour is fake probably because that person was not really dead to start with.
Resurrection after three days? Well that is a fable.

And when you can't believe in the resurrection, you can't believe in Jesus Christ, because He says: I am the resurrection. If this little big detail is flawed and can't have a living place inside you. Then I tell you that you will discard the rest of the bible as well.

And believing without seeing is taboo for scientists, because that is exactly their pitfall.

A good scientist is therefore an atheist......
Sometimes a man thinks he is so smart he puts himself or others put him in a pedestal ,that believing in God is being some how not very sophisticated or too condescending ,so they believe this lie ,and the lie becomes themselves
Dr Bobus
Hawking died a year ago. I dont know anyone who considered him the worlds smartest man