The War on Children- The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda-SD. Dear [your government/school will be inserted here], We are deeply concerned that multiple UN agencies, federal & local governments …More
The War on Children- The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda-SD.

Dear [your government/school will be inserted here],

We are deeply concerned that multiple UN agencies, federal & local governments, and school administrations are implementing, promoting and/or funding controversial comprehensive sexuality education programs that sexualize children and take away their innocence.

These programs go way beyond regular sex education and are designed to change all of the sexual and gender norms of society.

They openly promote promiscuity, high-risk sexual behavior and sexual pleasure even to very young children.

To learn more about this very deceptive agenda and how it harms children, families and societies, please watch the 30-minute documentary “The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda” posted at CSEfacts.org.

We urge you to join with likeminded governments in calling for the UN to stop promoting and cease all funding for CSE.

The health and innocence of the world’s children are at stake!


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the war on children 2016
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the war on children 2016

the comprehensive sexuality education agenda - sd
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