Gloria.TV News
Two Catholics – Francis Miffed No difference. The new British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced the members of her cabinet on Tuesday. However, cartoonist Bob Moran sees Truss as just another puppet …More
Two Catholics – Francis Miffed
No difference
. The new British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced the members of her cabinet on Tuesday. However, cartoonist Bob Moran sees Truss as just another puppet, presenting her as Justindazimir Trussdeaudernenskyy with the English plural pronouns They/Them. Truss, he says, is prime minister of Makes No Difference.
Joie de vivre. The new British government includes two Catholics. Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister is the little-known Thérèse Coffey. She is unmarried, has a doctorate in chemistry and used to work as an accountant for the British Broadcasting Corporation. The oligarch press calls her loyal and a meticulous manager without ideological passion. She is supposed to patch up the NHS, the ailing British health system. Coffey has a sympathetic human side. She likes to drink alcohol and smokes. During one of her first television appearances as Deputy Prime Minister at 8.00 a.m., her telephone alarm clock rang. She has set an American …More
atreverse pensar
So what use are we to these Catholics? This looks like "private Catholicism", but that is not being Catholic.
Nightmare for Francis: Celebrity Conversion Because of Roman Mass Nightmare. Actor Shia LaBeouf, who portrays Padre Pio in a new film, has returned to the Church specifically because of the Old Mass, …More
Nightmare for Francis: Celebrity Conversion Because of Roman Mass
. Actor Shia LaBeouf, who portrays Padre Pio in a new film, has returned to the Church specifically because of the Old Mass, he told Bishop Barron in late August. Liz Yore noted on LifeSiteNews that this news had such wide circulation that it eclipsed the consistory. While Francis fights the Old Mass, this young man found in the Mass a lifeline at a low point in his life. Quote Yore: "I think this is Francis' worst nightmare."
The nightmare goes mainstream. As expected, the oligarch media are furious about LaBeouf's conversion. labels the Latin Mass "deeply controversial” [for Slate] adding that the Mass has an allegedly small but very fiery faction in the Church, and is solemn, beautiful, ancient, mysterious, and sacred. And - continues: "Traditionalists [that is, Catholics] believe the Latin Mass is the key to reviving the faith among young people."
Car salesman. LeBeouf's conversion is being …More
Billy F
What happened to this news lady? I don’t see her anymore?
Wish more folks would view this episode
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Three Plotters in the Vatican Abortion. The abortion law is a pillar of Italian society and should not be questioned, said scandal-ridden Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy …More
Three Plotters in the Vatican
The abortion law is a pillar of Italian society and should not be questioned, said scandal-ridden Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy Against Life, on Friday. On Monday, he followed up with the excuse that he had supposedly only wanted to describe a solidified political situation in Italy. But does not believe him. Paglia must have known that his statement would reaffirm that he is working against the mandate of the institution he heads.
Contraception. In 2022, Paglia's academy has also sunk into the mud of scandal regarding contraception. For months it has been promoting the book "Theological Ethics of Life", which seeks to undermine the 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae and the ban on contraceptives. Paglia himself spoke of this book as wanting to introduce a - quote - "paradigm shift" in matters of contraception.
A campaign. PillarCatholic believes that Paglia is engaged in a campaign related to the …More
Gloria.TV News
The Cassock – A Cancer Victim Dead to the World. The cassock is the garment of priests and seminarians, the Italian writer Isidoro D'Anna explains in a text published on MessaInLatino. The cassock’s …More
The Cassock – A Cancer Victim
Dead to the World.
The cassock is the garment of priests and seminarians, the Italian writer Isidoro D'Anna explains in a text published on MessaInLatino. The cassock’s black colour indicates that the wearer is dead to the world. Therefore, the priest doesn’t follow the expectation of the world but the expectations of God. He doesn’t try to build a reputation in the world but wants to please only God and his kingdom.
Except the Head. The cassock is a long robe that covers the entire body except the head. This signifies that only Christ – the head - must appear, and the tongue must speak the language of God. The priest must be an image of the Divinity. The hands are equally uncovered to make known that the priest’s actions are God’s work. The feet are also covered, signifying death to the earthly affections and desires to which man's steps can lead. So, nothing remains uncovered but the head and hands.
Thirty-three Buttons. There are 33 buttons that close …More
Gloria.TV News
Since 2014: First Meeting of All Cardinals Eight years without dialogue. The consistory, which will take place in Rome beginning Saturday, is the first meeting of all cardinals since 2014. The German …More
Since 2014: First Meeting of All Cardinals
Eight years without dialogue.
The consistory, which will take place in Rome beginning Saturday, is the first meeting of all cardinals since 2014. The German Vaticanist Guido Horst writes in the Tagespost - quote: "For eight years, Francis did not lead the Church in a synodal way, but alone, that is, without 'his' cardinals."
Words and deeds. Francis will speak to the cardinals about the curia form and the ongoing synod. Horst sees the same pattern in both. Quote: “There is a lot of talk about change, but so far everything has remained the same." At Pentecost, the curia reform came into force. After that, little happened. People expected personnel changes, which did not come. Now, Francis personally heads the new dicastery for evangelisation, but who are the two pro-prefects? Who will be head of the dicastery for culture and education? For Horst, Francis is not interested in the Curia.
No dialogue. Andrea Gagliarducci writes that a report by …More
Gloria.TV News
USA Promotes “Religious Freedom” of Atheists Religious Freedom Is Discarded. The U.S. diplomacy is abandoning religious freedom, Thomas Farr wrote on The Wall Street Journal in early August. Farr is …More
USA Promotes “Religious Freedom” of Atheists
Religious Freedom Is Discarded.
The U.S. diplomacy is abandoning religious freedom, Thomas Farr wrote on The Wall Street Journal in early August. Farr is president of the Religious Freedom Institute and served as director of the State Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom from 1999 to 2003. According to the prevailing ideology, religious practice is now increasingly considered intolerable, Farr writes.
Dangerous. Religious people who refuse abortion, destroying marriage, making up genders are cast as – quote – “dangerous to democracy.” For Farr, it is troubling that such calls often come from the government, whose duty would be to defend religious rights. He refers to the Equality Act—pending in Congress and supported by the Biden regime — which wants to bar religious exemptions and subject critics of secular ideology to ruinous lawsuits.
Undermined. The US ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom has struggled …More
Christians Focus and unite on Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ,He is all we need
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Gloria.TV News
An Atheist Who Fought Anti-Catholic Bigotry Defending History. Professor Rodney Stark who defended history against – quote - “centuries of anti-Catholic lies,” died on July 21 at the age of 88. Stark …More
An Atheist Who Fought Anti-Catholic Bigotry
Defending History.
Professor Rodney Stark who defended history against – quote - “centuries of anti-Catholic lies,” died on July 21 at the age of 88. Stark was a long-time professor of sociology and comparative religion at the University of Washington, and later Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences at Baptist Baylor University. He became famous for his book “Bearing False Witness. Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History.” Stark said about this oeuvre, “'I wrote this book to defend history.”
Fighter Against Lies. Stark who wasn’t a Catholic, was perhaps the most effective living apologist for the Church of Rome in the history of the West. He grew up in Lutheranism and – quote - "like all Lutherans" was "enlightened on the perversion of Catholics" every Sunday at services. He spent most of his life as an atheist and returned to Christianity only after he had turned 60.
The Lies. Among the Anti-Catholic lies Kraft debunked were an …More
Malki Tzedek
RIP Professor Stark. His books clearly, and definitively, shone an intense spotlight on the lies still peddled by educators, 'experts', and, most …More
RIP Professor Stark. His books clearly, and definitively, shone an intense spotlight on the lies still peddled by educators, 'experts', and, most pathetically, many clergy. An historian par excellence. May our Lord judge his honorable efforts favorably on his behalf in the hereafter.
RIP Dr. Stark, a gentleman, first class scholar and seeker of truth.
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Gloria.TV News
Paris: Roman Mass Grows Despite Traditionis custodes Despite Traditionis Custodes. Father Eric Iborra of Saint Roch in Paris, presides the New Rite and celebrates the Roman Mass in his parish. Iborra …More
Paris: Roman Mass Grows Despite Traditionis custodes
Despite Traditionis Custodes.
Father Eric Iborra of Saint Roch in Paris, presides the New Rite and celebrates the Roman Mass in his parish. Iborra told the German newspaper Tagespost that many of his faithful attend both rites and meet and appreciate each other during parish activities. For Iborra, the Roman Mass and the Novus Ordo are a mutual enrichment. Quote, "Priests who celebrate in both forms tend to adopt the sacrality of the old form in the new form." Conversely, he says, a certain sclerosis of the traditionalist milieu is avoided.
Missionary. Iborra points out that for Benedict XVI celebrating the Roman Mass was not a merciful concession to old-rite believers, and that the Roman Mass has a missionary dimension. Quote: "We observe in our parish that the old form attracts many who did not know it before, especially young people."
No Permission. Since Traditionis custodes, the French bishops have been caught between two stools …More
Cardinal Burke: Francis' Consecration of Russia will be Successful Anyway. Russia’s consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on 25 March by Francis will be heard, Cardinal Raymond Burke stated in …More
Cardinal Burke: Francis' Consecration of Russia will be Successful
Russia’s consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on 25 March by Francis will be heard, Cardinal Raymond Burke stated in a recent video for Our Lady's Blue Army. Although Francis never said he intended the consecration to fulfil the 1917 request of Our Lady of Fatima, Burke still believes that Our Lady will hear the prayer "anyway" and that God will answer it. Many have joined Francis in his consecration, Burke said, and at present, a great many people are praying for peace in the world. Quote: "The Lord will answer that prayer."
Rosary. Burke calls on the faithful to fulfil the requests of Our Lady of Fatima. From Francis’ act of consecration, no "magical" result may be expected, he said. Rather, the faithful should pray the Rosary daily, do penance for their sins and observe the Saturdays of the Sacred Heart of Mary with going to confession and receiving Holy Communion. Burke believes that the triumph of …More
Time will tell. Not holding my breath though.
HE IS DREAMING IN TECHNICOLOR. The Lord has given a message to a Catholic prophet to the word that "It was too late." It did not follows the instructions …More
HE IS DREAMING IN TECHNICOLOR. The Lord has given a message to a Catholic prophet to the word that "It was too late." It did not follows the instructions of the BVM, no obedience! no success!
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Scorched Earth Pastoral Care: “I Feel Rejected by Francis” Mistrust. The French magazine La Vie visited Saint-Eugène Parish in Paris where in 1989, Cardinal Lustiger appointed two parish priests, one …More
Scorched Earth Pastoral Care: “I Feel Rejected by Francis”
The French magazine La Vie visited Saint-Eugène Parish in Paris where in 1989, Cardinal Lustiger appointed two parish priests, one for the Mass, and one for the Eucharist. Camille, 36 years old, an active parishioner, told La Vie that Francis’ Traditionis Custodes “was like a blow to my stomach.” A year later, the subject is still painful for her. Camille was brought up with clandestine Roman Rite masses in cellars or private chapels, then joined the Novus Ordo but returned a few years ago. "My dish was missing some salt," she explains. Around her, Traditionis Custodes has nourished a certain mistrust of Rome.
Rejected. Fanny Bornot, a human resources manager, now president of the Saint-Eugène support association, joined the parish in 1989. She grew up in the Novus Ordo but embraced the Roman Rite "for the sense of the sacred, the beauty of the liturgy". About Traditionis Custodes she says, "We participate in the economic …More
confusion and more confusion in the church today ,Truth and clarity is from God
Gloria.TV News
Chiara Corbella Petrillo - What A Life! Ten years ago, in June 2012, Chiara Corbella Petrillo died from a tumour. She was 28 years old. Born in Rome in 1984 into a Catholic family, she participated in …More
Chiara Corbella Petrillo - What A Life!
Ten years ago,
in June 2012, Chiara Corbella Petrillo died from a tumour. She was 28 years old. Born in Rome in 1984 into a Catholic family, she participated in a prayer group. In summer 2002 - at the age of 18 - she was at the seaside in Croatia and then went to Medjugorie where she met the 23-year-old Enrico Petrillo, also from Rome, who was on pilgrimage with the Charismatic Renewal. It was love at first sight.
They got engaged and married in 2008 in Assisi. Chiara immediately became pregnant, but her baby girl had serious malformations that would not allow her to survive. The parents still wanted to give birth to her. They welcomed Maria Grazia Letizia on 10 June 2009. She was baptised and died after half an hour. "I thought of Our Lady," Chiara wrote, "also to her the Lord gave a Son who was not for her, and she had to see him die under the cross".
Soon a second pregnancy arrived, a boy. He too, was diagnosed with serious malformations, …More
Tim Bernard
You Need to learn more about Cancer My children are destroyed for lack of knowledge. The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest 9 Part Docu-series
Ave Crux
So beautiful -- and extraordinary -- to see such a supernatural gaze on this life in one so young....
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Russian TV Can Be Very Entertaining!” Army in Skirts. Canada's new military dress instructions will promote – quote “respect, diversity and inclusiveness" by allowing coloured hair and face tattoos …More
Russian TV Can Be Very Entertaining!”
Army in Skirts.
Canada's new military dress instructions will promote – quote “respect, diversity and inclusiveness" by allowing coloured hair and face tattoos. Men may now wear blouses and skirts as a part of the uniform. Restrictions on hair length have been lifted. Canada is part of NATO.
Entertaining. Apti Alaudinov, the commander of the “Akhmat” battalion of special forces of Chechen soldiers fighting in the Lugansk region, Ukraine, was asked Monday on Russian TV’s Sixty Minutes whether a direct fight with NATO would be intimidating. With a broad smile on his face, Alaudinov said ‘no,’ the ‘LGBTQ’ led armies of NATO were no match for the forces of the Russian Federation. “Power to Russia,” he exclaimed. Gilbert Doctorow commented on his webpage, “Russian television can be very entertaining!”
More Decadence. Jenn Mason, a school board director in Bellingham, Washington state, has announced she will teach sex education classes to children aged …More
Catholics of good will resist reject refuse evil idiology spreading through the world ,stay firm in Jesus name
The West Has No Future From Loony Bin to Morgue. The West has no image of the future, Sergey Glazev, a Russian politician, and economist of Ukrainian origin writes on Glazev quotes “chipisation …More
The West Has No Future
From Loony Bin to Morgue.
The West has no image of the future, Sergey Glazev, a Russian politician, and economist of Ukrainian origin writes on Glazev quotes “chipisation, artificial intelligence and dehumanisation, LGBT, the destruction of the family, the end of all forms of human identity” and concludes – quote, “This is an image of death, not of the future.”
Amoris Laetitia 2.0. San Pedro Huamelula Mayor Victor Hugo Sosa has become a happy husband to a seven-year-old alligator named Little Princess. After the wedding, Victor sealed the union with a kiss, which apparently symbolizes the joining of humans with the divine for the locals. This is just an annual ancient ritual, but if the Vatican finds out about this, it may include marrying an alligator in an updated version of Amoris Laetitia.
Mentally benighted West. "For fear of violence" Berlin University has cancelled a lecture by the Biologist Marie Luise Vollbrecht who was supposed to speak at …More
Dr Bobus
If the West has no future, I wonder why rich Russians have invested so much money there.
That is why our society is going down the drain .The reason,:? people are doing insane things (SINNING) pretending its normal ,What to do ? come back …More
That is why our society is going down the drain .The reason,:? people are doing insane things (SINNING) pretending its normal ,What to do ? come back to the Lord our God do not offend Him ,repent , keep the commandments .
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Gloria.TV News
29-Year-Old Man Defeats 13-Year-Old Girl Gravity Lost. Despite being a man, 29-year-old transvestite Ricci Tres from Los Angeles has beaten a 13-year-old girl winning the first place in New York City’s …More
29-Year-Old Man Defeats 13-Year-Old Girl
Gravity Lost.
Despite being a man, 29-year-old transvestite Ricci Tres from Los Angeles has beaten a 13-year-old girl winning the first place in New York City’s women's The Board Open skateboarding contest earning $500. In skateboarding, men have a higher centre of gravity, granting them advantages over women.
A Lesson. Kyrgyz Deputy Prime Minister Edil Baisalov harshly answered the representative of an international organization from the U.S. who came to Kyrgyzstan. Quote, “Recently, an American Erica came to the country, and tried to teach something about my country and how bad and stupid we are here.” But Baisalov told her that he does not need lectures on the topic of protecting children from a state where children are shot every week in schools.
More Than 150. Britain's state-broadcaster BBC has hired – quote - “trans and nonbinary inclusion” consultants to tell its staff that there are more than 150 genders and instruct them to police each …More
Gloria.TV News
World Meeting of Families: Francis Without Wheelchair Downfall. Last week, the World Meeting of Families took place in Rome. The event, founded by John Paul II, used to attract huge crowds. In 2012 …More
World Meeting of Families: Francis Without Wheelchair
Last week, the World Meeting of Families took place in Rome. The event, founded by John Paul II, used to attract huge crowds. In 2012 there were a million people in Milan, in 2018 in Dublin 130,000. This year in Rome - allegedly because of Covid restrictions - only 2,000 were present. At Saturday's closing Mass, Cardinal Farrell announced a 2025 Jubilee Year of the Family. Francis showed up at the meeting not with a wheelchair but with a cane.
Irresponsible, lazy bully? Throw him out!
Ironing shirts.
At the closing Eucharist, Francis warmed up his shopkeepers and joked about unmarried mama’s boys. He recalled a mother who complained that her 37-year-old son was not married. Francis told her to stop ironing his shirts. The audience laughed. Francis added that she should send him away. This way, he would have to leave the nest. He warned parents not to shield their children too much from difficulties. In crises, he said, the …More
Things that this pope should speak about ,like the supreme court decision on abortion ,he doesn,t ,is it because he does not want to hert the feelings …More
Things that this pope should speak about ,like the supreme court decision on abortion ,he doesn,t ,is it because he does not want to hert the feelings of his elite friends ? i hope not ,we should pray for him to do the will of God not the will of the world
Gloria.TV News
News From the Loony Bin: “Menstruating People” Poor Morals. A record-breaking 50% of Americans say that the U.S. has (bold)poor moral values(bold), while only 1% of Americans rate the country's values …More
News From the Loony Bin: “Menstruating People”
Poor Morals.
A record-breaking 50% of Americans say that the U.S. has (bold)poor moral values(bold), while only 1% of Americans rate the country's values as excellent, a Gallup poll has revealed.
Fascist Feminists. The transvestite group “Bristol Against Hate” forced feminists from Standing For Women to barricade themselves inside a Bristol pub on Sunday after calling the feminists “fascists” and “transphobic.”
Mensturating People. Michigan's Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer has referred to women as (bold)“menstruating people"(bold) during a Zoom event put on by the state's Democratic Party.
Women’s Breasts. A topless demonstration took place in Montreal on Sunday. "It's not only about changing people's minds and changing the way people view women's breasts, [but] it's a protest about gender equality entirely," said Alice Lacroix from "Liberez les Seins".
Transvestite Sportsmen Are Great. The U.S. transvestite swimmer “Lia” Thomas managed …More
Shouldn't MENstruating people eliminate the first syllable???
Gloria.TV News
Victim Details Horrors of “Sex Change” Amputations No One Told Me. Ritchie Herron, a 35-year-old man from North East England, became a victim of the transsexuality-myth when he was 26. He has been …More
Victim Details Horrors of “Sex Change” Amputations
No One Told Me.
Ritchie Herron, a 35-year-old man from North East England, became a victim of the transsexuality-myth when he was 26. He has been taking female hormons for years and years and at age 30, he had his genitals amputated. Five years later, in March 2022, Herron stopped this madness, writing last week on Twitter that, “No one told me any of what I’m going to tell you now.” As could be expected, some of his tweets were censured.
Sensation Lost. Herron has lost all sensation in his crotch region. Quote, “You could stab me with a knife and I wouldn’t know. The entire area is numb, like it’s shell shocked and unable to comprehend what happened, even 4 years on.”
No Joke. Four days after the amputation of his genitalia, Herron tore a surgical suture. The problem was never fixed, and now he has like a chunk of missing flesh next to his pseudo-vagina. Quote, “It looks like someone hacked at me.” Further, Herron was never told that …More
la verdad prevalece
Ave Crux
Horrors....! Anyone advocating and/or affirming this is in league with satan. What an abomination.
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Gloria.TV News
The Cassock Is Not “A Detail” Aborting Vocations. Cyril Farret d'Astiès has commented on the decision of Toulouse Archbishop de Kérimel to ban the cassock in his seminary. Kérimel alleged that the …More
The Cassock Is Not “A Detail”
Aborting Vocations
. Cyril Farret d'Astiès has commented on the decision of Toulouse Archbishop de Kérimel to ban the cassock in his seminary. Kérimel alleged that the cassock would give too much of a clerical image and would create a distance with the faithful. But Farret notices that – quote - “asking seminarians not to aspire to the clerical state and forcing them to mix with lay people is really doing everything possible to abort vocations.”
Details. Farret takes up the argument that legislating about the cassock regards only a detail. He stresses, that other things may also be considered only a detail such as abolishing the offertory in the Novus Ordo, communion on the tongue, the introduction of lay readers. However, Farret explains that such an accumulation of details, which all point in the same direction, leads to another small detail which is secularisation and the loss of faith.
The Tactic. One of the first measures taken by the diabolic French …More
la verdad prevalece
APOSTASY AB ORDINE This, according to the present discipline of the Church, is the abandonment of the clerical dress and state by clerics who have …More
This, according to the present discipline of the Church, is the abandonment of the clerical dress and state by clerics who have received major orders.
May God bless and defend anyone and everyone who is zealous for His true Church, the Catholic Church under the valid Bishop of Rome. Please understand …More
May God bless and defend anyone and everyone who is zealous for His true Church, the Catholic Church under the valid Bishop of Rome.
Please understand I do not mean this as any defense of any person, neither do I mean to incite division.
In my layperson's point of view, it makes perfect sense to prohibit seminarians from wearing cassocks anywhere where the seminarian may become engaged with laypeople, such as myself. As a layman, seeing a man wearing a cassock, I may naturally assume the wearer is a Priest, which, of course, a seminarian is not. This could, quite easily, lead to my revealing confidences which an un-ordained man is unprepared to hear, as well as leading me, the layman, to gain invalid confidences from my interaction with the cassock-wearing man.
To me it seems that that alone is a valid reason to prohibit seminarians from wearing cassocks in any public place.
May God, in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, bless, protect, and defend each and every person who reads these …More
All Vaticanists Expect Francis’ Resignation Coincidence? Francis’ announcement that he will be in L'Aquila on 28 August to take part in a religious event called 'Perdonanza,' has fuelled rumours of …More
All Vaticanists Expect Francis’ Resignation
Francis’ announcement that he will be in L'Aquila on 28 August to take part in a religious event called 'Perdonanza,' has fuelled rumours of his resignation. Why? Because the Perdonanza was instituted by Pope Celestine V, the first pope in history who resigned. Hence, the idea that Bergoglio's participation in the event could be a symbolic message.
Unusual Date. The Washington Post pointed at the unusual late August date of Francis upcoming consistory. The paper stresses that Popes don’t normally create Cardinals at the end of summer when Rome is still in vacation shutdown mode. Quote, “It’s very odd to have a consistory in August, there’s no reason that he needs to call this [event] three months in advance and then go to L’Aquila in the middle of it,” said Robert Mickens, the Rome-based editor of the English-language edition of La Croix. He thinks that there is a very good possibility that Francis will announce then that he’s …More
atreverse pensar
Always talking about it, and he goes on and on. He talked about it himself about 5 years ago.
Cassandra Laments
Wishful thinking, probably, but anyway, how would it help? Who would take over? All his new cardinals would vote for someone in tune with their desires …More
Wishful thinking, probably, but anyway, how would it help? Who would take over? All his new cardinals would vote for someone in tune with their desires - and we all know what that would mean.
Homosexual Jesuit Believes Church Needs “Homosex Saints” They Exist. Jim McDermott dresses like a layman but seems to be a Jesuit. On June 2 he wrote on America Magazine that – quote – “The Catholic …More
Homosexual Jesuit Believes Church Needs “Homosex Saints”
They Exist.
Jim McDermott dresses like a layman but seems to be a Jesuit. On June 2 he wrote on America Magazine that – quote – “The Catholic Church needs Homosex saints.” Because of his poor Jesuit education, McDermott may not be aware that such saints exist, namely the Uganda Martyrs in the historical kingdom of Buganda. They were executed in 1885 on orders of King Mwanga II because they withstood his homosexual advances. In the article, McDermott calls himself a homosexual. He is an associate editor at America Magazine.
Wrong Wording. McDermott recalls that a couple years ago, he was at Los Angeles Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels looking at the tapestries of the saints lining the walls of the church. Quote, “It suddenly hit me that not a single one of these people has been identified as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, though undoubtedly some of them were.” McDermott doesn’t tell us why he knows this. He adds, “In fact …More
la verdad prevalece
In the Second letter of Saint Peter 3:3 it says that in the last days mockers (artful impostors) will come with their mockery, living according to their …More
In the Second letter of Saint Peter 3:3 it says
that in the last days mockers (artful impostors) will come with their mockery, living according to their own lusts
These are unlearned and unstable men who pervert the Scriptures to their own perdition.
Apostate Jim McDermott mockingly denied God's Word, writing on Twitter, in response to a post that read: @catholic_State
· Jun 6
Replying to @PopCulturPriest
All the Saints believed in Sodom and Gomorrah... Did they have pretty serious messed up prejudices?
Jim McDermott @PopCulturPriest · Jun 6 They also believed leeches would cure disease, the earth was flat and comets were signs of cosmic doom. But sure, let's focus on some ridiculous story about God destroying a town that was preposterously nothing but homosexual predators. That definitely sounds believable. Jim McDermott @PopCulturPriest · Jun 6 I know I’m way behind on this, but I’m just realizing there are people who think that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah really happened.
These clergy they need to have their heads examined
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