Mary 17
The Miraculous Life of Little Nellie of Holy God Ave Maria! In this episode of Tea with Mary we are joined by John Donovan, an expert on the life of the little Irish mystic, Little Nellie of Holy God …More
The Miraculous Life of Little Nellie of Holy God
Ave Maria! In this episode of Tea with Mary we are joined by John Donovan, an expert on the life of the little Irish mystic, Little Nellie of Holy God (Ellen Organ). The life of this saint is so extraordinary that it inspired Pope St. Pius X to lower the age of Holy Communion from twelve to seven years old. We pray that this show enkindles in your heart a love of the Eucharist and of this beautiful little servant of God.

Pray the prayers of St. Anthony

Tomorrow the liturgy celebrates St. Anthony of Padua. We share six prayersrecited by the saint as posted by Catholic News Agency. Let us pray them not just for his feast …
Life at Saint Thomas Aquinas Seminary - FSSPX USAMore
Life at Saint Thomas Aquinas Seminary - FSSPX USA
Worldmates shares from HP Y GC
Notre-Dame de Chrétienté #chartres #pilgrimage #catholic #tradition 2024 Chartres Pilgrimage, from Paris to Chartres France. Sign up for Michael Matt's Weekly E-Letter: The Remnant Newspaper - Free …More
Notre-Dame de Chrétienté #chartres #pilgrimage #catholic #tradition
2024 Chartres Pilgrimage, from Paris to Chartres France.
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Martin Mosebach: Catholic Art Shows Eyeless Dolls

The Church was wrong to see "no danger in secularised art", writes the German writer Martin Mosebach (Communio, June 2024). According to Mosebach, after the so-called "Enlightenment", artists refused …More
The Church was wrong to see "no danger in secularised art", writes the German writer Martin Mosebach (Communio, June 2024).
According to Mosebach, after the so-called "Enlightenment", artists refused to be instructed on how to paint sacred art and refused to follow the tradition of sacred art. They "embraced a theology that dissolved the Gospel into the abstract-philosophical or secular-political".
This art was in keeping with a "Church that was moving ever closer to the areligious zeitgeist". In the meantime, even the cross has become "too intrusive" for many artists [and clerics] and "smells too eerily of blood and sacrifice".
Mosebach points to the main problem: the clergy no longer know how to relate to Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity.
If many bishops and priests do not know how to deal with the tradition of the Church, especially with the will of early Christianity to pass on an authentic image of Jesus, "how can one expect anything else from artists but weakly sketched …More
“those darkened and lifeless eyes that used to give light to the whole world,” 4 PM: The Burial of Jesus “Heavenly Mother, your hands make ready to …More
“those darkened and lifeless eyes that used to give light to the whole world,”
4 PM: The Burial of Jesus
“Heavenly Mother, your hands make ready to clean the clotted blood from Jesus' eyes-those darkened and lifeless eyes that used to give light to the whole world, O Mother, I unite myself with You. Let us kiss them together!”
From The Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
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THE WARNING and MIRACLE. Sourced from the US Garabandal site before it ceased operation following the unexpected death of its founder; Joseph (Joey) Lomangino. (Double click the text to enlarge it) Pax …More
Sourced from the US Garabandal site before it ceased operation following the unexpected death of its founder; Joseph (Joey) Lomangino.
(Double click the text to enlarge it)
Pax Vobiscum.
17 pages
Fake aparition
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English Catholic
This article (not about Klaus Schwab, although his image appears) is a deeply-researched issue on Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron which deserves to be read. Draw your own conclusions.

From Jean-Michel to Brigitte Trogneux, lies at the Elysée

The volume this file occupies should not distract the visitor from the essentials. Here, in a few questions and answers, is a short summary, also …
English Catholic
Remember the scandal of Macron's 'bodyguard': Why IS President Macron publicly denying his bodyguard is his lover? and also his €26,000 euro bill for …More
Remember the scandal of Macron's 'bodyguard': Why IS President Macron publicly denying his bodyguard is his lover? and also his €26,000 euro bill for cosmetics for himself: Macron keeps up appearances with €26,000 makeup bill since May Join the dots up.
He Wanted Me to Be With Him Sr. Mary Brigid shares part of her vocation story: how she came to hear the Lord inviting her to the contemplative life.More
He Wanted Me to Be With Him
Sr. Mary Brigid shares part of her vocation story: how she came to hear the Lord inviting her to the contemplative life.
Jeffrey Ade
He is wonderful!

Leftists demand that the Welsh National Coal Museum get ‘decolonized’

By Andrea Widburg I studied abroad for a year in England during the very early 1980s. One of my flatmates was a Welsh woman. By that …
Liam Ronan
Lump it.
At a Phoenix Catholic church on June 11, 2014 Fr Kenneth Walker was murdered and Fr Joseph Terra brutally beaten by a man paroled from prison six weeks earlier.

Jesus Wept: The Death of Father Kenneth Walker, FSSP — Beyond These Stone Walls

Jesus Wept: The Death of Father Kenneth Walker, FSSP With Blessings, Father Gordon MacRae + + + “Jesus wept.” Those two …
Sally Dorman
Catholic school board goes all in with heretical LGBT ‘Pride’ presentation

Toronto Catholic school board goes all in with heretical LGBT 'Pride' presentation - LifeSite

(Everyday For Life Canada) — Have you noticed that the DIE (diversity, inclusion and equity) policy, which …
chris griffin
Have you noticed that the DIE (diversity, inclusion and equity) is the same as DIE (death, dead, breathed your last breath, expired).
The National "Catholic" Reporter - which was told by its bishops over the last 50 years NOT to use the word "Catholic" in its name - unironically complains about faithful Catholic organizations calling …More
The National "Catholic" Reporter - which was told by its bishops over the last 50 years NOT to use the word "Catholic" in its name - unironically complains about faithful Catholic organizations calling themselves Catholic.
Wilma Lopez

Meta deletes Instagram post about event exposing dangers of transgenderism for 'violating local law'…

(LifeSiteNews) — Meta deleted an advertisement for a speech exposing the dangers of transgenderism,…
Novena - Oremus
Sounds like a good idea
Jeffrey Ade
@Naomi Arai That is so funny!
Naomi Arai
Who? Mohammad? Manson? Che Guevara?

India: Priests Who Celebrate with their Back to God Excommunicated

Major Archbishop Raphael Thattil, 68, of Ernakulam-Angamaly of the Syro-Malabar rite, India, issued an ultimatum (3 July), telling his priests to either accept a liturgical compromise or face excommunication. …More
Major Archbishop Raphael Thattil, 68, of Ernakulam-Angamaly of the Syro-Malabar rite, India, issued an ultimatum (3 July), telling his priests to either accept a liturgical compromise or face excommunication.
It is the latest development in a long-running, bitter liturgical dispute that has escalated since the Syro-Malabar Synod decided in 2021 to introduce a single liturgy.
The compromise calls for the Liturgy of the Word to be arranged watching the people, while the Eucharistic Sacrifice is celebrated in the face of God.
The opponents of the reform want to preside over the whole liturgy watching the people, as has been done illegally for 50 years. They have announced that they will not comply with the ultimatum, reports
They have even proposed to separate from the archdiocese and establish a new prelature on the same territory, linked to Rome.
Lay people who attend a Eucharist from 4 July that is not celebrated according to the compromise are threatened with not fulfilling …More

Archbishop of Sydney Warns of 'Law War' against Christians

The Archbishop of Sydney, Monsignor Anthony Fisher, has warned of the gradual erosion of religious freedom in Australia's health care, education and wider society. Speaking to …More
The Archbishop of Sydney, Monsignor Anthony Fisher, has warned of the gradual erosion of religious freedom in Australia's health care, education and wider society.
Speaking to (10 June), Fisher pointed to the instrumentalisation of the legal system to harm the enemy ("lawfare") and "many other examples of legislative or policy moves in our federal and state governments that are hostile to religion".
The pace has accelerated markedly in recent years, with the regime even targeting silent prayer in public.
"When we look at life issues, in recent years we have seen the complete decriminalisation of abortion, with some states requiring medical professionals with conscientious objections to refer a patient to an abortion provider anyway."
Abortion has been given "special protection, with even silent prayer within 500 feet [150 meters] of an abortion clinic now a crime in many states".
"At the other end of life, euthanasia has also been legalised, and while doctors are …More

False Comedian Tells Children in Francis' Presence that "There Is Only Heaven"

Roberto Benigni, an Italian comedian, lied about eternity in the presence of Pope Francis at the Vatican's first World Children's Day on 26 May. "I can't lie in front of His Holiness," Benigni pretended …More
Roberto Benigni, an Italian comedian, lied about eternity in the presence of Pope Francis at the Vatican's first World Children's Day on 26 May.
"I can't lie in front of His Holiness," Benigni pretended, "don't make me lie in front of the Pope, because later, when I die, I'll be standing there with St Peter and he'll say to me: 'Oh, Benigni, you lied in front of the Pope. Oh, now I have to send you to hell or purgatory: 50 years! Mamma mia! What a shock!'"
"But I always think that when I die I'll be standing at the gates of heaven with St Peter waiting to judge me, and I always hope he'll give me a scape and let me go: Benigni, don't make me think again - go! I always hope so".
"But you all, don't be afraid, because there is no hell, no purgatory. There is only heaven, where you are now, the realm of childhood, of youth, full of dreams".
Tony M
Jorge leaves us with no doubt he is a serial....manifest....pertinacious....therefore formal....heretic!!! Anyone who cannot see this now.... after …More
Jorge leaves us with no doubt he is a serial....manifest....pertinacious....therefore formal....heretic!!!
Anyone who cannot see this now.... after after 11 years of his scandalising the faithful, and the children of the faithful, are being willfully naive and blindly ignorant. Being silent and naysaying in the face of evil taking place before your very eyes....will not get you to Heaven!!!!
He was also making fun of other Catholic dogmas saying that perhaps among the children there was the first future female pope. Moreover, he said that …More
He was also making fun of other Catholic dogmas saying that perhaps among the children there was the first future female pope. Moreover, he said that according to Bergoglio the noise made by children during the Mass / homily was more important that words of a pope or other priest preaching.
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Vandalism? Polish Chapel Smeared with Blood

Monsignor Wojciech Polak, Archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland, blessed a chapel of the Precious Blood in Mieścisko on 29 May. At the entrance to the chapel, some red paint, which looks like …More
Monsignor Wojciech Polak, Archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland, blessed a chapel of the Precious Blood in Mieścisko on 29 May.
At the entrance to the chapel, some red paint, which looks like blood spatter, represent "the Blood of Christ". An average, normal observer would consider it an act of vandalism, as Polish users pointed out.
There is another mural in the sanctuary depicting a slaughtered lamb with blood splattered on it. The shape of this second splatter represents a map of the world.
chris griffin
The priest in the black should NOT be smiling at sin.
The Precious Blood devotion is being encouraged in such a way that it looks like an attempt to perhaps distract us from other, older, more important …More
The Precious Blood devotion is being encouraged in such a way that it looks like an attempt to perhaps distract us from other, older, more important devotions; to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart...
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Pilgrimage: A Rediscovery of Catholic Tradition In 1998, a great pilgrimage was organized to Rome to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Ecclesia Dei and of the founding of the Priestly Fraternity of St …More
Pilgrimage: A Rediscovery of Catholic Tradition
In 1998, a great pilgrimage was organized to Rome to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Ecclesia Dei and of the founding of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. An excellent video documentary was made and put out on VCR (remember that?), but it has never been released in digital format -- until now. Watching it today is a walk down memory lane, as we see Cardinal Ratzinger expounding on his vision for what would become, in 2007, Summorum Pontificum, and watch footage of pontifical Masses when they were still very rare. Bittersweet, yet reminding us of how far we have come amidst great adversity.
Sean Johnson
They don’t get it.

There Is No Plan B. What You Never Wanted to Know About

Like everyone else, is looking back on some strange years - not only in a bad way. We're seeing people of all languages sign up and publish their content every day, and at an increasing rate. …More
Like everyone else, is looking back on some strange years - not only in a bad way. We're seeing people of all languages sign up and publish their content every day, and at an increasing rate. is special because it is not another editorial Christian news site telling others what to think. It is a social network that empowers believers themselves. Everyone can contribute. People can post, chat, like, read, communicate, make friends (we even know of some who got married through or disagree with theological opponents.
When started in 2007, we ignored the economic truths that such a project would be very expensive (for our standards). But we knew that, given enough time, we could develop our own software and handle the hardware needed for a big social media. Unaffordable? ... never mind. God and our users, friends, and family would provide somehow.
We simply ignored the fact that without a big money donor - an uncle from America who never came - it …More
😉 onda OK, I have just now sent my donation. Without GTV it could be a bit boring. Of course, I pray, go to Mass, keep house, stay in contact with …More
😉 onda OK, I have just now sent my donation. Without GTV it could
be a bit boring. Of course, I pray, go to Mass, keep house, stay in contact with family and friends, etc.. And when I am caught up with everything, it is great to be able to go to my "virtual library", and to share catholic news.
[A highlight was meeting Don Reto Nay in person, too!] THANKS GTV for all your hard work!--and NO irritating commercials.
Denis Efimov Naomi Arai
GTVisrockin shares this
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