
Martin Mosebach: Catholic Art Shows Eyeless Dolls

The Church was wrong to see "no danger in secularised art", writes the German writer Martin Mosebach (Communio, June 2024). According to Mosebach, after the so-called "Enlightenment", artists refused …More
The Church was wrong to see "no danger in secularised art", writes the German writer Martin Mosebach (Communio, June 2024).
According to Mosebach, after the so-called "Enlightenment", artists refused to be instructed on how to paint sacred art and refused to follow the tradition of sacred art. They "embraced a theology that dissolved the Gospel into the abstract-philosophical or secular-political".
This art was in keeping with a "Church that was moving ever closer to the areligious zeitgeist". In the meantime, even the cross has become "too intrusive" for many artists [and clerics] and "smells too eerily of blood and sacrifice".
Mosebach points to the main problem: the clergy no longer know how to relate to Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity.
If many bishops and priests do not know how to deal with the tradition of the Church, especially with the will of early Christianity to pass on an authentic image of Jesus, "how can one expect anything else from artists but weakly sketched …More
Fred Alan Medforth

Name-Calling Shows EU Establishment Learned Nothing from the Election

With the EU election over and national conservatives standing significantly stronger in most EU countries—including the two largest, …

Belgium's Anti-Trump Prime Minister Resigns as Europe's Right-Wing Rises in Shock Elections - Slay News

President Donald Trump is getting the last laugh after this weekend’s shock elections in Europe. In …
Info Krieger Krieger
Benedetto 69

Video summary

IL MESSAGGIO SEGRETO Summary of the Video: "THE SECRET MESSAGE - La Salette Part 2" by Father Serafino Tognetti Introduction to the Secret Message The secret message of the Virgin Mary to Melania is …More
Summary of the Video: "THE SECRET MESSAGE - La Salette Part 2" by Father Serafino Tognetti
Introduction to the Secret Message

The secret message of the Virgin Mary to Melania is divided into two parts: one discussed in the morning and the other in the afternoon.
The Virgin Mary speaks of imminent punishments if people do not convert, including famines and diseases, especially among children.
Apocalyptic Theme
The Virgin Mary uses apocalyptic language similar to that found in the Book of Revelation and the Gospels.
She talks about cosmic signs, earthquakes, wars, famines, and makes contemporary references to cities like Rome, Paris, and Marseille, and historical figures like Napoleon III. Conditionality of Punishments The punishments are conditional on human behavior: if people convert, they can be avoided. God uses the language of anger and wrath to express the clash between good and evil, but it is always aimed at conversion and greater good. References to Sacred …More
English Catholic
@giveusthisday There are signs of hope that people are wisening up. Self-professed 'apparition' expert Mark Mallett recently wrote a piece about his '…More
@giveusthisday There are signs of hope that people are wisening up. Self-professed 'apparition' expert Mark Mallett recently wrote a piece about his 'heaviness' after witnessing this: "My wife and I were sitting in the balcony — not a place we normally go, but today it was as though the Lord wanted me to see something. I leaned forward and looked down. The Cathedral was half-empty on this, the Feast of Mercy — emptier than I’d ever seen it. It was an exclamation point to His words that, even now — even with the world on the brink of nuclear conflict, economic meltdown, a global famine, and another “pandemic” — souls were not seeking His mercy and the “ocean of graces” that He was offering on this day."
Sister Lucia said back in 1957 to Fr Fuentes: "The second reason is because She said to my cousins as well as to myself, that God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are the last two remedies which …More
These prophesies, as well as at least the Third Secret of Fatima have been suppressed. It is very clear the powers that be in the Church, and probably …More
These prophesies, as well as at least the Third Secret of Fatima have been suppressed. It is very clear the powers that be in the Church, and probably among other Globalists too, do not want us to know these things! Meanwhile, The Divine Will, and Divine Mercy are being flogged like tired donkeys.
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English Catholic
This article (not about Klaus Schwab, although his image appears) is a deeply-researched issue on Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron which deserves to be read. Draw your own conclusions.

From Jean-Michel to Brigitte Trogneux, lies at the Elysée

The volume this file occupies should not distract the visitor from the essentials. Here, in a few questions and answers, is a short summary, also …
English Catholic
Remember the scandal of Macron's 'bodyguard': Why IS President Macron publicly denying his bodyguard is his lover? and also his €26,000 euro bill for …More
Remember the scandal of Macron's 'bodyguard': Why IS President Macron publicly denying his bodyguard is his lover? and also his €26,000 euro bill for cosmetics for himself: Macron keeps up appearances with €26,000 makeup bill since May Join the dots up.

Islamic State Terrorists Planned to Attack Liberal Berlin Mosque, Says Prosecutor

A liberal, women-led Berlin mosque known as a haven for gay Muslims was a target for an Islamic State terror cell in …

The rule of law in Hong Kong is in grave danger

The rule of law in Hong Kong is in grave danger Then 69 € per month.Complete digital access to quality FT journalism on any device. Cancel anytime during …
Info Krieger Krieger
Boanerges Boanerges Bergoglio is the king of PR! He always seems so spontaneous and clumsy yet there is no clumsiness or accident in promoting always the same message: there is no hell, no sin, no need …More
Boanerges Boanerges
Bergoglio is the king of PR! He always seems so spontaneous and clumsy yet there is no clumsiness or accident in promoting always the same message: there is no hell, no sin, no need for salvation, no need for Christ.

Pope Francis to meet with pro-abortion comedians Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon - …

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis will meet with prominent comedians, including pro-abortion …

France: ‘Dirty Jews, we will kill you, long live Palestine’, customers of a kosher shop in Créteil …

Customers at a kosher grocery shop in Créteil in the Val-de-Marne department were subjected to anti …

India: Priests Who Celebrate with their Back to God Excommunicated

Major Archbishop Raphael Thattil, 68, of Ernakulam-Angamaly of the Syro-Malabar rite, India, issued an ultimatum (3 July), telling his priests to either accept a liturgical compromise or face excommunication. …More
Major Archbishop Raphael Thattil, 68, of Ernakulam-Angamaly of the Syro-Malabar rite, India, issued an ultimatum (3 July), telling his priests to either accept a liturgical compromise or face excommunication.
It is the latest development in a long-running, bitter liturgical dispute that has escalated since the Syro-Malabar Synod decided in 2021 to introduce a single liturgy.
The compromise calls for the Liturgy of the Word to be arranged watching the people, while the Eucharistic Sacrifice is celebrated in the face of God.
The opponents of the reform want to preside over the whole liturgy watching the people, as has been done illegally for 50 years. They have announced that they will not comply with the ultimatum, reports UcaNews.com.
They have even proposed to separate from the archdiocese and establish a new prelature on the same territory, linked to Rome.
Lay people who attend a Eucharist from 4 July that is not celebrated according to the compromise are threatened with not fulfilling …More


THE NOVUS ORDO IS NOT THE END ALL: THE COMING 5 STEP “INITIATION” PROGRAM OF THE ONE WORLD RELIGION The mystics and heaven itself has forewarned us of the dreadful hour approaching. Rome will lose the …More
The mystics and heaven itself has forewarned us of the dreadful hour approaching. Rome will lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist. Technically speaking Rome has lost the Faith in the more general sense yes but we havent hit the part of the apostasy where we are in full blown New Age ceremonies as esteemed theologian Fr. Berry said.

French police investigate brutal attack carried out by migrants on two Irish lorry drivers

https://www.sundayworld.com/ French police in Calais are investigating a brutal assault involving two men working …

Archbishop of Sydney Warns of 'Law War' against Christians

The Archbishop of Sydney, Monsignor Anthony Fisher, has warned of the gradual erosion of religious freedom in Australia's health care, education and wider society. Speaking to CatholicNewsAgency.com …More
The Archbishop of Sydney, Monsignor Anthony Fisher, has warned of the gradual erosion of religious freedom in Australia's health care, education and wider society.
Speaking to CatholicNewsAgency.com (10 June), Fisher pointed to the instrumentalisation of the legal system to harm the enemy ("lawfare") and "many other examples of legislative or policy moves in our federal and state governments that are hostile to religion".
The pace has accelerated markedly in recent years, with the regime even targeting silent prayer in public.
"When we look at life issues, in recent years we have seen the complete decriminalisation of abortion, with some states requiring medical professionals with conscientious objections to refer a patient to an abortion provider anyway."
Abortion has been given "special protection, with even silent prayer within 500 feet [150 meters] of an abortion clinic now a crime in many states".
"At the other end of life, euthanasia has also been legalised, and while doctors are …More
Sally Dorman
The preferred mainstream media categories of “far right” and “hard right” mean very little – mostly serving as a catch-all for people liberal reporters dislike. Usually, Christians…and especially …More
The preferred mainstream media categories of “far right” and “hard right” mean very little – mostly serving as a catch-all for people liberal reporters dislike. Usually, Christians…and especially Catholics.

Europe’s Elections: Right, But Not Far - The Catholic Thing

It’s worth paying careful attention to the significant gains recently by so-called “hard right” parties in the European elections. They tell …
Ivan Tomas
Right but not Right. False Right.
Wilma Lopez

Catholic Church in Turkey Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Catholic Church in Turkey Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Monsignor Marek Solczyński, apostolic nuncio to Turkey, presided …

German left-wing government hires Muslim bank robber for propaganda against alleged fake news

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (53, SPD) wants to tackle disinformation on the internet with …
When are Europeans going to wake up and realize that their countries are being invaded by Muslims who have no desire to adopt European culture or abide …More
When are Europeans going to wake up and realize that their countries are being invaded by Muslims who have no desire to adopt European culture or abide by its laws. It is no conspiracy to say this is the plan of conquering Europe because it is well underway.
Malawians are mourning the country’s vice-president Saulos Chilima and nine others.

Saulos Chilima: Malawi vice-president confirmed dead in plane crash

Malawi VP confirmed dead in plane crash in forest The wreck of a plane carrying Malawi's vice-president has been found with no survivors …
Josefa Menendez
R.I.P. 🙏

False Comedian Tells Children in Francis' Presence that "There Is Only Heaven"

Roberto Benigni, an Italian comedian, lied about eternity in the presence of Pope Francis at the Vatican's first World Children's Day on 26 May. "I can't lie in front of His Holiness," Benigni pretended …More
Roberto Benigni, an Italian comedian, lied about eternity in the presence of Pope Francis at the Vatican's first World Children's Day on 26 May.
"I can't lie in front of His Holiness," Benigni pretended, "don't make me lie in front of the Pope, because later, when I die, I'll be standing there with St Peter and he'll say to me: 'Oh, Benigni, you lied in front of the Pope. Oh, now I have to send you to hell or purgatory: 50 years! Mamma mia! What a shock!'"
"But I always think that when I die I'll be standing at the gates of heaven with St Peter waiting to judge me, and I always hope he'll give me a scape and let me go: Benigni, don't make me think again - go! I always hope so".
"But you all, don't be afraid, because there is no hell, no purgatory. There is only heaven, where you are now, the realm of childhood, of youth, full of dreams".
Liam Ronan
Emmett Leo Kelly and true clown and a true hero. +RIP Emmett Kelly - Wikipedia and Emmett Kelly Sr. (1898-1979) - Find a Grave...More
Emmett Leo Kelly and true clown and a true hero. +RIP Emmett Kelly - Wikipedia
and Emmett Kelly Sr. (1898-1979) - Find a Grave...
la verdad prevalece
The anti-Catholic and apostate gay activist Bergoglio not only mocks God himself but is also an accomplice of those who mock God.
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Good news

BREAKING: Abducted Kaduna Catholic priest regains freedom

The kidnapped Kaduna Catholic Priest, Rev. Fr. Gabriel Ukeh, of St Thomas Parish, Zaman Dabo in Zango Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna State …
Tom Morelli

What happens when you approach desire with an abundance mindset - RADIANT

I recently read the Gospel of Matthew again and was struck by the description of Jesus’ time in the desert (for those wondering …