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THE DIALOGUE OF THE SERAPHIC VIRGIN CATHERINE OF SIENA - Pts. 1 & 2 "Man is placed above all creatures, and not beneath them, and he cannot be satisfied or content except in something greater than …More
"Man is placed above all creatures, and not beneath them, and he cannot be satisfied or content except in something greater than himself. Greater than himself there is nothing but Myself, the Eternal God. Therefore I alone can satisfy him, and, because he is deprived of this satisfaction by his guilt, he remains in continual torment and pain. Weeping follows pain, and when he begins to weep, the wind strikes the tree of self-love, which he has made the principle of all his being.". This work was dictated by Saint Catherine of Siena during a state of ecstasy while in dialogue with God the Father. Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) was declared a Doctor of the Church on October 4, 1970.
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Santa Catalina de Siena, la santa que hizo volver al Papa a RomaMore
Santa Catalina de Siena, la santa que hizo volver al Papa a Roma
Catalina de Siena, la santa que hizo volver al Papa a Roma centroeuropaMore
Catalina de Siena, la santa que hizo volver al Papa a Roma centroeuropa
Irapuato shares from parangutirimicuaro
Die Kirchenlehrer: hl. Katharina von SienaMore
Die Kirchenlehrer: hl. Katharina von Siena
Die Kirchenlehrer: hl. Katharina von Siena. Die heilige Katharina von Siena (* 25. März 1347 in Siena; † 29. April 1380 in Rom) war eine italienische Mystikerin, geweihte Jungfrau und Kirchenlehrerin. …More
Die Kirchenlehrer: hl. Katharina von Siena.
Die heilige Katharina von Siena (* 25. März 1347 in Siena; † 29. April 1380 in Rom) war eine italienische Mystikerin, geweihte Jungfrau und Kirchenlehrerin.
In Avignon gelang es ihr 1376, Papst Gregor XI. zur Rückkehr nach Rom zu bewegen. Als 1378 unter Urban VI. eine Kirchenspaltung drohte, wirkte sie für eine Friedenslösung. Katharina wurde 1461 heiliggesprochen, 1939 zur Schutzpatronin von Italien erklärt, 1970 zur Kirchenlehrerin erhoben und 1999 zur Schutzpatronin Europas erklärt.
1461 wurde Katharina von Siena heiliggesprochen und 1939 zur Schutzpatronin von Italien erklärt. Papst Paul VI. erhob sie 1970 zur Kirchenlehrerin („Doctor Ecclesiae universalis“); 1999 wurde sie von Johannes Paul II. zusammen mit der hl. Brigitta von Schweden und der hl. Teresia Benedicta vom Kreuz zur Patronin Europas erhoben.
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Top 5 Attractions, Siena (Italy) geobeatsMore
Top 5 Attractions, Siena (Italy)
Top 5 Attractions, Siena (Italy) geobeats on Aug 19, 2010 Number 1: Siena Duomo. This great cathedral was constructed all the way back in the 13th century. Considered to be an architectural gem, it's …More
Top 5 Attractions, Siena (Italy)
geobeats on Aug 19, 2010 Number 1: Siena Duomo. This great cathedral was constructed all the way back in the 13th century. Considered to be an architectural gem, it's a must see for anyone visiting Siena.
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28 aprile: Beati Lucchese e Buonadonna; quando ogni miracolo è accessibileMore
28 aprile: Beati Lucchese e Buonadonna; quando ogni miracolo è accessibile
28 aprile: Beati Lucchese e Buonadonna; quando ogni miracolo è accessibile adversavulnera Beati Lucchese e Buonadonna Sposi, terziari francescani 28 aprile Toscana, 1181 – Poggibonsi, 28 aprile 1260More
28 aprile: Beati Lucchese e Buonadonna; quando ogni miracolo è accessibile adversavulnera
Beati Lucchese e Buonadonna Sposi, terziari francescani
28 aprile
Toscana, 1181 – Poggibonsi, 28 aprile 1260

Lucchese nacque presso Poggibonsi (SI) lo stesso anno di S. Francesco d’Assisi (1181). In gioventù combattè per il partito dei Guelfi; ma poi, abbandonata la vita militare, si sposò con Bona Segni e si mise a commerciare in granaglie e fare il cambiavalute approfittando dei pellegrini che si recavano a Roma lungo la via Francigena. Nell’ottobre1212 Lucchese ebbe modo di ascoltare una predica di S. Francesco a S. Gimignano e da lì iniziò la sua conversione: risarcì tutti coloro che aveva impoveriti con i suoi traffici, fece penitenza, si mise al servizio dei frati , donò tutti i suoi beni e insieme alla moglie trasformò la sua casa in ospedale. Quando S. Francesco tornò in Valdelsa, nel 1221, donò a questa coppia di sposi l’abito della Penitenza, facendone i primi Terziari francescani.
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April 28 - Saint Vitalis - Patron of Ravenna - Martyr - 062 - RavennaMore
April 28 - Saint Vitalis - Patron of Ravenna - Martyr - 062 - Ravenna
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el 28 de abril - Beata Mª Luisa de Jesús, cofundadora de las Hijas de la Sabiduría.More
el 28 de abril - Beata Mª Luisa de Jesús, cofundadora de las Hijas de la Sabiduría.
el 28 de abril Beata Mª Luisa de Jesús, cofundadora de las Hijas de la Sabiduría. DIÓCESISTV Beata Mª Luisa de Jesús, cofundadora de las Hijas de la SabiduríaMore
el 28 de abril Beata Mª Luisa de Jesús, cofundadora de las Hijas de la Sabiduría.
DIÓCESISTV Beata Mª Luisa de Jesús, cofundadora de las Hijas de la Sabiduría
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Blessed Marie Louise Trichet First Daughter of Wisdom Marie-Louise de Jésus Marie-Louise of Jesus Memorial 28 April 7 May on some calendars Profile The fourth of eight children born to Julien, a court …More
Blessed Marie Louise Trichet
First Daughter of Wisdom
Marie-Louise de Jésus
Marie-Louise of Jesus
28 April
7 May on some calendars
Profile The fourth of eight children born to Julien, a court magistrate, and Françoise Lecocq, a notably pious mother; one of Marie-Louise’s brothers became a priest, one of her sisters a nun; her eldest sister, Jeanne, was paralyzed at the age of 13, but was cured at 16 during a pilgrimage to Notre Dame des Ardilliers, Saumur, France. Educated from age seven by the Sisters of Sainte Jeanne de Lestonac. From the age of seventeen, Marie-Lousie devoted herself to the care of the poor and the sick, and when she worked at the poor house in Poitiers, France, a place known as a the General Hospital, she met and began to work with Saint Louis de Montfort. On 2 February 1703, at age 18, she dedicated herself to God and moved into the Hospital, officially as an impoverished inmate, but actually to help Father Louis administer the place. With …More
Blessed Marie Louise Trichet. mywisdomtv on Aug. 1, 2012. Blessed Marie Louise Trichet, also known as Marie-Louise de Jésus (1684–1759), was a French Catholic figure who, with Saint Louis de MontfortMore
Blessed Marie Louise Trichet.
mywisdomtv on Aug. 1, 2012. Blessed Marie Louise Trichet, also known as Marie-Louise de Jésus (1684–1759), was a French Catholic figure who, with Saint Louis de Montfort, founded the Congregation of religious women called Daughters of Wisdom and since the age of seventeen devoted her life to caring for the poor and the sick. She is also referred to as the First Daughter of Wisdom. She was beatified by Pope John Paul II.
She was born in Poitiers, on the Clain River in west central France on May 7, 1684 and baptized at the church of St. Etienne.[1] Her father Julien was a court magistrate in Poitiers and her mother Françoise Lecocq was deeply religious, as was most of her family. She was the fourth child and third daughter, and had seven siblings.
The eldest, Jeanne, struck with paralysis at the age of thirteen, was cured three years later during a visit to Notre Dame des Ardilliers at Saumur. Her younger brother Alexis, born just one year earlier,…More
Irapuato shares from parangutirimicuaro
hl. Peter Chanel - Gedenktag: am 28. AprilMore
hl. Peter Chanel - Gedenktag: am 28. April
Hl. Peter Chanel - Gedenktag: am 28. April. Glaubensbote in Ozeanien, Märtyrer * 12. Juli 1803 in La Potière, Ortsteil von Foissiat im Département Ain in Frankreich † 28. April 1841 auf der Insel …More
Hl. Peter Chanel - Gedenktag: am 28. April.
Glaubensbote in Ozeanien, Märtyrer
* 12. Juli 1803 in La Potière, Ortsteil von Foissiat im Département Ain in Frankreich
† 28. April 1841 auf der Insel Futuna in Ozeanien, heute zu Frankreich gehörig
Peter Chanel, der erste Märtyrer Ozeaniens, wurde 1803 in Frankreich geboren. Drei Jahre nach seiner Priesterweihe trat er bei den Maristen ein (1831) und wirkte seit 1837 auf der Insel Futuna (Ozeanien). Trotz großer Mühe sah er so gut wie keinen Erfolg. 1841 ließ ihn der König der Insel aus Zorn über die Bekehrung seines Sohnes und aus Angst um seine Herrschaft ermorden. Wenige Monate nach dem Tod des Missionars wurde die ganze Insel katholisch, und sie ist es geblieben bis heute.
Der Erfolg
„Zwanzig Taufen - vier von Erwachsenen, die übrigen von Kindern, und alle in Todesgefahr - sind die ganze Ernte, die ich in achtzehn Monaten eingebracht habe.“ (Peter Chanel, Brief vom Jahr 1839)…/index.html Hl. Ludwig Maria Grignion …More
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Vidas ejemplares: San Luis María de Montfort (Fiesta: 28 de abril)More
Vidas ejemplares: San Luis María de Montfort (Fiesta: 28 de abril)
Vidas ejemplares: San Luis María de Montfort (Fiesta: 28 de abril)
36 pages
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Vida de San Luis María Grignion de Montfort.More
Vida de San Luis María Grignion de Montfort.
Vida de San Luis María Grignion de Montfort. amigosvenezolanos on Jan 18, 2012 Vida de S. Luis María Grignion de MontfortMore
Vida de San Luis María Grignion de Montfort.
amigosvenezolanos on Jan 18, 2012 Vida de S. Luis María Grignion de Montfort
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28 Aprile - San Pietro ChanelMore
28 Aprile - San Pietro Chanel
28 Aprile - San Pietro Chanel. mrjhs2011 28 Aprile - San Pietro ChanelMore
28 Aprile - San Pietro Chanel.
mrjhs2011 28 Aprile - San Pietro Chanel
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28 Avril - Saint Pierre ChanelMore
28 Avril - Saint Pierre Chanel
28 Avril Saint Pierre Chanel Premier martyr en Océanie (1803-1841) Pierre-Louis-Marie Chanel naquit le 12 juillet 1803, à Cuet dans l'Ain, village du diocèse de Lyon. Il était le cinquième d'une …More
28 Avril Saint Pierre Chanel Premier martyr en Océanie (1803-1841)
Pierre-Louis-Marie Chanel naquit le 12 juillet 1803, à Cuet dans l'Ain, village du diocèse de Lyon. Il était le cinquième d'une famille de huit enfants. De sept à douze ans, il travaillait comme berger. Un jour, un prêtre le remarqua et se chargea de le faire instruire.
Après ses humanités au séminaire de Meximieux et ses études théologiques au grand séminaire de Brou, il reçut l'onction sacerdotale, le 15 juillet 1827. Il exerça d'abord le ministère pastoral à Ambérieu, comme vicaire, puis à Crozet, en qualité de curé. Mû par un désir de plus grande perfection, il entra dans la Société de Marie en 1831 et enseigna pendant cinq ans au petit séminaire de Belley.
En 1836, il sollicita la faveur d'être appliqué à l'apostolat des missions d'Océanie. Le 24 décembre, il s'embarquait au Havre avec Mgr Pompallier et au bout de dix mois de navigation, ils abordaient à l'île de Futuna.
Pendant que l'évêque continuait sa route vers …More
Irapuato shares from parangutirimicuaro
Jesus Living In Mary - The Life Of St Louis Marie De Montfort 28 April 1 February (Baptism of Saint Louis) Profile Born poor. Studied in Paris, France, and ordained in 1700. While a seminarianMore
Jesus Living In Mary - The Life Of St Louis Marie De Montfort
28 April
1 February (Baptism of Saint Louis)
Born poor. Studied in Paris, France, and ordained in 1700. While a seminarian he delighted in researching the writings of Church Fathers, Doctors and Saints as they related to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom he was singularly devoted.
Under Mary‘s inspiration, he founded the Daughters of Divine Wisdom, a religious institute of women devoted to the care of the desititute, and a brother organization, the Brothers of Saint Gabriel. During this work, he began his apostolate of preaching the Rosary and authentic Marian devotion. He preached so forcefully and effectively against the errors of Jansenism that he was expelled from several dioceses in France. In Rome Pope Clement XI conferred on him the title and authority of Missionary Apostolic, which enabled him to continue his apostolate after returning to France. He preached Mary everywhere and to …More
Jesus Living In Mary - The Life Of St Louis Marie De Montfort EWTN on the life of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort.More
Jesus Living In Mary - The Life Of St Louis Marie De Montfort
EWTN on the life of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort.
Irapuato shares from parangutirimicuaro
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla - April 28 breski1 Also known as Gianna Beretta Gianna Molla Memorial 28 April Profile Tenth of thirteen children born to Alberto and Maria Beretta, she was a pious girlMore
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla - April 28
Also known as
Gianna Beretta
Gianna Molla
28 April
Profile Tenth of thirteen children born to Alberto and Maria Beretta, she was a pious girl raised in a pious family; one sister became a Canossian missionary nun, and two brothers, including Venerable Enrico Beretta became priests. While in college, she worked with the poor and elderly, and joined the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. Physician and surgeon, graduating from the University of Pavia in 1949, she started a clinic in Mero, Italy in 1950. She returned to school and studied pediatrics, and after finishing in 1952 she worked especially with mothers, babies, the elderly, and the poor. Active in Catholic Action, and a avid skier. She considered a call to religious life, but was married to Pietro Molla on 24 September 1955 at Magenta. Mother of three, she continued her medical career, treating it as a mission and gift from God. During her pregnancy with …More
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Abril 27. Beato José Outhay 15 mártires de Laos (1954-1970) Este grupo de 15 mártires, encabezados por el Pbro. Joseph Tien, comprende cristianos de distintos estados, tanto sacerdotes como religiosos …More
Abril 27. Beato José Outhay
15 mártires de Laos (1954-1970)
Este grupo de 15 mártires, encabezados por el Pbro. Joseph Tien, comprende cristianos de distintos estados, tanto sacerdotes como religiosos, y laicos. Pertenecían todos a la misión católica en el país, y abren la santidad y el testimonio cristiano en la tierra de Laos. Fueron beatificados por Papa Francisco a finales de 2016.
Abril 27. Beato José Outhay. florycanto 15 mártires de Laos (1954-1970) Este grupo de 15 mártires, encabezados por el Pbro. Joseph Tien, comprende cristianos de distintos estados, tanto sacerdotes …More
Abril 27. Beato José Outhay.
florycanto 15 mártires de Laos (1954-1970)
Este grupo de 15 mártires, encabezados por el Pbro. Joseph Tien, comprende cristianos de distintos estados, tanto sacerdotes como religiosos, y laicos. Pertenecían todos a la misión católica en el país, y abren la santidad y el testimonio cristiano en la tierra de Laos. Fueron beatificados por Papa Francisco a finales de 2016.
Durante la guerra de Indochina, en Laos, entre los años 1954 y 1970, diecisiete discípulos de Cristo sufrieron el martirio por el amor a su nombre. Entre estos santos mártires, se encontraba el joven sacerdote José Tien (Ban Then, 5 de Diciembre de 1918 – Muang Xoi, 2 de Junio de 1954), primer mártir de Laos, además de otros catequistas [Pablo Thoj Xyooj (1941-1960), José Outhany (1933-1961) Tomás Khampheuane Inthirath (1952-1968), Luc Sy (1938-1970), Maisam Pho Inpeng (1934-1970)].
Algunos miembros de la Sociedad de las Misiones Extranjeras de París [P. Juan Bautista Malo MEP (1899-1954), P …
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Antoñita Beata María Antonia Bandrés y Elósegui Beata María Antonia Bandrés y Elósegui, virgen fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 27 de abril n.: 1898 - †: 1919 - país: España canonización:More
Antoñita Beata María Antonia Bandrés y Elósegui
Beata María Antonia Bandrés y Elósegui, virgen
fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 27 de abril
n.: 1898 - †: 1919 - país: España
canonización: B: Juan Pablo II 12 may 1996
hagiografía: Vaticano
En Salamanca, en España, beata María Antonia Bandrés y Elósegui, virgen de la Congregación de Hijas de Jesús, que concluyó en breve tiempo su vida consagrada a Dios, con ánimo sereno y sin descorazonarse.
Antoñita Beata María Antonia Bandrés y Elósegui, virgen Imágenes utilizadas de http://madrecandidamariadejesus.blogs... fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 27 de abril n.: 1898 - †: 1919 - país:More
Beata María Antonia Bandrés y Elósegui, virgen
Imágenes utilizadas de http://madrecandidamariadejesus.blogs...
fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 27 de abril
n.: 1898 - †: 1919 - país: España
canonización: B: Juan Pablo II 12 may 1996
hagiografía: Vaticano
En Salamanca, en España, beata María Antonia Bandrés y Elósegui, virgen de la Congregación de Hijas de Jesús, que concluyó en breve tiempo su vida consagrada a Dios, con ánimo sereno y sin descorazonarse. Discurso de SS Juan Pablo II el lunes 13 de mayo de 1996, a los peregrinos que habían acudido a Roma para la beatificación de las dos religiosas, celebrada el día anterior: La Madre Cándida María de Jesús Cipitria y Barriola (9 de agosto), siendo aún joven, tuvo que cuidar de sus hermanos menores en una familia numerosa, a la vez que daba los primeros pasos en la vida de piedad, Después, en Valladolid, mientras servía en una familia, viviendo en actitud de penitencia y oración, que son dos caminos necesarios …More
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27. April - Petrus Canisius canisius tvMore
27. April - Petrus Canisius
canisius tv
27. April - Petrus Canisius canisiustv ASR + HEL + GER + LIT = ECE (Die Jesuiten aus Österreich, der Schweiz, Deutschland und Litauen schließen sich am Gedenktag des heiligen Petrus Canisius zusammen …More
27. April - Petrus Canisius canisiustv
ASR + HEL + GER + LIT = ECE (Die Jesuiten aus Österreich, der Schweiz, Deutschland und Litauen schließen sich am Gedenktag des heiligen Petrus Canisius zusammen zur Zentraleuropäischen Jesuitenprovinz). Wer ist Petrus Canisius?
Ivan TomasMore
Ivan Tomas
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Abril 27. Santa María Guadalupe García Zavala Santa Madre María Guadalupe García Zavala (Zapopan, Jalisco; 27 de abril de 1878 - Guadalajara, 24 de junio de 1963) fue una religiosa mexicana, …More
Abril 27. Santa María Guadalupe García Zavala
Santa Madre María Guadalupe García Zavala
(Zapopan, Jalisco; 27 de abril de 1878 - Guadalajara, 24 de junio de 1963) fue una religiosa mexicana, cofundadora de la Congregación de las Siervas de Santa Margarita María y de los Pobres. Sus padres fueron Fortino García Venegas y Refugio Zavala Orozco de García.
Recibió el sacramento del bautismo en la parroquia de San Pedro Apóstol en Zapopan. Recibió la primera comunión el 8 de septiembre de 1887, en la basílica de Zapopan. A los 20 años de edad comenzó a participar en la Conferencia de la Beata Margarita, filial a la conferencia de San Vicente de Paúl. Esta Conferencia se dedicaba exclusivamente a obras de caridad.
Tuvo un noviazgo con Gustavo Arreola, y estando prometida en matrimonio a los 23 años, sintió la llamada del Señor Jesús para consagrarse a la vida religiosa y especialmente dedicarse a los enfermos y a los pobres.
Lupita le contó sus inquietudes a su director espiritual el …More
Abril 27. Santa María Guadalupe García Zavala florycanto
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April 27 - Saint Anthimus - Bishop - Martyr - 303 Martyrs of Nicomedia Memorial 27 April Profile A group of Christians murdered together for their faith. In most cases all we have are their names. …More
April 27 - Saint Anthimus - Bishop - Martyr - 303
Martyrs of Nicomedia
27 April
A group of Christians murdered together for their faith. In most cases all we have are their names.
Evanthia Felicia Felix Germana Germelina Johannes Julius Laetissima Nikeforus Papias Serapion Victorinus Died at Nicomedia, Bithynia, Asia Minor (modern Izmit, Turkey) Canonized Pre-Congregation
Apr 27 - Saint Anthimus - Bishop - Martyr - 303 - Nicomediae Lesson from Fr Alban Butler, 1773, Lives of the Saints. The lives of the fathers, martyrs, and other principal saints : compiled from …More