
One Year and Eight Months: But He Still Works in the Vatican

Of course he doesn't lose his job. It's not like he isn't vaccinated.

Guitar Blessing: Blasphemy in the Name of "Unity" (Video)

At least he didn't do it ad orientem. 😉

The Oldest Group of Sedevacantists in the U.S

I think the bishop contacted in 1985 was Bp. George Musey, who had himself been consecrated by Bp. Carmona three years earlier or so.

Francis Undermines the Credibility of the Papacy - By Father Brian Harrison

Francis is an existentialist. For him, existence precedes (and is superior to) essence.

Council Confirms: German Bishops Are Now Lapsed Catholics

They don't even believe faith is necessary at all, much less sufficient - remember, they are allowing PROTESTANTS (=heretics =no faith) to receive!

German Canon Lawyer Spreads Conspiracy Theory about Benedict XVI

The English text of what he said is online here: novusordowatch.org/…/canon-lawyer-be…