Credo di poter volare. Cannoli in SedrunAltro
Credo di poter volare.
Cannoli in Sedrun
It doesn't appear that Roman Candle is a peaceful soul. 🧐
@Cannoli...I think he might have the 'hots' for you! 🤦 🤮
Holy Cannoli
We will know Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, Angy. 🙏
Just in case the worst happens, I've unpacked my snow boots and am spending time looking Here.
We will know Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, Angy. 🙏

Just in case the worst happens, I've unpacked my snow boots and am spending time looking Here.


👏 😎 😀
( tomorrow evening you will know definitely, that you have to move to Sedrun..... ☕ 👌 )Altro
👏 😎 😀

( tomorrow evening you will know definitely, that you have to move to Sedrun..... ☕ 👌 )
Move to Sedrun? Sounds good to me! 😊
Holy Cannoli
Bien di, Tina.
Bien di, Tina.

😀 🤗
Holy Cannoli
If Obama wins 🤬 I'm moving there permanently. 👏
Looks like a great time, Cannoli! 🤗
holyrope 3
👏 👏 👏 😊