Statistics on abortion

Statistics on abortion As of 2012, it is estimated there has been over 54 million babies murdered by abortion since the Supreme Court handed down its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. After reaching 25 …More
Statistics on abortion
As of 2012, it is estimated there has been over 54 million babies murdered by abortion since the Supreme Court handed down its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. After reaching 25 percent from a high of over 1.6 million in the year 1990, the number of abortions performed annually in the U.S. has leveled off at about 1.2 million infants murdered by abortion a year, based on data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI).[2]
Approximately 22% of all U.S. pregnancies ended in abortion.[16]
Only about 1 percent each year are attributed to rape and incest.[17]
40% of women ages 15 to 44 have had at least one abortion. 4 out of 10 teen pregnancies end in murder by abortion.
7 out of 10 U.S. women are sexually active (usually as fornicators) but do not want to become pregnant.[18]
Women who have never married and are not cohabiting account for 45% of all abortions.
37% of women killing babies by abortion were Protestant, (include those …More
Holy Cannoli
I agree with you that the primer guilt has the society itself: and by society I mean every family.
I never said that.
Look, even after you have been told and with a video from Michael Voris to affirm the involvement of Catholic Bishops, you still refuse to acknowledge that it is Catholic hierarchy which bears an enormous amount of the responsibility for the pervasiveness of abortion.
Instead, you're …More
I agree with you that the primer guilt has the society itself: and by society I mean every family.

I never said that.

Look, even after you have been told and with a video from Michael Voris to affirm the involvement of Catholic Bishops, you still refuse to acknowledge that it is Catholic hierarchy which bears an enormous amount of the responsibility for the pervasiveness of abortion.

Instead, you're back to blaming the gov, the media and now you throw in"society."

Watch the video again because it obviously didn't sink in the first time.!

Pia Piissima
@Holy Cannoli “Government is a reflection of the electorate and the media reports news.”
Well yes. Somehow I agree with you that the primer guilt has the society itself: and by society I mean every family.
However the government and the media: they are just playing saints, THEY know what justice and tolerance is, they are the once who judge over everybody else.
And this is the problem: this …More
@Holy Cannoli “Government is a reflection of the electorate and the media reports news.”

Well yes. Somehow I agree with you that the primer guilt has the society itself: and by society I mean every family.

However the government and the media: they are just playing saints, THEY know what justice and tolerance is, they are the once who judge over everybody else.

And this is the problem: this disgusting dishonesty
Holy Cannoli
Government is a reflection of the electorate and the media reports news.
The pervasiveness and the acceptance of abortion in such huge numbers among Catholics is the result of a complicit, cowardly, do nothing Catholic Hierarchy who will not act or speak openly, repeatedly and consistently regarding the horror of abortion.
This is a difficult concept to accept for a neo-Catholic who would prefer …More
Government is a reflection of the electorate and the media reports news.

The pervasiveness and the acceptance of abortion in such huge numbers among Catholics is the result of a complicit, cowardly, do nothing Catholic Hierarchy who will not act or speak openly, repeatedly and consistently regarding the horror of abortion.

This is a difficult concept to accept for a neo-Catholic who would prefer to live in denial and blame the gov, the media or who knows who else.!
Pia Piissima
Folks, these are frightening numbers!!!
1.2 million infants murdered by abortion a year: Is this normal??
40% of women ages 15 to 44 have had at least one abortion: How is this possible?
4 out of 10 teen pregnancies end in murder by abortion: Is this not a catastrophe??
And what do our governments do about that?? Nothing. Dead silence.
What do the media do? Nothing. Dead silence.
How is this possible??? …More
Folks, these are frightening numbers!!!
1.2 million infants murdered by abortion a year: Is this normal??
40% of women ages 15 to 44 have had at least one abortion: How is this possible?
4 out of 10 teen pregnancies end in murder by abortion: Is this not a catastrophe??
And what do our governments do about that?? Nothing. Dead silence.
What do the media do? Nothing. Dead silence.
How is this possible???
I have the impression, that we are all sleeping and are afraid to wake up and see the truth!