Catholic bishop attends installation of and defends homosexual military Chaplain General

Photo ~ Brigadier General John Fletcher appointed as the Chaplain General of the Canadian Armed Forces October 2, 2013 ( – Canadian Bishop Donald Thériault, Bishop of the Military …More
Photo ~ Brigadier General John Fletcher appointed as the Chaplain General of the Canadian Armed Forces
October 2, 2013 ( – Canadian Bishop Donald Thériault, Bishop of the Military Ordinariate of Canada, says that, whatever his personal reservations about his openly homosexual lifestyle, Brigadier General John Fletcher, the newly installed Chaplain General of the Canadian Armed Forces, was the right man for the job.
“He was the only one with the experience at all levels, and, as they say, crossing all the T’s, as he went along. And so there’s no question about his being the one person in the Canadian Forces in the Chaplaincy who was ready for that position,” said Thériault.
“And since same-sex marriage is acceptable in Canada, we can’t judge the person and his capacity to do the job based on his sexual orientation.”
Bishop Thériault said that Fletcher made it clear to the committee that he was the right person for the job.
“I know that in his own mind he feels comfortable …More
No matter how hard they try, sodomy will NEVER be accepted in this world as being 'normal'. Because IT isn't. Period.
“He was the only one with the experience at all levels"
even at the lowest level...More
“He was the only one with the experience at all levels"

even at the lowest level...