Pope Benedict draws a line in the sand...

In a written message to The Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI emphasized that the renunciation of truth is "lethal to faith,"

“Many today think religions should respect each other and, in their dialogue, become a common force for peace,” the Pope Emeritus continued. “The question of truth, that which originally motivated Christians more than any other, is here put inside parentheses… This renunciation of truth seems realistic and useful for peace among religions in the world.”

"...is nevertheless lethal to faith"

“loses its binding character and its seriousness, everything is reduced to interchangeable symbols, capable of referring only distantly to the inaccessible mystery of the divine.”

What is the sole mission of the Church? Save souls and make saints...

In my previous article about pope Benedict "Pope Benedict in silence", by inspiration I said to the world that pope Benedict XVI can't go out like some of us shouting heresy here or there, he needs something concrete, he is waiting for material heresy to happen (I can only imagine his suffering on this thought, I can imagine him asking God this NOT to happen).

Pope Francis has declare a lot of borderline heresies and has acted in such a way, that you don't know if he is for the Lord Jesus or for another strange religion (all I can say is, that it is a good time to be Muslim with this pope)... but Benedict can't say that, if the Faith is threaten with what many wolves in sheep clothes are preaching and lobbying today, we can't see Benedict not doing what any good disciple of our Lord would do... point out what's wrong, and if not heard, if those who are for the world don't change, then distance yourself from iniquity.

As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned. Titus 3:10-11

Cardinal Burke has called the wrongs, Archbihop Ganswein, Archbishop Athanasius Schneider, Bishop Gadecki and some others as well, but pope Benedict has produce a written message and also corrected his own writings for Francis pawn cardinal Kasper, NOT to use pope Benedict's words, on lobbying the lie from hell: divorce and re-married communion.

Pope Benedict XVI has called NOT to renounce on truth, but if they do... what do you think it'll happen? He is pope, if the wicked relatio is passed and pope Francis approves it in 2015, then there is a NO doubt material heresy right there, then all the warnings given by all the true disciples of Christ and pope Benedict would be ignored for the sake of an UNGOSPEL... a liberal gospel, a lie or lies proclaimed as truth, a "pastoral" poison.

Pope Benedict has drawn a line in the sand and it is a line made by his warning on the renunciation on truth and the correction of his own words about divorce and re-married couples to get communion, this speaks LOUDLY, ask yourselves: How can there be a one true faith with priests rejecting the truth? If they give communion away, how can souls be saved with a lie? How can Benedict not do anything to save those souls? Exactly, the line has been drawn...

Think about it, how many would go to hell on that lie from hell, communion to re-married couples, what about giving what is sacred to the dogs (Mat 7:6)? The Eucharist is going to be mocked with that lie from hell, but what about, how many priests will go to hell by remaining silent and obeying iniquity by giving away the treasure of God, the Holy flesh of God.

Pope Benedict will obey God, Benedict will follow God, because he loves God and the Church, our Lord Jesus, our Blessed Mother will be watching and all the popes in heaven will be watching, martyrdom is coming and the other Joseph (Giuseppe) St Pious X prophecy will be finalized... that other Joseph (Ratzinger) will give his all for truth, and we only hope, that we could imitate his example.

God bless pope Benedict XVI, God bless the one true faith, praise be to God. Amen
Even if pope Benedict gives a televised press conference to the world saying "pope Francis is pope" (which I doubt he'll do) it doesn't matter... we need to OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN, and it is our duty not to follow wolves dressed in sheep clothing and even less if those wolves have revealed themselves as such.