
Que es la Falsa Misericordia?

Falsa misericordia es por definición lo contrario a Divina Misericordia y la Divina Misericordia es el Amor que actúa por nosotros, Amor Divino del ofendid que es Dios, a los pecadores que somos nosotros …More
Falsa misericordia es por definición lo contrario a Divina Misericordia y la Divina Misericordia es el Amor que actúa por nosotros, Amor Divino del ofendid que es Dios, a los pecadores que somos nosotros, así que... Falsa misericordia es sólo eso, una acción construida para engañar.
Falso es algo que no es cierto, algo que no se sostiene en absoluto, es algo que se ve, suena, se siente o huele real, pero al mismo tiempo no lo es. Cuando se combina la falsedad con Misericordia la definición se vuelve un poco más amplia, es un conjunto de cosas, porque la Misericordia es algo que nosotros los seres humanos necesitamos para sanar nuestras almas, para silenciar la culpa y llegar a Dios que nos da la bienvenida, algo que necesitamos para sentirnos en paz, es la Luz de Dios y sin ella estamos en oscuridad.
Oscuridad hoy se siente normal, el mundo está completamente en oscuridad, está dirigido por la oscuridad, pero nuestras almas están hechas a imagen de Dios y lo que es de Dios tiene necesidad …More

What is False Mercy?

False Mercy is by simple definition the contrary of Divine Mercy and Divine Mercy is love acting for us, Divine love from the offended which is God to the transgressors which is us, so... False mercy …More
False Mercy is by simple definition the contrary of Divine Mercy and Divine Mercy is love acting for us, Divine love from the offended which is God to the transgressors which is us, so... False mercy is just that, action build to deceive.
False is something that is not true, something that doesn't hold at all, is something that looks, sounds, feels or smells real but at the same time is not. When falseness combines with Mercy the definition becomes a little broader, it is a set of things, because Mercy is one thing us humans seek to heal our souls, to silence or guilt and reach out to God to welcome us back, something we need to feel at peace, it is the Light of God and without we are in darkness.
Darkness today feels normal, the world is entirely in darkness, it is run by darkness, but our souls are made in God's image and what belongs to God needs God, so when Mercy is preached immediately creates in us the spiritual urge to embrace it, as we are spiritual beings, but we are blinded …More

What is Mercy?

What is Mercy? Mercy is Divine Love in action, and this action can be seen hanging from the cross, God who was deeply offended, instead of applying His Divine Justice to all mankind, God sent His only …More
What is Mercy? Mercy is Divine Love in action, and this action can be seen hanging from the cross, God who was deeply offended, instead of applying His Divine Justice to all mankind, God sent His only begotten Son so the chains of sin of those who accepted Him as the Son of God, the Savior and King of Kings could be saved, Holy Blood would've been needed, so God acted... He used His Mercy, His Mercy Incarnated in our Blessed Mother' womb, Jesus Christ arrived as promise.
Mercy comes from God and He and His Son are one (John 10:30) since God is Love (1 John 4:8) and Mercy comes from Love so too Justice comes from Love... So Mercy and Justice are not divorced from one another as Love rejoices in truth (1 Cor 13:6) and what is truth? Truth is Jesus (1 John 14:6) and Truth is the very principle of Justice, so it is fair to say that Justice is also Jesus.
"Your throne, O god, stands forever; your royal scepter is a scepter for justice. You love justice and hate wrongdoing; therefore God, your …More

¿Quieres ser un santo? Di sí

¿Quieres ser un santo? Di sí, necesitas quererlo, decir sí como nuestra Santísima Madre dijo que sí, ella quién estaba llena de gracia, porque Dios le dio todas la gracia, "Alégrate, llena de gracia …More
¿Quieres ser un santo? Di sí, necesitas quererlo, decir sí como nuestra Santísima Madre dijo que sí, ella quién estaba llena de gracia, porque Dios le dio todas la gracia, "Alégrate, llena de gracia ..." (Lucas 1:28) así dijo el Arcángel San Gabriel...
Me gustaría ser un santo, me gustaría decir y vivir el más bello sí escrito en las Sagradas Escrituras, el Sí de nuestra Santísima Madre María... todo lo debes hacer?
Di sí, ven Señor Jesús.
Cada segundo, cada momento nuestra Santísima Madre guardaba en su corazón todo el hacer de nuestro Señor, Ella abrazó su Voluntad y apreció todo con amor, Ella se dio de tal manera, que no es de extrañar que Ella sea la lanza del Señor en este final de los tiempos.
Ella llevará todos aquellos que han dicho que sí a nuestro Señor diciendo: "Hagan lo que Él les diga" (Jn 2, 5), y las aguas se convertirán en vino, la boda tendrá perfección pues nuestro Señor lo quiere así... la Santísima Virgen mostrará el camino a su Hijo a todos los que dicen sí... así …More

Become a Saint, say Yes...

Do you want to be a saint? Say yes, you need to want it, say yes like our Blessed Mother said yes, she was full of Grace, because God gave Her all the Graces, "Hail, full of Grace..." (Luke 1:28) …More
Do you want to be a saint? Say yes, you need to want it, say yes like our Blessed Mother said yes, she was full of Grace, because God gave Her all the Graces, "Hail, full of Grace..." (Luke 1:28) Archangel Gabriel said...
I would like to be a saint, I'd like to say and live the most beautiful yes written in Holy Scripture, the Yes of our Most Blessed Mother Mary... all you can do?
Say yes, come Lord Jesus.
Every second, every moment our Blessed Mother kept in Her Heart our Lord's doing, She embrace His Will and cherish everything with Love, She gave herself in such a way, no wonder She is the spear of the Lord in this end times.
She will lead all those who say yes pointing to our Lord saying "Do whatever He tells you" (John 2:5), and the waters will convert to wine, the wedding shall have perfection because our Lord's wants it so... our Blessed Mother will lead the way to Her Son to those who say yes... so please, say yes.
Jesus Mother, the Woman, the vessel of Salvation in this Global …More

Latín: El Lenguaje del Amor Divino.

Para que usted pueda entender lo siguiente FAVOR escuchar primero el Ave María aquí. Si hablas Latín, esa canción no necesitaba traducción, si usted no sabe latín, no importa, porque lo único que …More
Para que usted pueda entender lo siguiente FAVOR escuchar primero el Ave María aquí.
Si hablas Latín, esa canción no necesitaba traducción, si usted no sabe latín, no importa, porque lo único que tienen en común los que saben y no saben latín y aman a nuestro Señor más que a nada en la vida, esa canción, fue un deleite espiritual.
Muchas personas me dicen "¿cómo puedes ir a la misa en latín? ¿Entiendes lo que el sacerdote está diciendo?" Y mi respuesta es un sincero no... no entiendo las palabras... pero, mi alma siente el alto contenido sobrenatural en la misa antigua... y es, un deleite espiritual.
Latín, el lenguaje del Amor... lenguaje pronunciado por muchos labios Santos ahora en el cielo, muchos siervos fieles en toda la historia de la única fe verdadera, la Iglesia Católica.
Los que niegan el pasado son descuidados en el presente y posiblemente niegan el futuro, Jesús era el mismo AYER, AHORA y SIEMPRE (Hebreos 13:6), aquellos que descartan el pasado como algo obsoleto, están …More

Latin: The Language of Divine Love.

In order for you to understand the following, PLEASE listen first to the Ave Maria here. If you know Latin, that song didn’t need translation, if you don’t know Latin, it didn’t matter, because the …More
In order for you to understand the following, PLEASE listen first to the Ave Maria here.
If you know Latin, that song didn’t need translation, if you don’t know Latin, it didn’t matter, because the one thing in common for those who know and don’t know Latin AND loves our Lord more than anything in life, that song, was a spiritual delight.
Many people keep saying “how can you go to the Latin mass? Do you understand what the priest is saying?” and my answer is a sincere no… I don’t understand the words… but, my soul feels the high content of supernatural in the old mass… and it is, a spiritual delight.
Latin, the language of Love… spoken through many Holy lips now in Heaven, many faithful servants throughout the history of the one true faith, the Catholic Church.
Those who deny the past are careless of the present and possibly deny the future, Jesus was the same YESTERDAY, TODAY and TOMORROW (Heb 13:6), those, who dismiss the past as obsolete, are doomed to fail… the Language of Love is …More

LATIN MASS Vs. NOVUS ORDO (a commentary)

This is a commentary made to someone (whose name and also the channel is omitted) who was promoting the Novus Ordo mass as a protestant mass, in other words an invalid mass, generally I don't put …More
This is a commentary made to someone (whose name and also the channel is omitted) who was promoting the Novus Ordo mass as a protestant mass, in other words an invalid mass, generally I don't put commentaries within other channels here, but this needs to be said, the Novus ordo IS a valid mass despite tons of abuse... I prefer to go to the Latin mass instead because is heaven's mass and it is perfect in contrast to the Novus Ordo which is imperfect with many things in it that actually mocks God, like the priest giving his back to God, Communion in the hand, the sign of peace among us, the clapping, cheering despite it is not a show but a sacrifice and it is a sacrifice until the chaff and wheat is separated when the Abomination of desolation begins.
This is the problem with us in our Catholic Church basically you are promoting a sedevacantism agenda because ALL valid popes did accept the Novus ordo, which is a valid mass, perhaps not a "perfect" mass like the tridentine, sure …More

Open Letter to the Remnant Newspaper

To the Remnant newspaper: On the video "Why pope Francis is the Idol of secular media" the Remnant acknowledges between minutes 15:50 and 16:10 that pope Francis wanted to transform the Papacy into "…More
To the Remnant newspaper:
On the video "Why pope Francis is the Idol of secular media" the Remnant acknowledges between minutes 15:50 and 16:10 that pope Francis wanted to transform the Papacy into "Buenos Aires" where he allowed the Eucharist to be given away to many irregular couples....
Many have reported about this sacrilege, not only the Remnant, it is a certainty, that this happen back in Buenos Aires, and we are not talking about when he allowed a belly for hire child from a transvestite and his couple to be baptized in a Catholic Temple, or manifesting in favor for homosexual civil unions to a gathering of Bishops... no, that's nothing compared to that, giving the Eucharist, the Holy flesh of God to the unrepentant, people in irregular marital situations. It seems that as long mercy is provided, in the minds of liberal priests, God could contradict himself by "allowing" such a thing, God can give you a "break" and ignore His words...
"For anyone who eats and drinks without …More

Pilate: What is truth? (Open your eyes, wake up!!!)

“Jesus answered, "My kingdom does not belong to this world…” John 18:36. Pilate’s wife Claudia Procles said to him “have nothing to do with that righteous man” (Mat 27:19), he couldn’t see truth, …More
“Jesus answered, "My kingdom does not belong to this world…” John 18:36.
Pilate’s wife Claudia Procles said to him “have nothing to do with that righteous man” (Mat 27:19), he couldn’t see truth, know truth or even honor truth despite truth stood in front of him, Jesus told him: “my Kingdom is not of this world” but Pilate despite those glorious words said, Pilate ignored his innocence and chose the world.
Pilate wanted the world to cheer his solution, prepared a mundane peace, despite knowing there was no guilt on Jesus, he let Jesus be scourge, there, the wicked Jews found pleasure and their hate with blood and Holy flesh on the ground grew more.
Pilate thought that he could please everyone, please his wife, please the romans who viewed him as a tough official, please the Jews and at the same time please the righteous man Jesus of Nazareth.
Pilate though for a moment that he could fool God, because he knew a righteous man was there, when he heard the word “crucifixion” he was frightened …More

Today is hard to be a Catholic... (Worldliness in the Holy Temple)

Today is hard to be a Catholic... a true faithful Catholic that is, many faithful are battling in their own homes, called fanatics, legalists, haters, false prophets, whitewashed tombs... loving the …More
Today is hard to be a Catholic... a true faithful Catholic that is, many faithful are battling in their own homes, called fanatics, legalists, haters, false prophets, whitewashed tombs... loving the Lord today is hard and it is more difficult when your own Church persecutes you.
Anybody who knows the ten commandments, have read the life of our Lord and the good news of His teachings through the writings, deeds and clarifications of our Forefathers, knows what is the meaning of the word: WORLDLINESS, for those who are spiritual no definition is required and it is not our goal to give you one.
Persecution comes to those who love the Lord and wants to please Him in all He commanded, the fine line between black and white, dark and light regarding worldliness is clear as the bible has always been ALL or NOTHING, but lukewarmness is a good gray color for the world, for the devil, is just a lie sprinkled with tiny pieces of truth, but those who are spiritual... pick up what is white, black or …More
The most Holiest pope ever to walk the earth pope Francis has said clearly that he is "teaching" and we knew from the beginning that he was, teaching …More
The most Holiest pope ever to walk the earth pope Francis has said clearly that he is "teaching" and we knew from the beginning that he was, teaching worldliness... This the worldliness am speaking about, soon we will all have to Flee, as the wicked relatio WILL be approved as the "God of surprises" will surprise says Bergoglio... more surveys poured in and as he will have the opportunity to wash his hands as he once said "I will do what my bishops want"...
The Bruno Forte confirmation is revealing, the boasting of sins speech is revealing, the universalism protestant theology is revealing, but we are sedevacanists for barking at the most humble human being ever to walk the earth, who is disgusted at that Eucharistic fasting which many saints had and he who is "praying" for the conversion of those small minded traditionalists who stand firm to Holy Scripture, those who were called persistently at the synod "Legalists" and he who likes room service at Santa Marta, called Pharisees.

Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why...

Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why pope Francis is an antipope (Mat 7:16) by Dr. Rafael Gonzalez First, Anti-pope according to the Baltimore Catechism #3 lesson12 Q 537, it means a pretended pope. The …More
Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why pope Francis is an antipope (Mat 7:16)
by Dr. Rafael Gonzalez
First, Anti-pope according to the Baltimore Catechism #3 lesson12 Q 537, it means a pretended pope. The anti-popes were men who by the aid of faithless Christians and/or others, unlawfully seized and claimed the papal power while the lawful pope was in prison or in exile.
Pope Benedict is in exile... there is plenty of evidence that suggests he was pushed out the door, anyways, Benedict strongly believes that he still has a key from St. Peter, a spiritual key and he is praying for the Church in this dark times.
There is plenty of evidence which sustains that Francis papacy is not valid, beginning from heresies and even sacrilege while in Argentina (tango mass, let the ‘curas villeros’ give the Eucharist to irregular couples and the lobbying of his buddies for him to become pope and he even let the womb for hire of a transvestite and his male partner to be baptized with a big ceremony in a …More
What a great article!! God bless...(here is a great page tooo for info about the FP Bergoglio): thewildvoice.org/is-pope-francis-false-prophet/More
What a great article!!
God bless...(here is a great page tooo for info about the FP Bergoglio):
vandlent shares this
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Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why pope Francis is an antipope. Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why pope Francis is an antipope (Mat 7:16) by Dr. Rafael GonzalezMore
Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why pope Francis is an antipope.
Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why pope Francis is an antipope (Mat 7:16)
by Dr. Rafael Gonzalez
9 pages

La Navidad será reemplazada.

La próxima Navidad, la celebración del día de Mi Cumpleaños, será reemplazada por una gran ceremonia 03.01.2014 01:11 Miércoles 25 de diciembre de 2013 a las 09:50 hrs. Mi queridísima bienamada hija …More
La próxima Navidad, la celebración del día de Mi Cumpleaños, será reemplazada por una gran ceremonia
03.01.2014 01:11
Miércoles 25 de diciembre de 2013 a las 09:50 hrs.
Mi queridísima bienamada hija, Yo Soy la Palabra(el Verbo) hecho Carne. Mi Cuerpo abraza al mundo de hoy, pero el mundo, mientras puede que estén celebrando la Navidad, es insensible a Mi Plan de Salvación.
Las Navidades han dejado de ser la celebración de Mi cumpleaños, sino un substituto pagano, donde todos los honores se dan a la búsqueda de falsedades. Qué débil se ha vuelto la fe de los Cristianos. Cómo han olvidado todo lo que enseñé al mundo. Cuánto se preocupan por los bienes materiales, los cuales solo se convertirán en polvo, y donde ignoran completamente, el estado de sus almas.
El tiempo ha llegado sobre vosotros donde la fe de la mayoría de los Cristianos se ha vuelto tan débil que apenas hay conversaciones o referencias acerca de Mi Gloriosa Divinidad. Mis Enseñanzas ya no tienen ningún sentido real en …More

Christmas will be replaced

Next Christmas the celebration of My Birth will be replaced by a great ceremony Wednesday, December 25th, 2013 @ 09:50 My dearly beloved daughter, I Am the Word made Flesh. My Body embraces the world …More
Next Christmas the celebration of My Birth will be replaced by a great ceremony
Wednesday, December 25th, 2013 @ 09:50
My dearly beloved daughter, I Am the Word made Flesh. My Body embraces the world today, but the world, while it may celebrate Christmas, is impervious to My Plan of Salvation.
Christmas has become no longer a celebration of My Birth, but a pagan substitute, where every honour is handed over in the pursuit of falsities. How weak the faith of Christians has become. How they have forgotten all that I taught the world. How much they care about material comforts, which will only turn to dust, and where they ignore, completely, the state of their souls.
The times have fallen upon you where the faith of most Christians has become so weak that there is little discussion or reference made to My Glorious Divinity. My Teachings no longer hold any real meaning in your lives and many priests no longer love Me as they should. No, My daughter, they do not truly know Me at all.
I will …More

Pope Benedict draws a line in the sand...

In a written message to The Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI emphasized that the renunciation of truth is "lethal to faith," “Many today think religions should respect …More
In a written message to The Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI emphasized that the renunciation of truth is "lethal to faith,"
“Many today think religions should respect each other and, in their dialogue, become a common force for peace,” the Pope Emeritus continued. “The question of truth, that which originally motivated Christians more than any other, is here put inside parentheses… This renunciation of truth seems realistic and useful for peace among religions in the world.”
"...is nevertheless lethal to faith"
“loses its binding character and its seriousness, everything is reduced to interchangeable symbols, capable of referring only distantly to the inaccessible mystery of the divine.”

What is the sole mission of the Church? Save souls and make saints...
In my previous article about pope Benedict "Pope Benedict in silence", by inspiration I said to the world that pope Benedict XVI can't go out like some of us shouting heresy here or there, he needs …More
Even if pope Benedict gives a televised press conference to the world saying "pope Francis is pope" (which I doubt he'll do) it doesn't matter... we …More
Even if pope Benedict gives a televised press conference to the world saying "pope Francis is pope" (which I doubt he'll do) it doesn't matter... we need to OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN, and it is our duty not to follow wolves dressed in sheep clothing and even less if those wolves have revealed themselves as such.


Translation from the blog: Lumen Mariae www.josephmaryam.wordpress.com "For he is our peace; which the two became one and broke down the wall brought the fence, enmity, by abolishing in his flesh the …More
Translation from the blog: Lumen Mariae
"For he is our peace; which the two became one and broke down the wall brought the fence, enmity, by abolishing in his flesh the law of commandments contained as edicts, to make in Himself of twain one new man, establishing peace, and reconcile both in one body to God through the cross, having slain the enmity Ella "(Eph 2: 14-16).
The Body of Christ is united in the Truth of the Cross. Out of this Truth, division and schism in the Church occurs. The Cross killed enmity in man, which is the sin that divides.
"Do they not know that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized His Death" (Rom 6, 4). The walls of division have been toppled by the Son of God through his death and have been immersed in Him to be united to the redemptive work of Christ in the Church.
Immersed in the pain of Christ the union is in the Truth in the Church.
The pain is the result of Christ bear the sin of all men. For sin, to take away …More
You want proof? Ask Michael Matt... ask "Mr. Matt, what is the life raft of the church?" And the proof of what he'll answer is seen in the difference …More
You want proof? Ask Michael Matt... ask "Mr. Matt, what is the life raft of the church?"
And the proof of what he'll answer is seen in the difference between that life raft and those dying catholic parishes in Europe. Last year a whole order walk towards the SSPX and what you'll think it'll happened if the wicked relatio is signed by the fresh air of Santa Marta?
The Fleeing started my friend, long time ago, it began with the SSPX, they started too soon, but sadly it's happening again, soon after material heresy …More
The Fleeing started my friend, long time ago, it began with the SSPX, they started too soon, but sadly it's happening again, soon after material heresy is signed... 🙏 a few will have to go into the desert and practice Catholicism like St Athanasius did.
Another thing... is not the Bride who makes division, it is men, and we must obey God rather than men.
Or maybe our mother was mistaken? Cardinal against cardinal is unity? La Salette was mistaken? Rome will lose the faith.... did she said, maybe or perhaps, no my friend our Blessed Mother said "WILL" and it'll become the seat of the Antichrist...
For the Holy Temple becomes a seat of the man of perdition, the Temple must be corrupted first and for that to happen the Antichrist needs help from his faithful servant... make no mistake, for the Lord to come back the Apostasy and the man of perdition must be revealed first. 2 Thes 2. 🤗 😇
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What about SSPX Confessions? Published on Nov 24, 2014 www.fatima.org Questions and Answers with Father GrunerMore
What about SSPX Confessions?
Published on Nov 24, 2014
Questions and Answers with Father Gruner
Questions on pope Francis. Published on Oct 8, 2014 www.fatima.org Questions and Answers with Father GrunerMore
Questions on pope Francis.
Published on Oct 8, 2014
Questions and Answers with Father Gruner
Francis is an antipope hands down.
Dr Bobus
He's also wrong about BXVI's resignation. Munus refers to the ontological-sacramental function (i.e., potestas ordinis), which is no different in the …More
He's also wrong about BXVI's resignation. Munus refers to the ontological-sacramental function (i.e., potestas ordinis), which is no different in the pope and any other bishop. This is a matter of the permanence of episcopal (and sacerdotal) ordination.
Papal Infallibility and the Universal Jurisdiction of the pope lies in the unique Petrine ministerium (i.e.,potestas iurisdictionis), which refers to the office he holds.
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Papa Francisco: "la sacralidad de la persona humana"

Papa Francisco: "la sacralidad de la persona humana" Discurso en el Parlamento de la UE. El 25 de noviembre de 2014 El Papa Francisco obedeció a nuestro Señor Jesús y le dijo al Parlamento que se …More
Papa Francisco: "la sacralidad de la persona humana"
Discurso en el Parlamento de la UE.
El 25 de noviembre de 2014 El Papa Francisco obedeció a nuestro Señor Jesús y le dijo al Parlamento que se convirtiera aceptando a nuestro Salvador y Señor Jesucristo, predicó de la misma forma que predicaron nuestros antepasados al hacer frente a Emperadores, Reyes, Generales y la élite Judía en las sinagogas y el Sanedrín...
¡ Nah.. que va !
Me disculpo por el sarcasmo... Lo siento, pero tengo un dolor, una tristeza y estoy profundamente preocupado con este "Papa del fin del mundo" por sus palabras, hechos y herejías, sólo quiero cerrar los ojos y olvidarme de él olvidarme que, hay alguien allí para sentardo en tope que se comporta más como alguien de otra religión que la católica, como una vez alguien en Israel dijo: "El Papa está centrardo más en salvar al mundo, no a las almas."
Francisco visitó el Parlamento de la UE y si hubiera sido el Presidente, dictador o político de un país tratando de …More