Michael Voris resigned at Church Militant. User Comment on Twitter: "Wanna bet he is no longer Ex gay?" and 6 more users link to this post
John A Cassani
It’s curious that they say they won’t comment on private matters, yet they already acknowledged he got the heave-ho for breaching the morality clause. Given his history, it’s hard to imagine that means anything but what we think it means. Anyway, I’ll pray for him. He did some good work in the past. I can’t imagine that Church Militant lives on, and that isn’t really a bad thing, given what …More
It’s curious that they say they won’t comment on private matters, yet they already acknowledged he got the heave-ho for breaching the morality clause. Given his history, it’s hard to imagine that means anything but what we think it means. Anyway, I’ll pray for him. He did some good work in the past. I can’t imagine that Church Militant lives on, and that isn’t really a bad thing, given what they’ve become.
Like many addictive personalities, it is not uncommon for them to relapse on occasion. Hopefully, if it is over the Fr. James Martin sin, he will seek repentance but his days in the Catholic media world has lost all credibility. I listened to him in the early days of CM, but lost interest after he began relentlessly attacking the SSPX.
@Fiat Voluntas Tua Good points, there is no one personality that is addictive. Every human being has a sui generis personality but can be generalized as introvert or extrovert, etc. I agree thst an addictive personality is a somewhat ambiguous term. In a general way, social science typically generalized from particular patterns of behavior. But there are patterns associated with individuals who are …More
@Fiat Voluntas Tua Good points, there is no one personality that is addictive. Every human being has a sui generis personality but can be generalized as introvert or extrovert, etc. I agree thst an addictive personality is a somewhat ambiguous term. In a general way, social science typically generalized from particular patterns of behavior. But there are patterns associated with individuals who are more inclined toward negative habituated behaviors. For example, people who are more inclined toward deviant behaviors tend to be higher on impulsively, and sensation seeking, neuroticism-(negative thinking about self and others), openness to experience and lower on agreeableness and conscientiousness. Of course, there is also the social-dynamic-environmental and genetic factors, and the persons own freedom of will that must be factored into the analysis.
One more comment from philosopher
@Fiat Voluntas Tua Not so sure, I just saw a 20 something Texan in the local HEB store with a I identify as non- binary t-shirt, 😂
Ave Crux
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Couldn't agree more. I could never comprehend Church Militant's hatred for Tradition and its absolute obsession with destroying Traditional Priests and apostolates. Unless we are doing God's work, we are setting ourselves against Him.....that's what's happening here.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Good. I hope this is the end of "Church Militant". At times they were anti-Francis, but they were also anti-Catholic tradition, anti-Roman Rite Latin Mass and anti-SSPX. I used to read them on the internet all the time in college. Not since I found out they were anti-SSPX, and tried to ruin them.
Michael Voris, like many gay guys, was into bodybuilding in his younger days. It's good to work out and …More
Good. I hope this is the end of "Church Militant". At times they were anti-Francis, but they were also anti-Catholic tradition, anti-Roman Rite Latin Mass and anti-SSPX. I used to read them on the internet all the time in college. Not since I found out they were anti-SSPX, and tried to ruin them.
Michael Voris, like many gay guys, was into bodybuilding in his younger days. It's good to work out and be healthy, but that is extreme stuff with too many queers in it. I see them at the gym, which is why I pick a time I know they are not there in their pairs.
He painted himself as an orthodox Catholic, but hated the TLM, so its good he's resigned.
The only segment I liked were the daily reports from Dr. Jules Gomes.
Ave Crux
I'm not surprised. When you spend your life attacking faithful, devoted Priests, intent on destroying their reputations and credibility with the very sheep they are serving before God -- simply because just a few out of hundreds have fallen into into sin -- then you risk the punishment of having grace withdrawn by God....that goes for all of us....
There Is nothing more fearful and to be dreaded …More
I'm not surprised. When you spend your life attacking faithful, devoted Priests, intent on destroying their reputations and credibility with the very sheep they are serving before God -- simply because just a few out of hundreds have fallen into into sin -- then you risk the punishment of having grace withdrawn by God....that goes for all of us....

There Is nothing more fearful and to be dreaded before God than to attack his beloved priests who are other Christs and who give us the grace of the Sacraments. I was filled with fear and dread for Michael Voris as I watched him doing this time and time again.

"Let him who thinks he stands take heed, lest he fall"..." Judge not and you shall not be judged....condemn not and you shall not be condemned."
Let’s all pray for his pray for his conversion and return to a state of grace.
Sad to hear this .. I ‘knew’ something was ‘off’ and I just stopped listening lately but this is another time that the ancient serpent took advantage of ..knowing his weakness, he waited until the ‘right’ time to bring out his arsenal..In St Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle she mentions St Ursula and said basically regarding her life ‘if a person is concerned and is caring for their spiritual …More
Sad to hear this .. I ‘knew’ something was ‘off’ and I just stopped listening lately but this is another time that the ancient serpent took advantage of ..knowing his weakness, he waited until the ‘right’ time to bring out his arsenal..In St Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle she mentions St Ursula and said basically regarding her life ‘if a person is concerned and is caring for their spiritual life.. for a time Satan will try his best to turn them away from God but if they persist he lightens up on them after awhile but if a person is intent on bringing many souls to Christ besides his own.. then Satan will marshal every demon in hell to stop that person from doing so.One can only imagine the extreme temptation and suffering Mr. Voris must have gone through. He needs our prayers. We are all walking down dangerous roads when our intention is to follow Christ and bring others to Him as well..
Self righteous judgements on Voris fall from grace are themselves falls from charity. The man did a lot of good in spite of the fact that some may have disagreed about what they now judge as his weaknesses and mistakes. I will just pray for Michael in gratitude for all the good he has done in the service of the Lord.
Ave Crux
@Carmine3 To be clear, my post is directly solely to Michael Voris's unceasing public attacks on Priests and the terrifying danger there is before God in doing so. Saint Catherine of Siena says the same. Even as they were happening, I believe I commented on this website about the dangers of doing so.
At no time did I address -- much less judge! -- his personal character, but rather simply stated …More
@Carmine3 To be clear, my post is directly solely to Michael Voris's unceasing public attacks on Priests and the terrifying danger there is before God in doing so. Saint Catherine of Siena says the same. Even as they were happening, I believe I commented on this website about the dangers of doing so.

At no time did I address -- much less judge! -- his personal character, but rather simply stated that attacking Priests this way, and thereby impacting the ability of these Priests to administer to the Faithful risks the withdrawal of grace by God. This is a factual observation....not a personal judgment of his character, and it is similar to the concerns I have stated in the past.

[Edit] It is a warning to all of us.....and that's why such factual, objective observations when public scandal is given in such matters make this danger more clear, and is an act of charity in itself.
Ave Crux
@Carmine3 As I just posted elsewhere:
The reverence you pay to [priests] is not actually paid to them but to me, in virtue of the blood I have entrusted to their ministry. If this were not so, you should pay them as much reverence as to anyone else, and no more. It is this ministry of theirs that dictates that you should reverence them and come to them, not …
@Carmine3 As I just posted elsewhere:


The reverence you pay to [priests] is not actually paid to them but to me, in virtue of the blood I have entrusted to their ministry. If this were not so, you should pay them as much reverence as to anyone else, and no more. It is this ministry of theirs that dictates that you should reverence them and come to them, not for what they are in themselves but for the power I have entrusted to them, if you would receive the sacraments of the Church….

So the reverence belongs not to the ministers, but to me and to this glorious blood made one thing with me because of the union of divinity with humanity. And just as the reverence is done to me, so also is the irreverence, for I have already told you that you must not reverence them for themselves, but for the authority I have entrusted to them. Therefore you must not sin against them, because if you do, you are really sinning not against them but against me. This I have forbidden, and I have said that it is my will that no one should touch them.

For this reason no one has excuse to say, “I am doing no harm, nor am I rebelling against holy Church. I am simply acting against the sins of evil pastors.” Such persons are deluded, blinded as they are by their own selfishness…. It is me they assault, just as it was me they reverenced. To me redounds every assault they make on my ministers: derision, slander, disgrace, abuse. Whatever is done to them I count as done to me….

By not paying me reverence in the persons of my ministers, they have lost respect for the latter and persecuted them because of the many sins and faults they saw in them. If in truth the reverence they had for them had been for my sake, they would not have cut it off on account of any sin in them. For no sin can lessen the power of this sacrament, and therefore their reverence should not lessen either. When it does, it is against me they sin. (116)
@Ave Crux. Sorry have to disagree. Corrupt evil and unrepentant priests, like unrepentant clerical pedophiles, have to be attacked, denounced and reported to the police to be prosecuted as criminals. No misplaced reverence is due to them. You got it wrong, they are the ones who give the greatest scandals to the faithful and the world, not the ones who criticise and out them, because they wreaked …More
@Ave Crux. Sorry have to disagree. Corrupt evil and unrepentant priests, like unrepentant clerical pedophiles, have to be attacked, denounced and reported to the police to be prosecuted as criminals. No misplaced reverence is due to them. You got it wrong, they are the ones who give the greatest scandals to the faithful and the world, not the ones who criticise and out them, because they wreaked immense harm to the Church in recent times, and caused thousands to fall away from the faith.The Gospels have no problem calling Judas, an apostle chosen initially by Christ,a son of perdition, thief, liar, and traitor, neither should we. Just as Christ publicly denounced and actually called out with highly irreverent epithets the false, corrupt and scandalous clergy of His time. Or Are you advocating that a monster like McCarrick should be reverently protected( as Bergoglio for a time did) because he is a man of the cloth?
Ave Crux
@Carmine3 Actually, it appears you may have misunderstood me. The matters you cite are not what I am talking about, and that's not what Voris was doing.
Voris was smearing all of the SSPX with the disgrace of one or two who had fallen into in sin. He was virtually disgracing -- and discrediting -- the entire work of the SSPX, good Priests who were ministering to the Faithful; and he was causing …More
@Carmine3 Actually, it appears you may have misunderstood me. The matters you cite are not what I am talking about, and that's not what Voris was doing.

Voris was smearing all of the SSPX with the disgrace of one or two who had fallen into in sin. He was virtually disgracing -- and discrediting -- the entire work of the SSPX, good Priests who were ministering to the Faithful; and he was causing scandal and suspicion to fall upon all of them as to their worthiness as Priests.

Furthermore, God the Father Himself revealed to Saint Catherine of Siena that we ought not to condemn Priests even for their sins.....Yet you reproached people you thought were judging a mere layman for his sins, calling it "self-righteous" to do so....!!

So how is condemning all Priests in the SSPX for the few who have fallen into sin alright, but it's not alright to "judge" Voris for his apparent fall (which was not even done here)...?

"For this reason no one has excuse to say, “I am doing no harm, nor am I rebelling against holy Church. I am simply acting against the sins of evil pastors.” Such persons are deluded, blinded as they are by their own selfishness…. It is me they assault, just as it was me they reverenced. To me redounds every assault they make on my ministers: derision, slander, disgrace, abuse. Whatever is done to them I count as done to me…." The Eternal Father to Saint Catherine of Siena.

THIS IS WHAT WE CAN DO: Condemn the erroneous teachings of Modernist Priests --- and even those of the present Pope, and call their teachings villainous. We cannot, however, judge their personal moral character unless their sins are publicly notorious, as they were with McCarrick. But he is to be pitied for the awful account he will need to render to God.