
Viganò: Is Covid the Beginning of Hell On Earth?

I’m tired of archbishops and priests just commenting on the current events...How can it be that the so called “good” clergy just speak about things??? Where’s the real action?

Donald Trump spokesman Jason Miller: “I do think that we’re going to see Pres. Trump returning to …

What happened to the fraud committed during the elections
And how trump got illegally banned from social media?
This is proof both Trump and liberals are being deceitful...

“Ratzinger Has Troubles Speaking”

Pray for the real pope, the Vatican has clearly been highjacked...
Who knows what kind of torments this man is going through. For all we know, Pope Benedict is being kept captive or kidnapped....

Why is this symbol unacceptable for any Christian?

Because there is only one God and is name is Jesus other gods can exist with your stupid “coexist” if you don’t realize this, you will surely understand in the after life....
Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin....More
Because there is only one God and is name is Jesus other gods can exist with your stupid “coexist” if you don’t realize this, you will surely understand in the after life....

Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin....

A Catholic priest celebrates Mass in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Denver to bring an end …

Make him Pope and the world will change over night...

Biden gets more votes than Obama did in swings states, but loses to him everywhere else. Clearly …

God help us, Trump is pushing for Maderna Vaccine that has aborted fetal cell lining... how can this man be pro life??

Let this sink in. From "two weeks to flatten the curve" we are now full "you have no CONSTITUTIONAL …

“They ask them to wear a yellow star on their clothing, they ask them to board a train, they ask them to work in a camp and that their work would set them free”
After all of this, a Saint brought thousands with him to heaven. St Maximilian Kolbe was made....
Let Gods will be done for the wages of our sins.....

Let this sink in. From "two weeks to flatten the curve" we are now full "you have no CONSTITUTIONAL …

God is bigger than all of this, we are obligated as Catholics, to obey the Authorities. The only time we are allowed to resist is when they ask us to sin. Jesus is in full control at all times. If they ask us to where a mask, fine we wear one, if they ask us to take a vaccine for the better of society, we take it....
I’m not understanding what the freak out is all about???

Can a Catholic in Good Conscience Receive a Coronavirus Vaccine?
Maderna as aborted fetal cell lining, Pfizer bio does not...

The American Dream

Pray for them, same picture in Hell awaits them

On the evidence of election fraud

Don’t underestimate the American spirit. We just may be at a tipping point in America for the biggest revolution in human history. Don’t forget, American citizens possess millions upon millions of firearms...this can get ugly very fast...please pray for America 🇺🇸 it belongs to the Virgin Mary, many saints still live here...God always wins...

"Catholic" School Board Censures Cathechism On Homosexuality

No longer a Catholic establishment from this on act. To deny Jesus and all of his teachings, makes you non Catholic. Same goes for Francis

McCarrick Report: Three Popes Failed to Investigate Persistent Rumours

They blame John sad, A dead man cannot defend himself, but when those accusers die, The trial of Judgment will begin....

In and Out: Who Will Be the Next Pope?

God will determine who is next, don’t be surprised if this current fake Vatican regime is dismantled and crushed by our lady Mary most pure....

US ELECTION 2020 US Election 2020

Biden did not win yet and the media has no authority to determine who is the winner...our lady of sorrows pray for us...
America will be saved by the virgin of all virgins...

Biden Nov. 9 message: We’ll have contact tracers, all wear masks to ‘pull country together’

Biden did not win yet and the media has no authority to determine who is the winner...our lady of sorrows pray for us...
America will be saved by the virgin of all virgins...

Nov. 9, 2020: Abp. Vigano Would Agree – This Election News Is Church News

Biden did not win yet and the media has no authority to determine who is the winner...our lady of sorrows pray for us...
America will be saved by the virgin of all virgins...