Everyday for Life Canada
Everyday for Life Canada

Florida, Catholic doctors sue Biden admin for redefining 'sex' in health care

Let’s hope and pray that they win the case against the insanity of hormonal and surgical body mutilation to alter biological sexual identity.
Everyday for Life Canada

Toledo Archbishop Prohibits Priest's Media Activity

The English translation: "By direct order of my Archbishop, I am forced to interrupt activity on all my networks and suspend my participation in the media. This time I'm not doing it of my own free will. I have no choice but to defend myself against a slander that I hope one day to be able to give details of. Obviously, despite the persecution, I continue to maintain my purpose of being faithful to …More
The English translation: "By direct order of my Archbishop, I am forced to interrupt activity on all my networks and suspend my participation in the media. This time I'm not doing it of my own free will. I have no choice but to defend myself against a slander that I hope one day to be able to give details of. Obviously, despite the persecution, I continue to maintain my purpose of being faithful to the Church of Christ and its visible leader, who is Pope Francis. I offer all the sufferings of this situation for the conversion of those who harm the Church, from without and from within."
Everyday for Life Canada

Toledo Archbishop Prohibits Priest's Media Activity

Church censorship is often just as bad as secular censorship. It can be used as a weapon under the guise of obedience.
Everyday for Life Canada

March for Life 2024: Life is the Only Choice

Yes, just as the Blessed Mother said YES to both human and divine life.
Everyday for Life Canada

An Evolved National Monument - Purge LGBT

Construction has begun for Canada’s National Monument to honour the 2slgbtq+ community. Only in Canada, eh.
Everyday for Life Canada

World's Smallest Army to Welcome 34 New Members

They need new men because the Swiss Guards who didn't get the experimental shot were fired.
Everyday for Life Canada

Church of Almighty God: Two Stories of Torture in Chinese Jails

Elon Musk, we challenge you to put this on your X account, even if we don't believe in The Church of the Almighty God. The issue is about freedom. Why are we doing business of any kind with the CCP?
Everyday for Life Canada

Vatican set to renew controversial agreement despite China’s betrayal

The Vatican’s abandonment of Catholics in China to the Communist Party is a world and total scandal. Another example of “pastoral accompaniment” which is undermining the Church.
Everyday for Life Canada

'Self-managed' abortion isn't the result of pro-life laws. It was always the abortion industry's plan

This is the hell that a counterfeit freedom and individualism leads to: a mother to be can kill her own unborn baby. Abortion is the source of many evils. Life is the only choice.
Everyday for Life Canada

Maxime Bernier mocks Toronto Police for wrapping their cars in LGBT flag colors as crime runs rampant …

To serve and protect every letter of the sexual alphabet, including the +.
Everyday for Life Canada

MSPs back world’s most extreme buffer zone law, despite public opposition

Now the pro-death state wants to police pro-life thoughts and prayers.
Everyday for Life Canada

Homosex-Propaganda: Transvestites "Must Be Accepted and Integrated” - Pope Francis

If you’re Catholic you refuse to use the word gender. You use the word sex. By using gender identity and expression, we end up speaking their language and that shapes our thought and action. “Gender” is Humpty Dumpty thinking: when I use a word it means exactly what I want it to mean. This is the road to madness. We decouple words from referents. We make up a map with no territory. That’s why the …More
If you’re Catholic you refuse to use the word gender. You use the word sex. By using gender identity and expression, we end up speaking their language and that shapes our thought and action. “Gender” is Humpty Dumpty thinking: when I use a word it means exactly what I want it to mean. This is the road to madness. We decouple words from referents. We make up a map with no territory. That’s why the Pope has no clue about what he’s saying. It’s the language of Babel.
Everyday for Life Canada

"Beautiful Things"

A good question. I don’t know.
Everyday for Life Canada

Hohhot Christians’ Trial: Ban Yanchao Gets 5 Years for Distributing Bibles

Do you think Pope Francis has anything to say about this injustice to Christians?
Everyday for Life Canada

Landmark shift against gender ideology: Sex defined as biological sex | WND | by Bob Unruh

Perhaps we will slowly come back to our senses regarding the insanity around gender identity and expression.
Everyday for Life Canada

Canadian college awards scholarship to man who plays on both men’s and women’s volleyball teams

That's not a college but a state indoctrination centre.
Everyday for Life Canada

Pope Francis pens preface to book on 'Conversation in the Spirit' - Vatican News

The appropriate expression is SINodal Path.
Everyday for Life Canada

Pope Francis pens preface to book on 'Conversation in the Spirit' - Vatican News

What a colossal waste of time, money and resources to publish a document the nobody will read. It’s all image management.
Everyday for Life Canada

The U.S. fertility rate fell to just 1.6 children per woman in 2023. It’s the lowest figure in American …

This is how you destroy a nation: you legally murder one unborn baby at a time. Since 1973, over 50,000,000 have been killed and you open the borders to all because the population is on the decrease.