Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
In a new document released this week [2018], the Vatican asks those in charge of the economy to consider humans not just dollars and euros. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) published …More
In a new document released this week [2018], the Vatican asks those in charge of the economy to consider humans not just dollars and euros. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) published Oeconomicae et pecuniariae quaestiones: Considerations for an Ethical Discernment Regarding Some Aspects of the Present Economic-Financial System. The document has many details for specialists, but I will focus on a few paragraphs relevant to us all. These paragraphs point out several truths. They show a person is more than an economic producer and consumer. They develop our understanding of how our actions always imply a vision of man and we shouldn’t reduce man just to economics.

Vatican: Economy Made for Man, Not Man for the Economy

In a new document released this week, the Vatican asks those in charge of the economy to consider humans not just dollars and euros. The Congregation …
Maybe they should have taken their own advice concerning the Vatican Bank, and it's corrupted vision and practices.
John A Cassani
As long as politicians and central bankers control the economy, there is no way that men are ever going to represent more than numbers on a financial …More
As long as politicians and central bankers control the economy, there is no way that men are ever going to represent more than numbers on a financial statement. And, as long as there is a bias against the production of energy by carbon based fuels (“renewables” are nowhere close to being able to provide for the energy needs of the earth’s population), humans are going to be judged as net liabilities by the elites. The Vatican would be well advised to stick to making proclamations on settled issues. On economics, there are very few true “solutions,” but only tradeoffs. If they accept that the bad guys are in charge, then nothing they say has merit.
The Weekly Standard reported that Government will finally end Planned Parenthood funding based on an email they got. [this is from 2018] ...

No More Funding for Planned Parenthood or Other Abortion Businesses

No More Funding for Planned Parenthood or Other Abortion Businesses May 18, 2018 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC Photo by danny.hammontree…
“Communicating with God does not need words,” Father Matthew Schneider, a priest who has gained a large following on social media for embracing his own “neurodiversity,” explains in his book God …More
“Communicating with God does not need words,” Father Matthew Schneider, a priest who has gained a large following on social media for embracing his own “neurodiversity,” explains in his book God Loves the Autistic Mind: A Prayer Guide for Those on the Spectrum and Those Who Love Us. The much- awaited prayer book was released by Pauline Books and Media in June, and I was thrilled when my copy finally arrived in the mail. Since then, I’ve read it several times. Here’s why...

God Loves the Autistic Mind in the National Catholic Register | FrMatthewLC

Skip to content The mother of a 12-year-old autistic boy reviewed my book in the National Catholic Register. I will include …
Recently [2018], some words of Pope Francis regarding gays have been widely reported and about as widely misinterpreted... Once I was visiting an unfamiliar church for adoration when a man tapped me …More
Recently [2018], some words of Pope Francis regarding gays have been widely reported and about as widely misinterpreted...
Once I was visiting an unfamiliar church for adoration when a man tapped me on the shoulder and asked to talk. We snuck into the parish hall and he explained how he had homosexual tendencies and struggled to live chastity. He said he would come to adoration a few times a week where he felt God’s peace but was too afraid of the judgments of others to show up at Mass.
God loves us all. In his love, God lets us each have challenges to help us grow. For some people, these challenges include sexual attraction to the same sex. We don’t understand what causes such tendencies but in the end, the cause doesn’t change our exhortation to them. God loves them and we shouldn’t deny them that love.

God Loves Gays: The Pope's Words in Context

God Loves Gays: The Pope’s Words in Context May 24, 2018 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC Recently, some words of Pope Francis regarding gays have been widely …
"Regarding God’s causality, we also need to remember that sometimes God allows certain challenges and difficulties so we grow. We all have our little …More
"Regarding God’s causality, we also need to remember that sometimes God allows certain challenges and difficulties so we grow. We all have our little crosses that God gives us to grow. For some, this will mean that sexual attraction to those of the same sex."
That God allows the disordered state of same-sex proclivity is undeniable. To imagine that
God gives the disordered state of same-sex proclivity seems to me preposterous, if not actually blasphemous.
how does the people at Mass know that he is gay ?
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This week, several Catholics in Pittsburgh are going to declare their resistance to Pope Francis at the Catholic Identity Confernece. They claim three main issues where Pope Francis needs resisting but …More
This week, several Catholics in Pittsburgh are going to declare their resistance to Pope Francis at the Catholic Identity Confernece. They claim three main issues where Pope Francis needs resisting but on all three they are wildly off-target. They interpret prudence as dogma or make wild leaps of logic. Before getting to where they err, I will offer a little background and present their press release...

Catholic Identity Conference Misses the Mark on All 3 Points | FrMatthewLC

This week, several Catholics in Pittsburgh are going to declare their resistance to Pope Francis at the Catholic Identity …
Randy Hude
For most of us in the traditional world we have come to recognize that what we thought was the Faith (that which we were given in Novus Ordo parishes)…More
For most of us in the traditional world we have come to recognize that what we thought was the Faith (that which we were given in Novus Ordo parishes) is really a diminution of the Faith. The differences are clearest when you compare the old Mass to the new but it doesn’t stop there. The traditional Catholic parish has a much richer focus on the centrality of Christ and striving for sanctity through daily and seasonal devotions that can, if you adhere to them, grow your love for the Lord. The new Church really doesn’t do this, doesn’t have a great focus on sanctity or discipline but rather reassures you with the sense that “I’m Okay and You’re Okay.”
People such as myself who have only recently discovered the traditional Catholic world are mystified why the hierarchy is trying to quash it. Why is what was true and good yesterday bad and destructive today? Every time I return to the NO Mass it becomes clearer that the focus is on the community rather than upon Our Lord.
We are made to …More
Rand Miller
Perhaps if Fr. Schneider would daily read the GloriaTV articles about Francis he might see the light. Naw, I doubt it.
Today’s [2018] abortion referendum put an end to the idea of Catholic Ireland, the Isle of Saints. Here are the results. Ireland has voted by a landslide margin to change the constitution so that …More
Today’s [2018] abortion referendum put an end to the idea of Catholic Ireland, the Isle of Saints. Here are the results.
Ireland has voted by a landslide margin to change the constitution so that abortion can be legalised, according to an exit poll conducted for The Irish Times by Ipsos/MRBI.
Catholic Ireland saved civilization from extinction in the dark ages, produced copious missionaries and saints. But that is no more. It didn’t die a great battle but in a whimper...

Goodbye Catholic Ireland: Lessons from the Abortion Referendum

We have all heart that the Irish voted to end the eighth amendment protecting life from conception. This is a sign of the demise of Catholic …
Jeffrey Ade
Who believes in voting anymore anyway?
Tonight [2018] the Stanley Cup Finals begin with the Washington Capitals facing the Las Vegas Golden Knights. Alexander Ovechkin captains the Capitals in their attempt to get their first cup since …More
Tonight [2018] the Stanley Cup Finals begin with the Washington Capitals facing the Las Vegas Golden Knights. Alexander Ovechkin captains the Capitals in their attempt to get their first cup since starting in 1974. I ran into a recent story of Ovechkin showing Christian virtues of charity and humility. This is always a positive aspect making me more open to cheering for an athlete. Back this fall, Ovechkin helped a homeless man stay warm in Edmonton, likely the coldest city in the NHL...

Ovechkin Helped a Homeless Man (and Was Humble about It)

Ovechkin Helped a Homeless Man (and Was Humble about It) May 28, 2018 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC Ovechkin in 2016 (Michael Miller on Wikimedia …
John A Cassani
There have been a lot of really decent hockey players over the years. This is a good story.
Fr Stephen Gadberry has always kept in good shape. Being a priest in the diocese of Little Rock, Arkansas hasn’t stopped him. Recently, he competed in American Ninja Warrior with his performance airing …More
Fr Stephen Gadberry has always kept in good shape. Being a priest in the diocese of Little Rock, Arkansas hasn’t stopped him. Recently, he competed in American Ninja Warrior with his performance airing tomorrow (May 30 [2018]) evening at 8 (7 central). If you haven’t seen it, American Ninja Warrior is an extreme obstacle course that requires a combination of strength, speed, and flexibility. (This video of the Papal Ninja last year explains it better than any words I can give.) I got a chance to talk to Fr Stephen about what it was like being on American Ninja Warrior and the spirituality of priestly fitness...
Jo Santoss
No it's not I zoomed in it's a regular crucifix 👍
3rd Order Postulant
Looks like an upside down crucifix
One more comment
The Sunday Guardian (of India) published a report about a new [2018] “vaccine” to prevent pregnancy or abort a baby. The prestigious journal Nature Medicine, in its February issue reported that the …More
The Sunday Guardian (of India) published a report about a new [2018] “vaccine” to prevent pregnancy or abort a baby.
The prestigious journal Nature Medicine, in its February issue reported that the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is to do a clinical trial of a tetanus toxoid vaccine (TT) laced with a pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It is to be studied on 120 women in India.
This “vaccine” against pregnancy was developed by Dr G. P. Talwar in 1972. The idea is to produce antibodies to the pregnancy hormone, such that the women would not be able to carry a normal pregnancy. Women who were pregnant would abort and those not pregnant would be rendered infertile. The report is indeed disturbing...

"Vaccine" Designed to Sterilize Women in Developing Nations

“Vaccine” Designed to Sterilize Women in Developing Nations May 30, 2018 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC CC0 image from Pixabay The Sunday Guardian
In recent weeks [2018], there have been a few stories about sexual assault on Catholic college campuses. The fact that there are sexual assaults doesn’t surprise me. It’s not that I think there’s …More
In recent weeks [2018], there have been a few stories about sexual assault on Catholic college campuses. The fact that there are sexual assaults doesn’t surprise me. It’s not that I think there’s necessarily something wrong with the dating culture on these campuses: I just know our human nature is fallen.
I would even suspect that the strong spiritual presence of such schools reduces the incidence of sexual assault. Nonetheless, assuming the spiritual climate eliminates sexual assault is naïveté. I would hope that every university has strong policies to discourage sexual assault, and to deal with it when it comes up, maintaining justice for both parties...

Catholic Naïveté Regarding Immoral Acts: We Must be Wide-Eyed

In recent weeks, there have been a few stories about sexual assault on Catholic college campuses. The fact that there are sexual assaults …
NPR has a report from inside a clinic making a three-parent baby. In a clinic on a side street in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, doctors are doing something that, as far as is publicly known, is being …More
NPR has a report from inside a clinic making a three-parent baby.
In a clinic on a side street in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, doctors are doing something that, as far as is publicly known, is being done nowhere else in the world: using DNA from three different people to create babies for women who are infertile.
“If you can help these families to achieve their own babies, why it must be forbidden?” Valery Zukin, director of the Nadiya Clinic, asks as he peers over his glasses. “It is a dream to want to have a genetic connection with a baby.”


Three-Parent Babies: A New Moral Issue

NPR has a report from inside a clinic making a three-parent baby. In a clinic on a side street in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, doctors are doing something that, …
In vitro fertilization is forbidden by the Catholic Church - this is evil!
Hound of Heaven
I would say it is an 'immoral' issue, Father. Even the word 'issue' is at odds with what is clearly an obstinate attempt to force an ideological prismatic …More
I would say it is an 'immoral' issue, Father. Even the word 'issue' is at odds with what is clearly an obstinate attempt to force an ideological prismatic peg 'fit' into a round hole. Not really a true option between two genuine choices as much as a forced 'issue' to make something conform to the way certain people demand the world to 'work'.
If you ever thought about a vocation, why not come to a short retreat with the Legion to help discern? I can respond to questions about it here, or you can call (203)271-0805. DMs to me work too if …More
If you ever thought about a vocation, why not come to a short retreat with the Legion to help discern?
I can respond to questions about it here, or you can call (203)271-0805. DMs to me work too if you are 18+.
Back in late June, I did an interview with Jerry and Debbie of EWTN’s radio program Take2. It was a pre-record for when they were on vacation or unable to record live for a day. They played it on the …More
Back in late June, I did an interview with Jerry and Debbie of EWTN’s radio program Take2. It was a pre-record for when they were on vacation or unable to record live for a day. They played it on the radio just last Friday. I think some of you might enjoy.
I think it was really good and focused more on parents and families of autistic individuals than most of my interviews. Here is the audio and the page on EWTN.
Link to the episode page on EWTN.
I was recently interviewed by Jason Osborne of The Irish Catholic on autism and Catholicism along with a bit on my own life. The online article is behind a paywall but I got a non-paywalled version …More
I was recently interviewed by Jason Osborne of The Irish Catholic on autism and Catholicism along with a bit on my own life. The online article is behind a paywall but I got a non-paywalled version and want to share a few points from it.

Autism & Catholicism in The Irish Catholic | FrMatthewLC

I was recently interviewed by Jason Osborne of The Irish Catholic on autism and Catholicism along with a bit on my own life. The online article…
I did a Reddit AMA (or Ask Me Anything) on September 2. This was in the /r/Catholicism subreddit (the main Catholic subreddit). I want to present some of the best questions from the discsussion with …More
I did a Reddit AMA (or Ask Me Anything) on September 2. This was in the /r/Catholicism subreddit (the main Catholic subreddit). I want to present some of the best questions from the discsussion with my replies. I focused on my book on autistic prayer so I think there are more questions on that...

FrMatthewLC Reddit AMA on /r/Catholicism | FrMatthewLC

I did a Reddit AMA (or Ask Me Anything) on September 2. This was in the /r/Catholicism subreddit (the main Catholic subreddit). I want to present …
Juan Perez
It is heresy to believe that the earth moves: Galileo repented of what he did at the end of his life. I see you like science but sometimes you give …More
It is heresy to believe that the earth moves:
Galileo repented of what he did at the end of his life.
I see you like science but sometimes you give too much credit to modern "science". Which most often was created to attack Chistianity by attacking Christian cosmology.
Support: Read the book "Galileo was wrong the Church was right
"Furthermore, in order to curb impudent clever persons, the synod
decrees that no one who relies on his own judgment in matters of
faith and morals, which pertain to the building up of Christian
doctrine, and that no one who distorts the Sacred Scripture according to his own opinions, shall dare to interpret the said Sacred Scripture contrary to that sense which is held by Holy Mother Church, whose duty it is to judge regarding the true sense and interpretation of Holy Scriptures, or even contrary to the unanimous consent of the Fathers, even though interpretations of this kind were never intended to be brought to light. 112 The Council of Trent, Fourth Session …More
Alex A
I suspect it doesn't require too much of a mental strain to pass the studies for the modern priesthood.
10 more comments
In the discourse about COVID vaccines online in Catholic circles, there was immense debate about the astronomically remote connection to abortion. In explicitly Catholic forums, this raged on for months …More
In the discourse about COVID vaccines online in Catholic circles, there was immense debate about the astronomically remote connection to abortion. In explicitly Catholic forums, this raged on for months. It seemed like almost 50% of Catholics were not vaccinated over this. But in actual surveys, the vast majority of Catholics who regularly attended Mass seemed to be vaccinating against COVID.
In fact, by the best estimate I can do, probably under 1% of Mass-attending Catholics rejected COVID vaccines primarily due to the astronomically remote connection to abortion...

Active Catholics Are the Most Vaccinated Religious Group | FrMatthewLC

In the discourse about COVID vaccines online in Catholic circles, there was immense debate about the astronomically remote connection …
Fr Matthew are you familiar with the term "recta ratio"? 2. And have you ever met Fr Matthew Devereux from New Zealand?
7 more comments
Back on June 22nd , I spent a few hours doing an interview with Roselle Reyes at Divine Mercy University. She and her cameraman (whose name I forgot -oops) also filed some B-roll. Reyes hosts EWTN News …More
Back on June 22nd , I spent a few hours doing an interview with Roselle Reyes at Divine Mercy University. She and her cameraman (whose name I forgot -oops) also filed some B-roll. Reyes hosts EWTN News in Depth. At the time, they had no idea when it would come out as Dobbs was expected soon after and they knew that would confuse their schedule a bit. It came out on EWTN News in Depth just over a week ago on August 5th....

EWTN News in Depth Interviews Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC | FrMatthewLC

Skip to content Back on June 22nd , I spent a few hours doing an interview with Roselle Reyes at Divine Mercy University. She and …
From a Catholic perspective, there are several issues in this story {trump and Kim meeting in 2018]. I will deal with nuclear weapons, peace and war, and human rights...

Trump & Kim's Summit in Light of Catholic Social Teaching

Trump & Kim’s Summit in Light of Catholic Social Teaching June 12, 2018 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC Kim Jong Un (by VABo2040 on Pixabay CC0) …
My summer has been a little crazy between, moving twice, a retreat, an academic conference, my parents’ 45th anniversary, a doctoral thesis defense, and prepping to start teaching college theology in …More
My summer has been a little crazy between, moving twice, a retreat, an academic conference, my parents’ 45th anniversary, a doctoral thesis defense, and prepping to start teaching college theology in late August. In such a situation, I fell a little behind on posting here. While I’ve been busy, Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur at and Dave Armstrong at Patheos have reviewed my book, God Loves the Autistic Mind: Prayer Guide for Those on the Spectrum and Those Who Love Us. I will now look at both...

Reviews on Patheos and of God Loves the Autistic Mind | FrMatthewLC

My summer has been a little crazy between, moving twice, a retreat, an academic conference, my parents’ 45th anniversary …
Gallup released a poll [in 2018, long before Dobbs] showing that most people want more restrictive abortion laws than currently [then] are in place...

Gallup: 53% Want More Restrictive Abortion Laws

Gallup: 53% Want More Restrictive Abortion Laws June 13, 2018 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC Baby Slippers (Janko Ferlič on Unsplash CC0) Gallup released …