Reception of the habit on the Feast of the Sacred Heart in Naples/Sister adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest
Naomi Arai
Two groups of sisters in the same week! SSPX nuns were this week, too!
Jeffrey Ade
@Heiliger Josef Thank you for the beautiful pictures! The sister seem so happy! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
The Holy Mass: Offertorium and Canon Missae in pictures - St Thomas Aquinas Seminary /fsspx (USA)
Maria coredemptrix shares this
Seminario Santo Tomás de Aquino - fsspx/USA: Offertorium and Canon Missae en imágenes
🇮🇱🇱🇧War in #Lebanon from a real #Israeli viewpoint A thread by an #Israeli with deep knowledge about the #Israeli army and it's movement. This thread talks about the ongoing preparations and the …More
🇮🇱🇱🇧War in #Lebanon from a real #Israeli viewpoint
A thread by an #Israeli with deep knowledge about the #Israeli army and it's movement.
This thread talks about the ongoing preparations and the future ones for a war in #Lebanon and what are the possible available options.
By: Gaza War Tracker on X
“Most Moral Army In The World”
🇮🇱🇱🇧As is well-known, #Israel intends to invade Southern #Lebanon around August this year (+/- 1 month) in order to take over all territory up to the Litani river and stop Hezbullah's rocket attacks into the North of the country.
This invasion will likely consist of 12 brigades structured in 3 divisions: 146th Division: - 205th Reserve Armored Brigade* - Carmeli Reserve Brigade - 226th Reserve Brigade* - 228th Reserve Brigade* 36th Armored Division: - 188th Armored Brigade** - Golani Brigade** - Kiryati Reserve Armored Brigade - Etzioni Reserve Brigade** 98th Division: - 7th Armored Brigade - 35th Brigade - Commando Brigade - 551st Reserve Brigade** * Has …More
Taking of the Habit and Perpetual Vows of SSPX Sisters - 2024 District of the USA
The glory of such beauty....and holiness.
Jeffrey Ade shares this
The Holy, Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is ever vibrant and ever bringing forth new life! Ever Virgin, ever Pure, and ever bringing forth new …More
The Holy, Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is ever vibrant and ever bringing forth new life! Ever Virgin, ever Pure, and ever bringing forth new life! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
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June is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! NIAGARA, ONTARIOMore
June is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
When I'm opening my banking platform online, there's a !S}{¦¶§$!* flag, and I am truthfully offended. Your video is making me feel better.More
When I'm opening my banking platform online, there's a !S}{¦¶§$!* flag, and I am truthfully offended.
Your video is making me feel better.
Sean Johnson
My pride flag:
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Corpus Christi procession in Jaidhof, Germany, 31.05.24 -
Heiliger Josef
The Feast of Corpus Christi has been celebrated since the 13th century, following a decree from the Church that wanted a special day on which people …More
The Feast of Corpus Christi has been celebrated since the 13th century, following a decree from the Church that wanted a special day on which people could commemorate the most holy mystery of the altar with the greatest reverence and solemnity. They should celebrate this day as a day of thanksgiving, in gratitude for the fact that God is among us.
This year, several hundred believers followed the church's instructions and gathered in the courtyard of Jaidhof Castle for the most beautiful celebration of the whole year, the celebration of Corpus Christi. The weather was kind to us; it was neither too hot nor too cold, and the rain did not arrive until an hour after the celebration had ended. So all the many people were able to attend the Holy Mass, which was celebrated as a blessing mass in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament and as a levitated high mass, outdoors. The celebrant was the district superior of the Austrian district, Father Johannes Regele, assisted by Father Emmerich Jeindl …More
An estimated 7,000 people joined the procession yesterday to proclaim the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist - the seminarians from The Saint Paul Seminary are leading
HEY COPTICS, are you ready for Idol Worship?
The Vatican has overturned Bishop Olson’s decree dismissing Mother Teresa Agnes from the Carmelite Monastery in Arlington, Texas.
Candace Owens who converted to Catholicism recently spotted at traditional Chartres pilgrimage in France among 18,000 young people.
English Catholic
Does anyone know the name of the priest with her? (Good reason for asking).
Well the medieval Church often sent penitents on pilgrimage to make reparation - so maybe some will cut Candace some slack. 😇
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Listen to monastic silence
Billy F
Silence is the Language of Almighty God!
Catholic Diocese of Lexington issues a statement using male pronouns referring to a woman who identifies as a transgender monk. Says Bishop Stowe has "accepted his profession" + is grateful to this …More
Catholic Diocese of Lexington issues a statement using male pronouns referring to a woman who identifies as a transgender monk. Says Bishop Stowe has "accepted his profession" + is grateful to this woman for her "witness of discipleship, integrity + contemplative prayer.
Hugh N. Cry
Who’s weirder the individual or the bishop?
🩸 🎨 King Charles III has unveiled what is the first portrait to be done of himself since his coronation just over a year ago. The portrait, which was painted by porn-material-using artist Jonathan …More
🩸 🎨 King Charles III has unveiled what is the first portrait to be done of himself since his coronation just over a year ago. The portrait, which was painted by porn-material-using artist Jonathan Yeo who also painted a portrait for NATO posterchild Malala Yousafzai and Iraq butcher Tony Blair, depicts Charles dripping in blood, or engulfed in hellfire, depending on how you look at it.🩸 🎨
I think they're trying to tell us he's a Satanist.
Consider that he was a close associate of arch paedophile Jimmy Savile, who was alleged to have partaken in Satanic ritual abuse and sacrifices.
What's more, his coronation, which was attended by people dressed in Satanic garb, took place precisely 6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 days after the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.
Also, it's perhaps not insignificant that he has close links to Judaism - a religion which is a blood brother of Satanism. His coronation was a uniquely Jewish affair and he was even circumcised by a Jewish rabbi.
And just in …More
From the River to the Sea our Jewish Elder Brothers will be free! Kudos to all the Israeli-Arab Catholics who are serving in the IDF and defending 🇮🇱!
De Profundis
Eurovision winner Loreen says she will refuse to hand over the trophy to Israel’s Eden Golan if she wins tonight, breaking protocol due to Israel’s …More
Eurovision winner Loreen says she will refuse to hand over the trophy to Israel’s Eden Golan if she wins tonight, breaking protocol due to Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
In Ascensione Domini Anno Domini 2024 - Armenian Liturgy - private recrods by GM.More
In Ascensione Domini Anno Domini 2024 - Armenian Liturgy - private recrods by GM.
NEW: Only 9 countries are against the Palestinian statehood. Against 🇵🇸 Palestine in 🇺🇳 voted: 🇦🇷 Argentina 🇨🇿 Czechia 🇭🇺 Hungary 🇮🇱 Israel 🇫🇲 Micronesia 🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea 🇺🇸 United States 🇳🇷 Nauru …More
NEW: Only 9 countries are against the Palestinian statehood. Against 🇵🇸 Palestine in 🇺🇳 voted:
🇦🇷 Argentina
🇨🇿 Czechia
🇭🇺 Hungary
🇮🇱 Israel
🇫🇲 Micronesia
🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea
🇺🇸 United States 🇳🇷 Nauru 🇵🇼 Palau @Megatron_ron Megatron + BREAKING: 🇺🇳🇵🇸 The UN passed a resolution to admit Palestine into the United Nations The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution for the UN Security Council to reconsider and support the full membership of Palestine into the United Nations. One hundred forty-three countries voted in favor of the resolution, nine voted against it, and 25 countries abstained from voting. @Megatron_ron Megatron
OBISPO - USA - EL PASO TX - Bishop Mark Seitz - Pray for him
Promo video for "new" Church Militant vows "no wasteful extravagance", introduces media personalities incl. Michael Voris with "his own dynamic show", and promises "annual public events, retreats, and …More
Promo video for "new" Church Militant vows "no wasteful extravagance", introduces media personalities incl. Michael Voris with "his own dynamic show", and promises "annual public events, retreats, and conferences"
English Catholic
The following excerpt is from E Michael Jones booklet: 'The Man Behind the Curtain - Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex' (Fidelity Press, 2016) "…More
The following excerpt is from E Michael Jones booklet: 'The Man Behind the Curtain - Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex' (Fidelity Press, 2016)
"The infallible sign that an “apostolate” has become a racket is the benefactor cruise. Church Militant TV was no exception to this rule. On April 2, 2016, Voris and his benefactors set sail on Church Militant’s fourth annual “retreat at sea,” a cruise along the coast of California which included “13 exclusive conferences given by Michael Voris” on topics like “Crisis in the Church” and “Purity” as well as daily Mass and Eucharistic adoration, all followed by meals prepared by the Ruby Princess chefs, who are “true culinary artists” who make each meal “an unforgettable gourmet experience.”
There was more than a little irony involved in the cruise. As Maureen Mullarkey later put it: “Your best hope is to pay up for his luxury Lenten cruise (“at the foot of the Cross” on the Ruby Princess), daiquiri in hand, and seagulls overhead.” Beyond the …More
Credo .
@DefendTruth. Promo video. Perhaps Michael Voris should have been steered towards a different course; or better still, go underground for awile. Giving …More
@DefendTruth. Promo video. Perhaps Michael Voris should have been steered towards a different course; or better still, go underground for awile. Giving that he will need to earn a living, one can only hope thats it's not a case of a bank robber returning to the only thing he knows!
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Ave sanctissima Maria: This prayer, for which Pope Sixtus IV is said to have granted an indulgence of 11,000 years (!) when prayed before an image of the Virgin in the Sun, can be found in many manuscripts …More
Ave sanctissima Maria: This prayer, for which Pope Sixtus IV is said to have granted an indulgence of 11,000 years (!) when prayed before an image of the Virgin in the Sun, can be found in many manuscripts since the 1470s.: Hail most holy Mary, mother of God, queen of heaven, gate of paradise, ruler of the world. You are a uniquely pure virgin. You conceived Jesus without sin. You bore the creator and saviour of the world in whom I do not doubt.