In case some missed this - note the way the Vatican is now trying to silence the many warnings of Our Lady regarding the consequences of offending Our Lord by disobedience of the Natural & Divine Law …More
In case some missed this - note the way the Vatican is now trying to silence the many warnings of Our Lady regarding the consequences of offending Our Lord by disobedience of the Natural & Divine Law - as well as the hierarchy's failure to safeguard and faithfully hand on the Deposit of Faith. Be assured that Our Lady and Her Divine Son will have an appropriate response to this attempt to suppress Our Lady's warnings to Her children. Stand firm at all costs. Pray the Rosary daily!

Vatican: worrying statements by the president of the Marian Academy | Militia Immaculatae

The Vatican media report specifies that it is important for the Pontifical International Marian Academy to “…
Live Mike shares this
In case some missed this - note the way the Vatican is now trying to silence the many warnings of Our Lady regarding the consequences of offending Our …More
In case some missed this - note the way the Vatican is now trying to silence the many warnings of Our Lady regarding the consequences of offending Our Lord by disobedience of the Natural & Divine Law - as well as the hierarchy's failure to safeguard and faithfully hand on the Deposit of Faith. Be assured that Our Lady and Her Divine Son will have an appropriate response to this attempt to suppress Our Lady's warnings to Her children. Stand firm at all costs. Pray the Rosary daily!
The enemies of Our Lady in Medjugorje now have a friend at the Vatican
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Most probably real words contained in the 3rd Secret of Fatima, which the Vatican did not reveal. Please read this. It is more relevant than ever - as we see the aftermath of WYD and prepare for the …More
Most probably real words contained in the 3rd Secret of Fatima, which the Vatican did not reveal. Please read this. It is more relevant than ever - as we see the aftermath of WYD and prepare for the Sinnod. This article was written by a very holy priest, Fr. Regis Scanlan, OFM CAP, who passed from this world in 2021.
7 pages
Live Mike
The article mentions "a great chastisement will come over all mankind; not today nor tomorrow but in the second half of the twentieth century" [...]…More
The article mentions "a great chastisement will come over all mankind; not today nor tomorrow but in the second half of the twentieth century" [...] "But a time of more severe trials is also coming for the Church. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals and Bishops will oppose Bishops. Satan will enter into their very midst. In Rome, also, will occur great changes. The Church will be obscured, and all the world will be thrown into great confusion. The great, great war will come in the second half of the twentieth century."
All this time many of us have had the impression "the great, great war in the second half of the 20th century" meant a shooting war; soldiers fighting against each other engaged in mortal combat. What if that's not the kind of war that is being mentioned here above?
On Monday 13 July 1998 during the Coast to Coast AM radio broadcast while referring to the changes which came out of the Second Vatican Council, Art Bell comments, "There must have been a significant …More
More on the Third Secret. (1998 interview by Art Bell with Fr Malachi Martin who had read the Third Secret of Fatima.) Fr. Martin: "The secret was …More
More on the Third Secret. (1998 interview by Art Bell with Fr Malachi Martin who had read the Third Secret of Fatima.)
Fr. Martin: "The secret was meant for the people, not for the popes, not for the bishops, not for the holy office. It was meant to be published in 1960, by explicit order, by the mandate of heaven. John XXIII, God bless him and rest him, but he's with God now in whatever form that is, he decided not to. He had his own reasons. We think, with all due respect and veneration, etc, etc...that he made a very bad mistake. And indeed...in 1961 there was a second appearance, this time in Spain, in Garabandal. And the opening words of that revelation were: 'Because my sons have not listened to my orders, my mandate, here is what is going to happen...' and the message was very dire - a repetition of the Third Secret in brief form".
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Contrast the reverent care for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament by Bishop Athanasius Schneider with the distressing images we have been presented regarding the distribution of "holy communion" during …More
Contrast the reverent care for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament by Bishop Athanasius Schneider with the distressing images we have been presented regarding the distribution of "holy communion" during WYD, allowed under the watch of Bergoglio and his brother cardinals, bishops, and priests. One is truly Catholic. The other is worse than that practiced by Protestants.
Words of truth from a real son of St. Ignatius of Loyola - in honor of his feast day July 31. Also, keep these words of Fr. Mitch Pacwa in mind as we see the Mayan rite being approved very soon - along …More
Words of truth from a real son of St. Ignatius of Loyola - in honor of his feast day July 31. Also, keep these words of Fr. Mitch Pacwa in mind as we see the Mayan rite being approved very soon - along with young people being encouraged at WYD to visit sites of the pagan worship of demons.
Maronite Church sneaky polish man stays out of the controversial novus ordo mass very smart 🤫
Ipsa conteret
There is no teacher as wonderful as a faithful, Catholic Jesuit! Thank you, Fr. Pacwa, for your faithfulness - and thank you, Mother Angelica, for making …More
There is no teacher as wonderful as a faithful, Catholic Jesuit! Thank you, Fr. Pacwa, for your faithfulness - and thank you, Mother Angelica, for making him such a key part of EWTN!
Fr. Isaac is back -- telling it like it is! This is a long one - watch pieces as you can - but stay with it to the end -- thanks be to Our Lord for Fr. Isaac!

Fr. Isaac Relyea - Interview with Fr. Isaac

Please note that if you are under 18, you won't be able to access this site. Are you 18 years old or above?
In case you don't have time to listen all the way through, one important point of clarification offered by Fr. Isaac is that "theology of the body" is …More
In case you don't have time to listen all the way through, one important point of clarification offered by Fr. Isaac is that "theology of the body" is straight from hell - and should be ignored and avoided at all costs. Many of us have thought this. It's good to hear Fr. Isaac lend his authoritative condemnation of this innovation, which has no basis in Catholic thought. Fr. Isaac warned that its use is leading even married couples into mortal sin.
This talk by Fr. Kramer is a must hear!!! Do not miss it!!

Fr. Paul Kramer on the Jeff Rense Show – July 21, 2023 – Ecclesia Militans

agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); name_ff = "firefox"; name_op = "opera"; if (agent.indexOf(name_ff.toLowerCase())>-1…
Live Mike
Thanks Dr Maria
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More unpleasant but true news - regarding Catholic Charities and the USCCB. Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us!
I'm not a Michael Voris fan however it is good to hear someone call out Catholic Charities. Charity is not facilitating the trafficking of child migrants …More
I'm not a Michael Voris fan however it is good to hear someone call out Catholic Charities. Charity is not facilitating the trafficking of child migrants to orphanages and group home who then traffic those children to perverts.. NGOs like Catholic Charities take large grants from the US Government. This organization breaks the law. Please do not give one penny to this evil organization.
DrMaria shares from HP Y GC
Let's all stand up to this evil of a so-called "Pride Mass" wherever this is occurring. This is pure blasphemy - shut these churches down with a lack of support - financially and otherwise. Follow the …More
Let's all stand up to this evil of a so-called "Pride Mass" wherever this is occurring. This is pure blasphemy - shut these churches down with a lack of support - financially and otherwise. Follow the good example of Catholics in Los Angeles Friday night, who foiled the honoring of the perverted and blasphemous mockery of nuns and the Catholic Faith by blocking entrance to the stadium while banding together and praying the Rosary!
DISGRACE: 'Pride' Mass Celebrated in Cardinal Gregory's Diocese The 'Pride' Mass met swift condemnation from LifeSiteNews D.C. Bureau Chief Doug Mainwaring, who rallied faithful Catholics together and …More
DISGRACE: 'Pride' Mass Celebrated in Cardinal Gregory's Diocese
The 'Pride' Mass met swift condemnation from LifeSiteNews D.C. Bureau Chief Doug Mainwaring, who rallied faithful Catholics together and prayed the rosary in protest. The 'Pride' Mass took place in President Joe Biden's home parish, Holy Trinity Catholic Church.Show more
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True Mass
We need real men in the priesthood.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
What does anyone expect? This should come as no surprise. Gregory is Gay. He was a protégée of a Gay cardinal, and Cupich is probably gay, and Tobin,…More
What does anyone expect? This should come as no surprise. Gregory is Gay. He was a protégée of a Gay cardinal, and Cupich is probably gay, and Tobin, and 60% of the Vatican staff, etc.
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Here's what a TRUE Bishop and Shepherd working in the vineyard of Our Lord looks like! Thank you, Bishop Strickland, for your Faith, Courage, and Humility - all 3 virtues were so aptly on display on …More
Here's what a TRUE Bishop and Shepherd working in the vineyard of Our Lord looks like! Thank you, Bishop Strickland, for your Faith, Courage, and Humility - all 3 virtues were so aptly on display on this Feast of the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ! How very encouraging for the rest of us, who are trying to do likewise in the midst of the apostasy in the Church and the resultant moral deterioration within the culture.

Bp. Strickland tells Catholics to 'speak for what you believe' in powerful speech at Dodgers protest …

'We need to live as those ready to die and ready to live for the blood that was shed for us all,' the …
More "telling it like it is" from Raymond Arroyo -- keep up the great work, Raymond! In this latest World Over Live, Bishop Athanasius Schneider is unafraid to call out the destructive nature of the …More
More "telling it like it is" from Raymond Arroyo -- keep up the great work, Raymond! In this latest World Over Live, Bishop Athanasius Schneider is unafraid to call out the destructive nature of the upcoming "sinod" -thank you, Bishop Schneider! May Our Lady continue to protect you --
Alejandrina Reyes
Which will be the results of the so called spring meeting ?
Let us join in this powerful prayer and consecration of ourselves and our sacred honor to Our Lady of LaSalette - written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano - and presented to Our Lady in LaSalette by a …More
Let us join in this powerful prayer and consecration of ourselves and our sacred honor to Our Lady of LaSalette - written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano - and presented to Our Lady in LaSalette by a group of American pilgrims, led by Michael Matt during this Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Let us all pray for Cardinal Raymond Burke's continued health and deepening strength -- we do so need him to stand up against the heresies and apostasy inflicting the Church in our times! Please purchase …More
Let us all pray for Cardinal Raymond Burke's continued health and deepening strength -- we do so need him to stand up against the heresies and apostasy inflicting the Church in our times! Please purchase his new book, if you can:
Respecting the Body and Blood of the Lord: When Holy Communion Should Be Denied. Also, kudos to Raymond Arroyo for his continued great reporting and analysis regarding what is really going on in the Church - may Our Lady keep him protected under Her Mantle!
Our Lady of LaSalette - and Archbishop Vigano -
4 pages
First Saturday Blessings - watch this video to the end - one of Fr. Chad Ripperger's best - it helps us understand why it is only through the Blessed Virgin that all this evil we are up against in the …More
First Saturday Blessings - watch this video to the end - one of Fr. Chad Ripperger's best - it helps us understand why it is only through the Blessed Virgin that all this evil we are up against in the Church and world can be defeated. Pray the Rosary daily - keep the First Saturday devotions as Our Lady called for at Fatima. If you missed doing so today, i.e., Confession and Communion of Reparation for the offenses against Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, in addition to the Rosary, do it this weekend~ Ave Maria!
Alejandrina Reyes
I like a lot all of Fr. Ripperberg’s videos
God's plan for peace, the peace of the Lord, is brought about by the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
One of Kennedy Hall's best presentations - watch this. Why, oh why, is Bergoglio hell-bent on suppressing the TLM? Reason, he is trying to fundamentally change the Catholic Church and make it Protestant …More
One of Kennedy Hall's best presentations - watch this. Why, oh why, is Bergoglio hell-bent on suppressing the TLM? Reason, he is trying to fundamentally change the Catholic Church and make it Protestant or worse. No wonder Our Lady warned about "changes in the Mass" in the authentic Third Secret of Fatima, which the Vatican has never allowed to be released, officially.
This article on the dangers of the Synod on Synodality is well written and worth reading!
4 pages
Edie Loughmiller
Thank you for posting this. I had not read Fr. Pagliarani's interview from May 5th, and the LifeSite article motivated me to take the time to read it.…More
Thank you for posting this. I had not read Fr. Pagliarani's interview from May 5th, and the LifeSite article motivated me to take the time to read it. I was especially struck by Father's comment about the currently compromised situation of tradition-minded priests, who are not part of the FSSPX, "I do think that a priest cannot live his priesthood in a fulfilling way if he accepts a sword of Damocles hanging over his head all the time." I've certainly seen how hard this is on the good priests of the FSSP, forced to compromise by their diocesan Bishop in ways that spoil the beauty and purity of the Traditional Catholic life. For example, diocesan Bishops requiring young FSSP couples to go to a Novus Ordo parish for marriage preparation classes. Everyone must comply, lest the FSSP priests lose their faculties to perform the marriage ceremony.
Pray for the Church - and everyone on this planet - the authenticity of the testimony in this video has been verified - note where the "Sinod" on Synodality is leading us due to the attempted destruction …More
Pray for the Church - and everyone on this planet - the authenticity of the testimony in this video has been verified - note where the "Sinod" on Synodality is leading us due to the attempted destruction of the Catholic Church which will be its bitter fruit -
Live Mike
The interviewer is Argentine author, Santiago Lanús.
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On this Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13, the date of Our Lady's first apparition in Fatima in 1917, let us take to heart Fr. Gruner's very serious presentation on Sr. Lucia's conversation with Fr.…More
On this Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13, the date of Our Lady's first apparition in Fatima in 1917, let us take to heart Fr. Gruner's very serious presentation on Sr. Lucia's conversation with Fr. Fuentes about the message of Fatima - and let us refuse to allow the Vatican to bury or discount Fatima in any way! Ave Maria! "In the End, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!" Our Lady always keeps Her Promises!
Live Mike shares this
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Michael Matt tells it like it is! Thank you, Michael!
Another very helpful interview by John-Henry Weston to help us put what we have been living through in perspective -- again -- not to be missed!
Wilma Lopez shares this
Benedict XVI’s resignation was the ‘darkest point’ of his papacy: “Because until today … the real reasons of this resignation [are inexplicable]. …More
Benedict XVI’s resignation was the ‘darkest point’ of his papacy: “Because until today … the real reasons of this resignation [are inexplicable]. Because of course in the Church there were popes who abdicated … but in all the different cases, there was always a really important reason. And today it’s not so clear what is the real reason.”
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