When Christopher Ferrara is on -- he is on!! Not to be missed!!

A Deep Winter: Eleven Years Under Francis by Christopher A. Ferrara | FC24 Dallas, TX

A Deep Winter: Eleven Years Under Francis by Christopher A. Ferrara | FC24 Dallas, TX The Fatima Center 261 Subscribers …
BXVI what did he say about Cardinal Martini you have a lot of chutzpah to think he was a champion of orthodoxy.
Billy F
This was good!!! 👍
Start watching this at 15:26 to hear why Suzanne Pearson, a colleague of Fr. Gruner and a researcher into the Fatima apparitions, believes that the vision released in 2000 is not part of the authentic …More
Start watching this at 15:26 to hear why Suzanne Pearson, a colleague of Fr. Gruner and a researcher into the Fatima apparitions, believes that the vision released in 2000 is not part of the authentic 3rd Secret - even though the vision may have been given to Sr. Lucia at another time and has significance.

Fatima Souls with Suzanne Pearson, October 2022

Fatima Souls with Suzanne Pearson, October 2022 Fatima Souls 41 Subscribers Fatima ⬇Timestamps Below ⬇ ℹThis video is brought to you by https://FatimaSouls.com…
Ann Smith
What's the Church say on Antonio Ruffini? Approval or not?
Also, look at The Prophecy of Stigmatist Antonio Ruffini † (1907… for more on this important topic of the 3rd Secret and its release.More
Also, look at The Prophecy of Stigmatist Antonio Ruffini † (1907…
for more on this important topic of the 3rd Secret and its release.
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First Saturday Reminder - April 6, 2024

Our Lord told Sr. Lucia: “There are five types of blasphemies and offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary: Blasphemies against Her Immaculate Conception. Blasphemies against Her Perpetual …More
Our Lord told Sr. Lucia:
“There are five types of blasphemies and offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:
Blasphemies against Her Immaculate Conception.
Blasphemies against Her Perpetual Virginity.
Blasphemies against Her Divine Maternity, in refusing at the same time to recognize Her as the Mother of men.
Blasphemies of those who publicly seek to sow in the hearts of children indifference or scorn, or even hatred of this Immaculate Mother.
Offenses of those who outrage Her directly in Her holy images.”
Let us remember to make reparation to Our Lady tomorrow for these blasphemies by spending time with Her in our prayerful recitation of the Rosary and through making a good Confession and receiving Holy Communion with love and devotion. Here is a link for reading more about the request for our keeping the Five First Saturdays given by Our Lady and Our Lord to Sr. Lucia of Fatima: First Saturday Devotion | The Fatima Center
Leader of pagan worship on display - let your eyes see what they see --

Pope Francis asks thousands of children to chant ‘nature is our future’ at Vatican event - LifeSite

Tue Nov 7, 2023 - 5:54 pm EST VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) –– Welcoming thousands of children to the …
Everyday for Life Canada
Instead, teach the children to chant: Viva Cristo Rey!
Has Our Lord had it with our evil? Are we now at the breaking point? A crimson- red aurora occurred in August 1939 ( on the same day of the signature of the Ribbentrop-Molotov treaty) - which marked …More
Has Our Lord had it with our evil? Are we now at the breaking point? A crimson- red aurora occurred in August 1939 ( on the same day of the signature of the Ribbentrop-Molotov treaty) - which marked the beginning of WW II. Faithful Catholics, reject the evil flowing from the false church - embrace and uphold the traditional Catholic and Apostolic Faith. Pray the Rosary daily. This link below is from Fr. Paul Kramer regarding a world-wide aurora that occurred Nov 5 - 6.

The Auora Borealis of Last Night – Ecclesia Militans

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Fr. Malachi Martin repeatedly said when asked about the chastisements Our Lady warned about in the 3rd Secret of Fatima: "Keep you eyes on the skies --"
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Getting to the heart of the evil: Some serious theologians need to get to the root of the problem, namely, the heretical theology/Christology/ecclesiology of Karl Rahner. Pope Pius XII was asked to …More
Getting to the heart of the evil: Some serious theologians need to get to the root of the problem, namely, the heretical theology/Christology/ecclesiology of Karl Rahner. Pope Pius XII was asked to excommunicate this heretic at least twice. It is said he was too ill to take on the task. It is not too late for the heretical, modernist writings of Rahner to be exposed. Rahner's heretical views have fueled the apostasy found in the thinking of many Jesuits and Jesuit universities today - as well as the dangerous ambiguities of Vatican II - and the time bombs planted by the Synod on Synodality.

Rigging a NEW Catholic Church

Rigging a NEW Catholic Church Pope Francis’ progressive vision appears to be amplifying the vulnerabilities of Vatican II. The ongoing Synod on Synodality raises concerns …
Denis Efimov
There are about a dozen of them, including Yves Congar and Ratzinger.
The blackening of the exterior dome of St. Peter's -- the same dome that was struck by lightning upon the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI - pray, pray very much - and fast as much as you can!


Saint Louis Catholic ~ Unabashedly Catholic News and Views 22 Friday Sep 2023 I mean, really creepy. Ever since Ann B pointed this out, I’ve noticed the blackening of St. Peter’s dome is creepy …
Boanerges Boanerges
God is telling us something
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Here's a deeper look into how the criminal corruption of voting machines in the USA and other places has been accomplished - let's pray that Mike Lindell's device to expose this corruption helps expose …More
Here's a deeper look into how the criminal corruption of voting machines in the USA and other places has been accomplished - let's pray that Mike Lindell's device to expose this corruption helps expose this evil!

Evidence Of Algorithms

pstrong classfont-16Help support the plan to secure our election platforms immediately bynbsp;a hrefhttps://lindelllegalfund.org/ targetblank relnoopenerDonating Now!/a/strong/p
Live Mike
In case some missed this - note the way the Vatican is now trying to silence the many warnings of Our Lady regarding the consequences of offending Our Lord by disobedience of the Natural & Divine Law …More
In case some missed this - note the way the Vatican is now trying to silence the many warnings of Our Lady regarding the consequences of offending Our Lord by disobedience of the Natural & Divine Law - as well as the hierarchy's failure to safeguard and faithfully hand on the Deposit of Faith. Be assured that Our Lady and Her Divine Son will have an appropriate response to this attempt to suppress Our Lady's warnings to Her children. Stand firm at all costs. Pray the Rosary daily!

Vatican: worrying statements by the president of the Marian Academy | Militia Immaculatae

The Vatican media report specifies that it is important for the Pontifical International Marian Academy to “…
Live Mike shares this
In case some missed this - note the way the Vatican is now trying to silence the many warnings of Our Lady regarding the consequences of offending Our …More
In case some missed this - note the way the Vatican is now trying to silence the many warnings of Our Lady regarding the consequences of offending Our Lord by disobedience of the Natural & Divine Law - as well as the hierarchy's failure to safeguard and faithfully hand on the Deposit of Faith. Be assured that Our Lady and Her Divine Son will have an appropriate response to this attempt to suppress Our Lady's warnings to Her children. Stand firm at all costs. Pray the Rosary daily!
The enemies of Our Lady in Medjugorje now have a friend at the Vatican
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Most probably real words contained in the 3rd Secret of Fatima, which the Vatican did not reveal. Please read this. It is more relevant than ever - as we see the aftermath of WYD and prepare for the …More
Most probably real words contained in the 3rd Secret of Fatima, which the Vatican did not reveal. Please read this. It is more relevant than ever - as we see the aftermath of WYD and prepare for the Sinnod. This article was written by a very holy priest, Fr. Regis Scanlan, OFM CAP, who passed from this world in 2021.
7 pages
Live Mike
The article mentions "a great chastisement will come over all mankind; not today nor tomorrow but in the second half of the twentieth century" [...]…More
The article mentions "a great chastisement will come over all mankind; not today nor tomorrow but in the second half of the twentieth century" [...] "But a time of more severe trials is also coming for the Church. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals and Bishops will oppose Bishops. Satan will enter into their very midst. In Rome, also, will occur great changes. The Church will be obscured, and all the world will be thrown into great confusion. The great, great war will come in the second half of the twentieth century."
All this time many of us have had the impression "the great, great war in the second half of the 20th century" meant a shooting war; soldiers fighting against each other engaged in mortal combat. What if that's not the kind of war that is being mentioned here above?
On Monday 13 July 1998 during the Coast to Coast AM radio broadcast while referring to the changes which came out of the Second Vatican Council, Art Bell comments, "There must have been a significant …More
More on the Third Secret. (1998 interview by Art Bell with Fr Malachi Martin who had read the Third Secret of Fatima.) Fr. Martin: "The secret was …More
More on the Third Secret. (1998 interview by Art Bell with Fr Malachi Martin who had read the Third Secret of Fatima.)
Fr. Martin: "The secret was meant for the people, not for the popes, not for the bishops, not for the holy office. It was meant to be published in 1960, by explicit order, by the mandate of heaven. John XXIII, God bless him and rest him, but he's with God now in whatever form that is, he decided not to. He had his own reasons. We think, with all due respect and veneration, etc, etc...that he made a very bad mistake. And indeed...in 1961 there was a second appearance, this time in Spain, in Garabandal. And the opening words of that revelation were: 'Because my sons have not listened to my orders, my mandate, here is what is going to happen...' and the message was very dire - a repetition of the Third Secret in brief form".
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Fr. Isaac is back -- telling it like it is! This is a long one - watch pieces as you can - but stay with it to the end -- thanks be to Our Lord for Fr. Isaac!

Fr. Isaac Relyea - Interview with Fr. Isaac

Please note that if you are under 18, you won't be able to access this site. Are you 18 years old or above?
In case you don't have time to listen all the way through, one important point of clarification offered by Fr. Isaac is that "theology of the body" is …More
In case you don't have time to listen all the way through, one important point of clarification offered by Fr. Isaac is that "theology of the body" is straight from hell - and should be ignored and avoided at all costs. Many of us have thought this. It's good to hear Fr. Isaac lend his authoritative condemnation of this innovation, which has no basis in Catholic thought. Fr. Isaac warned that its use is leading even married couples into mortal sin.
This talk by Fr. Kramer is a must hear!!! Do not miss it!!

Fr. Paul Kramer on the Jeff Rense Show – July 21, 2023 – Ecclesia Militans

agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); name_ff = "firefox"; name_op = "opera"; if (agent.indexOf(name_ff.toLowerCase())>-1…
Live Mike
Thanks Dr Maria
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Here's what a TRUE Bishop and Shepherd working in the vineyard of Our Lord looks like! Thank you, Bishop Strickland, for your Faith, Courage, and Humility - all 3 virtues were so aptly on display on …More
Here's what a TRUE Bishop and Shepherd working in the vineyard of Our Lord looks like! Thank you, Bishop Strickland, for your Faith, Courage, and Humility - all 3 virtues were so aptly on display on this Feast of the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ! How very encouraging for the rest of us, who are trying to do likewise in the midst of the apostasy in the Church and the resultant moral deterioration within the culture.

Bp. Strickland tells Catholics to 'speak for what you believe' in powerful speech at Dodgers protest …

'We need to live as those ready to die and ready to live for the blood that was shed for us all,' the …
Our Lady of LaSalette - and Archbishop Vigano -
4 pages
This article on the dangers of the Synod on Synodality is well written and worth reading!
4 pages
Edie Loughmiller
Thank you for posting this. I had not read Fr. Pagliarani's interview from May 5th, and the LifeSite article motivated me to take the time to read it.…More
Thank you for posting this. I had not read Fr. Pagliarani's interview from May 5th, and the LifeSite article motivated me to take the time to read it. I was especially struck by Father's comment about the currently compromised situation of tradition-minded priests, who are not part of the FSSPX, "I do think that a priest cannot live his priesthood in a fulfilling way if he accepts a sword of Damocles hanging over his head all the time." I've certainly seen how hard this is on the good priests of the FSSP, forced to compromise by their diocesan Bishop in ways that spoil the beauty and purity of the Traditional Catholic life. For example, diocesan Bishops requiring young FSSP couples to go to a Novus Ordo parish for marriage preparation classes. Everyone must comply, lest the FSSP priests lose their faculties to perform the marriage ceremony.
A thoughtful and appropriate meditation, and prophecy, about where we seem to be - in Our Lord's Timetable ---

What Catholics Believe

...Now the Church has had to undergo already two persecutions, one from the hand of the Jews and one also from the hand of the pagans; so the writers of the early ages, the Fathers …
Fr. Paul Kramer - listen all the way to the end!

Fr. Paul Kramer on the Jeff Rense Show – November 18, 2022 – Ecclesia Militans

agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); name_ff = "firefox"; name_op = "opera"; if (agent.indexOf(name_ff.toLowerCase()…
Please watch, share this video, and keep praying the Rosary - for the real truth to be exposed.

Pope Benedict XVI’s call for Help: a 15 minute history of events from 2013-2022

FRENCH TRANSCRIPTION This is a brief review of 9 years of events, from Feb. 11, 2013 to Oct. 30, 2022, which shows how Pope …
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The latest newsletter from Fr. Paul Kramer's branch of the original Fatima Center, founded by Fr. Nicholas Gruner. Worth a read!
6 pages
Gia B Yan shares this
The Vatican condones the road to hell --- the true Church will continue to go underground -- while the visible institution contains only the clergy and teaching of the false church -- as prophesied.

The Vatican opens up to 'LGBT families’

At the press conference for the presentation of the World Meeting of Families (Rome 22-26 June), the concept of an "Amoris Laetitia family" was used in opposition …