for your information; Time Stamp; 18.00 Xavier Ayral meets FR RIPPERGER in Miami, Fr Ripperger told Xavier that through his contacts in Rome, that this NEW LITURGY will make the CONSECRATION OF THE HOSTMore
for your information; Time Stamp; 18.00
Xavier Ayral meets FR RIPPERGER in Miami, Fr Ripperger told Xavier that through his contacts in Rome, that this NEW LITURGY will make the CONSECRATION OF THE HOST INVALID. And Is already , as you read this, being worked on in Rome
loss of the true Eucharist? Prophetical times - foreshadowing.
Discern, prepare physically and Spiritually accordingly
my family and i have recently returned to mass based partly on this information.
The confection of the sacraments still retain their value, the priest still uses the words; ' This IS MY body, This IS MY blood'.
There is something coming beyond that; a NEW RITE a NEW FORMULA for the MASS that would do away from the words of consecration that would actually change it so that the Eucharist is NOT REALLY CONFECTED.
Book of Revelation: Is Pope Francis the True Pope or False Prophet? - Part 1 time stamp Book of Revelation: Is Pope Francis the True Pope or False Prophet? - Part 1
It's a legitimate question: Is the Novus Ordo valid?
Father Karl A Claver
These are liturgical time bombs which Fr. Malachi Martin spoke about many years ago.
And, every time in the past I attended a suburban Novus Ordo mass I got hit with one of those LTB's. After spending some time in field hospital- a traditional parish with the TLM, I soon recovered!
was this intended by the council? Is there a video or link to this conversation between Fr. Ripperger and Xavier?
What are they talking about?
The new rite for Mass had been worked out 55 years ago.
The "consecration" per tutti/for all that rises positive doubts regarding the validity has been used for years in popular languages. People like Paul VI or JPII used it many times.
Boanerges Boanerges
English Catholic
@Tom Blyton Please, please don't listen to anything creepy bookseller Xavier Reyes-Ayral says, or John Henry Westen, who seems to be obsessed with him, and lets him constantly promote his rubbishy book which mixes true and false Marian apparitions, on LifeSiteNews. Westen has gone off the rails. Xavier Reyes-Ayral was involved in a talk called 'The Occult and the Prophetic Converge!' April 8: The …More
@Tom Blyton Please, please don't listen to anything creepy bookseller Xavier Reyes-Ayral says, or John Henry Westen, who seems to be obsessed with him, and lets him constantly promote his rubbishy book which mixes true and false Marian apparitions, on LifeSiteNews. Westen has gone off the rails. Xavier Reyes-Ayral was involved in a talk called 'The Occult and the Prophetic Converge!' April 8: The Occult and the Prophetic Converge! LI… which more or less stated something of importance was going to happen on April 8th because of the solar eclipse. Nothing did. Hence my response: Admittedly, the twaddle in this picture, headed “P…
The Wandering Recluse
@English Catholic I am over half way through his book and I have found nothing untrue so far in all the apparitions he covered, what specifically are you referring to in his book which is not true? Thanks!
does he believe in Medjugorje?
English Catholic
@samtheman @The Wandering Recluse Yes he does. He believes in everything and anything. Please note my email above where he is involved in occultic prediction.
The Wandering Recluse
I had to look it up--it is in the book, however I'm one apparition before Medjugoje. Good point, though.
The Wandering Recluse
@English Catholic @samtheman Thanks guys! I probably would have caught it once I got to Med.. I don't support that.
English Catholic
Proof about Medjugorje:
The Wandering Recluse
I'd still like to see what he writes about it, but thanks, my friend! BTW, Medjugorje isn't approved, is it or has Francis approved it?
English Catholic
In other places, Reyes-Ayral has supported condemned seers/apparitions, like Fr. Michel Rodrigue. He has no obedience to legitimate ecclesiastical authority at all. He's a dangerous narcissist. Please see condemnation of Fr Rodrigue: Certain commenters have been promoting on Gloria T… NEVER listen to anything coming from the group that calls themselves 'Countdown …More
In other places, Reyes-Ayral has supported condemned seers/apparitions, like Fr. Michel Rodrigue. He has no obedience to legitimate ecclesiastical authority at all. He's a dangerous narcissist. Please see condemnation of Fr Rodrigue: Certain commenters have been promoting on Gloria T… NEVER listen to anything coming from the group that calls themselves 'Countdown to the Kingdom'. They are a bunch of grifters and frauds.
The Wandering Recluse
Yeah, I think Fr. Rodrigue is a fraud, too. --This is why I like this site . . . a lot of knowledgeable people here. Thanks again!
English Catholic
@The Wandering Recluse The last commission on Medjugorje (called the 'Ruini' Commission) raised more questions than it answered. This is a reliable site on Medjugorje: The Contradictions of the Commission of Inquiry on Medjugorje | The Medjugorje Illusion
The Wandering Recluse
Thanks, I'll have a look at it. I have a link to another great site somewhere, I'll have to find it and post it!
Boanerges Boanerges
@English Catholic you are judging very severely and taking very risky stance over things you may in fact be wrong and one day accountable in front of God. I am saying this sincerely and with charity please be prudent and slow to judge any alleged apparition site because it is easy to make a mistake (especially in these times of great confusion) and you certainly don't want to be an obstacle against …More
@English Catholic you are judging very severely and taking very risky stance over things you may in fact be wrong and one day accountable in front of God. I am saying this sincerely and with charity please be prudent and slow to judge any alleged apparition site because it is easy to make a mistake (especially in these times of great confusion) and you certainly don't want to be an obstacle against God's Will
English Catholic
@Boanerges Boanerges That is one reason why God has given us Local Ordinaries, Bishops' Conferences and the CDF to investigate such things and draw their conclusions. All we have to do is be obedient. If they are wrong, then the responsibility is theirs:
An important document was issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in November 1996 and placed in L’Osservatore Romano. It stated: …More
@Boanerges Boanerges That is one reason why God has given us Local Ordinaries, Bishops' Conferences and the CDF to investigate such things and draw their conclusions. All we have to do is be obedient. If they are wrong, then the responsibility is theirs:

An important document was issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in November 1996 and placed in L’Osservatore Romano. It stated:

“Regarding the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, the Congregation states: The interpretation given by some individuals to a decision approved by Paul VI on 14 October 1966 and promulgated on 15 November of that year, in virtue of which writings and messages resulting from alleged revelations could be freely circulated in the Church is absolutely groundless. This decision actually referred to the “Abolition of the Index of Forbidden Books” and determined that after the relevant censures were lifted, the moral obligation still remained of not circulating or reading those writings which endanger faith and morals. It should be recalled however, that with regard to the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, Canon 823#1 of the current code remains in force: “the Pastors of the Church have the … right to demand that writings to be published by the Christian faithful which touch upon faith or morals be submitted to their judgement”. Alleged supernatural revelations and writings concerning them are submitted in first instance to the judgement of the diocesan Bishop, and in particular cases, to the judgement of the Episcopal Conference and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.”

I will not be accountable before God anyway, because no Catholic is obliged to believe private revelations - fake or genuine. It surprises me you weren't aware of that.
it does make me wonder why John Henry has much to do with X. Unless he is just as open to everything! JHWesten does appear to be an orthodox , TLM type, doesn't he?
English Catholic
@samtheman Not in my eyes. I think he should stick to pro-life, pro-family and pro-marriage issues (which is what LifeSiteNews was founded for) but of course, that's not bringing in the money, so he's resorted to sensationalist clickbait rubbish.
Boanerges Boanerges
@English Catholic I did not say you are obliged to believe private revelations but there's a big difference between not believing and being quiet about it vs speaking out publicly against and passing severe judgment. Second, regarding obedience, CDF is taken over by a man who is not even Catholic and issues ungodly statements. As per bishops, unfortunately great number of them have publicly apostatized …More
@English Catholic I did not say you are obliged to believe private revelations but there's a big difference between not believing and being quiet about it vs speaking out publicly against and passing severe judgment. Second, regarding obedience, CDF is taken over by a man who is not even Catholic and issues ungodly statements. As per bishops, unfortunately great number of them have publicly apostatized. Our obedience is to Our Lord Jesus Christ and to perennial teachings of His Church and not to someone who wears mitre but teaches something else and by the way attacks alleged visionaries or apparition sites.