To where is Pope Francis leading the Catholic Church?

Homosexual blessing becomes pseudo-wedding in Spain

Homosexual blessing becomes pseudo-wedding in Spain Add and continue. Fiducia supplicans continues to wreak havoc as it is being interpreted to suit …
Ann Smith
"If the faith is in imminent peril, prelates ought to be accused by their subjects, even in public." (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Christ is the head of His Church. We as Catholics are not obligated to follow the innovations, advise, and decrees from a heretical pope. The Church has gone through bad popes, bad councils, and innovators for centuries.
Denis Efimov
God is infinitely wise, but the devil is not wise. The satan in the person of Francis is attacking the Church, but he did not take into account that the monstrous heresy and apostasy of Francis will make the latter a “great awakener”, thanks to which many Catholics will finally open their eyes and understand that the conciliar church, which arose 60 years ago, this is the path to hell.
Boanerges Boanerges
False prophet Bergoglio leads souls to Hell but he does not lead Catholic Church for that would be impossible
James Manning
He's leading us to the truth of the tradition via irony and bad example.