
Another Document: Does Pope Francis Feel Lonely?

Cardinal Koch (Ecumenism) and Cardinal Grech (Ex-Synod) will present a "study document" on the papacy next Thursday. It is entitled "The Bishop of Rome - Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Discussions …More
Cardinal Koch (Ecumenism) and Cardinal Grech (Ex-Synod) will present a "study document" on the papacy next Thursday.
It is entitled "The Bishop of Rome - Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Discussions and Responses to the Encyclical Ut unum sint". Francis' selective use of John Paul II's encyclicals is remarkable.
In Ut Unum Sint (1995), John Paul II invited leaders and theologians of schismatic and heretical communities to dialogue on how the papal office, exercised in a new way, could serve the cause of unity with schismatics and heretics.
Francis has approved the "study document". According to KNA.de, a propaganda agency of the German bishops, it deals with papal primacy and [pseudo]synodality.
In line with John Paul II, the document proposes a "renewed form of the papal office that could also be recognised by the other churches". The Pope should meet regularly for consultation with other patriarchs and church leaders [all of them schismatic, heretical or both] on an 'equal footing'. …More

Thank you Trudeau! Another Church Burnt Down in Canada

St Anne's in west Toronto, an Anglican church, was completely destroyed by fire on 9 June. The 124-year-old church contained early paintings by three Group of Seven artists that were installed in the …More
St Anne's in west Toronto, an Anglican church, was completely destroyed by fire on 9 June.
The 124-year-old church contained early paintings by three Group of Seven artists that were installed in the church in the 1920s. The church was locked and no one was inside.
The Group of Seven was a collective of Canadian landscape painters, active from 1920 to 1933, known for their striking and vivid depictions of the Canadian wilderness. Their work played a crucial role in the development of a distinct Canadian art style and has left a lasting legacy in the country's cultural heritage.
Following slanderous accusations by salon socialist Justin Trudeau and the media that the Catholic Church committed "mass murder" of Indian children a century ago, nearly a hundred churches across Canada were burned or vandalised, although it was clear from the start, and confirmed after excavations, that these were all bald-faced lies.

Cardinal Müller: It Is Impossible to Ordain Women

"A woman cannot be ordained a priest. It is sacramentally impossible," Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller told Kath.ch (7 June). He explained that Christ called only men to be apostles and that the priest …More
"A woman cannot be ordained a priest. It is sacramentally impossible," Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller told Kath.ch (7 June).
He explained that Christ called only men to be apostles and that the priest, in his masculinity, represents Christ, the bridegroom of the Church, which is his bride.
When women claim to have a "vocation", it is "a mistake", the Cardinal explained: "Women are not called to the sacred orders. This is pure subjectivism". Christ instituted this sacrament only for men and doesn't contradict himself.
Cardinal Müller also called the abuse hoax an "ideology" based on anti-church prejudice: "Statistically, 95% of child abuse [Austrian figures: 99.7%] occurs in the area of family and youth education, which has nothing to do with the hierarchical-sacramental constitution of the Church and the celibacy of priests".
The Cardinal warns against placing priests under general suspicion. "It is typical of old and new Marxist ideologies that it is not the individual who is guilty of …More
There is only ONE SOLUTION to this conundrum: The next Holy Roman Pontiff will have to, by his full and supreme Apostolic authority and in a manner …More
There is only ONE SOLUTION to this conundrum: The next Holy Roman Pontiff will have to, by his full and supreme Apostolic authority and in a manner that is explicit, incontrovertible, immutable and undeniable, Infallibly Declare, Decree and Define ex Cathedra that it is eternally impossible for women or females of our species to be conferred, or to receive, Holy Orders, by the personal mandate and specific designation of Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself when He established the Priesthood while physically present here on earth. And then, the Holy Father must forthwith promulgate such an infallible proclamation throughout the whole Church and the entire world as an irreformable Dogma of the Faith that must be strictly believed, firmly held and adhered to in perpetuity by all the Catholic Faithful without dissension, debate or discussion forever, everywhere and always, upon the pain of the most severe canonical consequences possible. Afterward — AND MOST IMPORTANTLY — he must see to it that …More
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Dead at 33: "Look, Dad, I Didn't Change, I Am only Dressed in Brown"

Sister Belén de la Cruz was 33 years old when she died of ovarian cancer in 2018 at the Carmelite convent in San Calixto (Cordoba), Spain. Before joining the Carmelites in 2005, she was a student at …More
Sister Belén de la Cruz was 33 years old when she died of ovarian cancer in 2018 at the Carmelite convent in San Calixto (Cordoba), Spain.
Before joining the Carmelites in 2005, she was a student at the elite Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF) in Madrid and the golf champion of Andalusia.
Even as a child, she was very good at sports. She loved cycling, football and golf, but she didn't like competition.
A month before she entered the convent, she won a golf prize in Puerto de Santa María, but on the photo with all the winners, she was missing.
Sister Belén's fame began after her death, her father Estanislao Pery Paredes told ElDebate.com (5 June).
For example: More than 600 people attended her funeral on a rainy Saturday afternoon. Most of them were outside the church, getting wet.
She was 19 or 20 when she wrote her first letter to the prioress of San Calixto, who did not make it easy for her because she was so young. She was 21 when she entered.
The first few months …More
Father Karl A Claver
This is very inspirational.
Jeffrey Ade
What a beautiful story!

From Tragedy to Farce: Francis Meets Anti-Christian Clowns

On 14 June, Francis will receive 173 personalities from the entertainment world, unknown to most Catholics, who have better things to know and to do. Francis who has lost the link to ordinary Catholics …More
On 14 June, Francis will receive 173 personalities from the entertainment world, unknown to most Catholics, who have better things to know and to do.
Francis who has lost the link to ordinary Catholics, wants to “establish a link between the Catholic Church and comic artists.” 67 of them are Italian. Among the time wasters are pro-abortion Whoopi Goldberg or blasphemer Stephen Colbert and - very appropriate in the world of comic - the homosexual activist James Martin SJ.
Goldberg, who had more than five abortion before the age 25, is a homosexual- and abortion activist. She was received by Francis in October. In April, she claimed that abortion is "not mentioned" in the Ten Commandments.
In the summer of 2020, Stephen Colbert has portrayed Jesus Christ as a cartoon figure to mock Vice President Mike Pence’s faith: “Pence, you've got to stop saying you get your political ideas from me.” And, “You make me look like a jer," declares the cartoon Christ.
He also said that “this COVID thing …More
Christopher Shahrazade
Pope Francis won't be alive for long I say not as a nasty comment by a young Catholic who doesn't like him, but as a reality, He's going to be 88 I …More
Pope Francis won't be alive for long I say not as a nasty comment by a young Catholic who doesn't like him, but as a reality, He's going to be 88 I think. Is there a good cardinal electable who can clean up this mess, or are we going to be stuck with either a "do-nothing" Pope, or a "Francis II"? I wasn't even alive for a good part of JPII's term, but he didn't seem to do anything except travel. Benedict XVI was the only Pope of my lifetime I was old enough to recognize as a real Pope......he looked, dressed, acted like the classical Pope. Now that I'm out of college and alittle older, I respect him so much more for all that, especially considering the radical liberal idiot who we have now, and ann the homos he's appointed to high Vatican and other offices. THis meeting with entertainment people his his attempt to trivialize the Papacy more.........but he really degraded the Papacy/Church when he hosted TRANS prostitutes to lunch at the Vatican. My question-----IS THERE A GOOD CARDINAL …More
All are welcome, everyone, everyone, lol.
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Holy Land: Persecution of Christians Worsens

Avvenire.it, the newspaper of the Italian bishops, known for spreading homosexual propaganda, writes about the growing persecution of Christians in the Holy Land. Violence against Christians has been …More
Avvenire.it, the newspaper of the Italian bishops, known for spreading homosexual propaganda, writes about the growing persecution of Christians in the Holy Land.
Violence against Christians has been a problem for years, but since 2023 the situation has deteriorated, Avvenire.it quotes Federica Sasso of the "Rossing Centre for Education and Dialogue" in Jerusalem.
Last year there were seven incidents of physical violence against clerics or ordinary Christian worshippers, almost all in Jerusalem, 7 cases of verbal harassment and about 30 cases of spitting against Christian clerics.
Most of the perpetrators are young "religious" Jewish men who espouse nationalism and racism.
On 1 January, graves in an Anglican cemetery in Jerusalem were desecrated.
According to Federica Sasso, the more than 90 incidents monitored by the Centre "are just the tip of the iceberg of a much larger phenomenon". The Christian Armenians in the Old City and the Polish monastery in Jerusalem were particularly affected. …More
Naomi Arai
Pfft Vatican propaganda.
Israel is not our friend and we should disengage, but we don’t need to be an enemy either. The true Jews hate Christian’s but the Muslims want to kill …More
Israel is not our friend and we should disengage, but we don’t need to be an enemy either. The true Jews hate Christian’s but the Muslims want to kill us. God puts these people in the world so that you will know that He is the only one you can count on.
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After Eight Years in Exile Fr William Graham Is Credibly Innocent

Fr William Graham of the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota was falsely accused and cast out in 2016 after his bishop deemed a nearly 40-year-old claim to be “credible.” By Fr William Graham with an Introduction …More
Fr William Graham of the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota was falsely accused and cast out in 2016 after his bishop deemed a nearly 40-year-old claim to be “credible.”
By Fr William Graham with an Introduction by Fr Gordon MacRae.
From Fr Gordon MacRae: Some of our readers might have passed over my recent post, “Pop Stars and Priests: Michael Jackson and the Credible Standard.”
Much more than the strange story of Michael Jackson, that post was really about the much stranger story of Catholic priests falsely accused. Commenter James Anderson wrote of it, “This article is the best ever on your false conviction.” The matter of falsely accused Catholic priests has received some increased attention of late, but not nearly enough to counter the vast media bias that grew and festered through news of the scandal of sexual abuse in the Catholic priesthood since the moral panic of 2002.
In my post linked above, I wrote of a development in my diocese, the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire. A press …More
I'm happy that an innocent man has been exonerated and the false accuser required to pay reparations but why does Fr. William only quote Vat 2 documents …More
I'm happy that an innocent man has been exonerated and the false accuser required to pay reparations but why does Fr. William only quote Vat 2 documents and post-Vat 2 popes?
Naomi Arai
God bless him.

Diocesan Delegation Arrives: Nuns Call the Police

At 2pm on 6 June, several representatives of the papal commissioner arrived at the convent of the Poor Clare sisters in Belorado, Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain. In May, the nuns announced that they had …More
At 2pm on 6 June, several representatives of the papal commissioner arrived at the convent of the Poor Clare sisters in Belorado, Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain.
In May, the nuns announced that they had joined a sedevacantist pseudo-bishop.
The delegation consisted of Sister Carmen Ruiz, Secretary of the Federation of Poor Clares of Our Lady of Aránzazu, Don Rodrigo Sáiz, representative of the Pontifical Commissioner, Don Carlos Azcona, Notary of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal, accompanied by the Notary María Rosario Garrido.
First, Sister Belén received the visitors at the revolving window where the person opposite cannot be seen. Then, Sister Sión received them in a small room.
They asked to speak to the ex-abbotess, Sister Isabel, who informed them through Sister Belén that, with the exception of the notary, the other visitors were "not welcome" and should leave the convent.
She warned that she would call the police if they refused. When they did, she called the police. The notary, María …More
Rumour has it dirty harry showed up with 45 magnum
Obedience in all legitimate things. -St. Maximilian Kolbe
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A New Hampshire Ponzi Scheme Uncovered? By Claire Best

In September 2023 Claire Best wrote an article about how corruption drove the case against Fr Gordon MacRae in 1994 and St Paul’s School student Owen Labrie in 2014. May 29, 2024 By Claire Best The …More
In September 2023 Claire Best wrote an article about how corruption drove the case against Fr Gordon MacRae in 1994 and St Paul’s School student Owen Labrie in 2014.
May 29, 2024 By Claire Best
The first civil lawsuit in over a thousand cases of alleged child sexual assault and other abuse brought by victims of the New Hampshire Youth Detention Center against the state has just concluded.
A civil jury awarded David Meehan, the plaintiff, $38 million dollars. The attorney for the State, Brandon Chase for DCYF — the NH Division for Children, Youth and Families — quickly responded that it was only going to pay out $475,000 due to a cap for each incident and since only one box was filled by the jury, the State has interpreted that as only one incident.
Over the weekend, the attorneys for David Meehan filed a motion for an emergency hearing with the judge regarding the discrepancy.
They included emails from jurors who had contacted them after the jurors saw the state’s announcement about the …More

Bishop "Sincerely" Apologises after "Blasphemy" [against Buddah]

Father Jean-François Laco of Sainte-Suzanne, a commune in Réunion, a French overseas department near Madagaskar, preached on Pentecost (May 19) against false religions. Laco is also a composer and …More
Father Jean-François Laco of Sainte-Suzanne, a commune in Réunion, a French overseas department near Madagaskar, preached on Pentecost (May 19) against false religions.
Laco is also a composer and singer. "I don't believe in that fat, sitting man, the one with a nice belly, who is called Buddha", he preached saying that Buddha statues should not be used for decoration: "That doesn't bring peace, but rather disorder."
The video reportedly received 180,000 views and allegedly hundreds of [bot] comments. Réunion has 885,700 people and Laco spoke in a kind of French that can only be understood by locals which means that over 20% of the population has seen the video which is unlikely.
The priest deleted the video but copies of it remained available in the internet.
At the behest of his bishop, he expressed his regret using the usual formulas like "parts of the sermon had been excerpted" and "words taken out of the context".
"If you watch the video of the homily in its entirety, you'll think …More
P. O'B
The priest erred. St Paul in Athens did not make fun of the pagan gods worshipped there. How does making fun of Buddha help in trying to convert a …More
The priest erred. St Paul in Athens did not make fun of the pagan gods worshipped there. How does making fun of Buddha help in trying to convert a follower of his?
Juan Perez
I'm afraid this is the main reason why they record masses. To have complete control over what it is being said.
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Buenos Aires Cathedral: Supper Theology Leads to Snack Bar Cathedral

Monsignor Jorge García Cuerva, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, has turned his cathedral into a snack bar. There are many soup kitchens in the centre of Buenos Aires that feed hundreds of people …More
Monsignor Jorge García Cuerva, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, has turned his cathedral into a snack bar.
There are many soup kitchens in the centre of Buenos Aires that feed hundreds of people every night. So there is no need for a snack bar in the cathedral. Nor would it make sense to turn a soup kitchen into a cathedral, as this would deprive the soup kitchen's clients of their food.
After different versions of the event circulated online, the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires issued a statement:
"We would like to inform you that in the framework of the Week of Charity, on the eve of the annual collection for 'Caritas', last Tuesday, June 4, a meeting of pastoral agents who accompany people in street situations was held in the Metropolitan Cathedral."
In the early days of the Church, when the widows of Greek-speaking Jews were overlooked in the daily distribution of food, the Twelve Apostles appointed deacons to look after the poor.
They argued that "it is not desirable that we should …More
Christopher Shahrazade
Maybe next week they will be serving pizza.
The Lord is making a knotted cord for that priest.
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Deaconesses: An Archbishop Hopes for 'Boiled Frog' Strategy

The controversial Archbishop of Algiers, French-born Jean-Paul Vesco, 62, has again said that he wants invalidly ordained deaconesses (La-Croix.com, 28 May). He is relying on the strategy of the boiled …More
The controversial Archbishop of Algiers, French-born Jean-Paul Vesco, 62, has again said that he wants invalidly ordained deaconesses (La-Croix.com, 28 May).
He is relying on the strategy of the boiled frog: "What seemed inconceivable yesterday, such as the appointment of women to the highest positions in the Roman Curia, has become natural today. Likewise, what seems unimaginable today will become natural tomorrow". Even more unimaginable until yesterday was also the current decadence of the Roman Curia.
Jean-Paul Vesco believes that Francis' pontificate has "moved lines that were difficult to imagine being moved" when it comes to "the place of women" in the life of the Church. In the light of the Gospel, "the place of women in the Church" does not depend on workplaces in the Curia.
Regarding Francis' homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia supplicans', Jean-Paul Vesco said it showed "the extreme difficulty of having a single audible word on all continents, given the diversity of societies …More
Tony M
The heretics and apostates have no fear of God or Hell because they really do not believe in them. 6. Most of the damned hadn’t believed in hell. More
The heretics and apostates have no fear of God or Hell because they really do not believe in them.
6. Most of the damned hadn’t believed in hell.
Faustina said that what she was sharing was merely ”a pale shadow of the things I saw. But I noticed one thing: that most of the souls there are those who disbelieved that there is a hell.” 7 things you need to know about St. Faustina and her vision of hell | Catholic News Agency
Father Karl A Claver
Another heretical idiot.

Another Homosexual Friend of Francis knows: "He likes to Use Swear Words"

Francis knows he has a problem with foul language, said a homosexual Argentine man who has been friends with Francis for more than 30 years, quoted anonymously (!) by Reuters.com (6 June). "He calls …More
Francis knows he has a problem with foul language, said a homosexual Argentine man who has been friends with Francis for more than 30 years, quoted anonymously (!) by Reuters.com (6 June).
"He calls himself a 'bocon', which somehow translates (from Spanish) as someone who can't keep his mouth shut," the man said.
"Francis is never been diplomatic. I'm actually surprised that something like this [using terms from the homosexual milieu] hasn't happened before".
When Francis went to Ireland in the 1980s to try (unsuccessfully) to learn English, the friend recalled, "his teachers were horrified by the way he used the English swear words he had picked up in class" [immature Francis needs to provoke].
Francis has "come a long way" in terms of promoting homosexual propaganda, says the anonymous homosexual.
Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsZelukevmkb
la verdad prevalece
Apostate and Gay Activist Jorge Bergoglio taught his Godson how to swear!More
Apostate and Gay Activist Jorge Bergoglio taught his Godson how to swear!
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Parish Offers Scheduled Appointments For Homosexual [Pseudo] Blessings

St Paul's Parish in Lexington, Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky - the diocese is led by homosexual activist John Stowe - is offering scheduled [pseudo-] blessings for homosexual concubines. Scheduled …More
St Paul's Parish in Lexington, Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky - the diocese is led by homosexual activist John Stowe - is offering scheduled [pseudo-] blessings for homosexual concubines.
Scheduled blessings are not "spontaneous blessings" as required by Fiducia supplicans, but the hypocrisy of this text is that it says one thing but expects and encourages people to go all the way.
The parish writes on its website: "Same-sex couples wishing to receive a [pseudo] blessing should contact Father Richard" at the phone number or email provided.
CatholicVote.org (4 June) asked the priest the naive question of how such appointments are compatible with "Fiducia supplicans", but didn't get a reply from the "all are welcome" priest.
The parish website also features a blasphemous prayer to "Our Mother of Pride" (sic) next to a picture of Our Lady wrapped in a homosexual flag.
John Stowe recently accepted a woman as a "male hermit". Stowe is particularly fond of making fun of God's sixth commandment. …More
Maria Lylyander
And people tell me the FSSPX is shismatic.
Tony M
The fruits of Jorge and Tucho!!! Matthew 7:15-20 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition 15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of …More
The fruits of Jorge and Tucho!!!
Matthew 7:15-20 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.
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Monsignor Gänswein: Appointment to Vilnius Imminent

The appointment of Archbishop Georg Gänswein to the Vilnius nunciature for the three Baltic countries is imminent, writes LaNuovaBq.it. (6 June): "The bags are already packed". "Barring any last-minute …More
The appointment of Archbishop Georg Gänswein to the Vilnius nunciature for the three Baltic countries is imminent, writes LaNuovaBq.it. (6 June): "The bags are already packed".
"Barring any last-minute complications, the official appointment should not take too long." Governments can take around three months to approve a nuncio.
The appointment was first announced in April by Argentine journalist Elisabetta Piqué, a friend of Francis since his days in Buenos Aires.
I understood he was a friend to Pope Benedict, and that he wept when Benedict died. ‘Nothing but the Truth’: A reader’s guide to Archbishop Gänswein’s …More
I understood he was a friend to Pope Benedict, and that he wept when Benedict died. ‘Nothing but the Truth’: A reader’s guide to Archbishop Gänswein’s memoir
Boanerges Boanerges
Jailer of Pope Benedict
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The Whisky Priest. By Fr. Gordon J. MacRae

After 42 years of priesthood, 30 unjustly in prison, ‘The Whisky Priest,’ the central figure of Graham Greene’s best known novel, comes to my mind in darker times. “You are sure to find another cross …More
After 42 years of priesthood, 30 unjustly in prison, ‘The Whisky Priest,’ the central figure of Graham Greene’s best known novel, comes to my mind in darker times.
“You are sure to find another cross if you flee the one you bear.”
Anonymous Mexican Proverb
+ + +
I was ordained to the priesthood on June 5, 1982, the sole candidate for priesthood in the entire State of New Hampshire that year. On the next day, June 6, 1982, I was nervously standing in a corner in the Sacristy as I prepared to offer my First Mass in Saint John the Evangelist Church in Hudson, New Hampshire.
The church was packed with friends, family, and strangers from near and far. I was standing in a corner because the Sacristy was filled with my brother priests all vesting to join me for the occasion. I imagined they were watching me for signs that I might flee.
I peered through the open sacristy door at the huge, anticipating crowd and my anxiety level was off the scales. I wished for a way to calm my nerves. Just …More

Francis Again Advertises Transvestite Prostitutes

"Here she is, the enfant terrible....," Francis said at the end of his tour of St Peter's Square after the general audience on 5 June, referring to Sister Geneviève Jeanningros, 81. OsservatoreRomano.va …More
"Here she is, the enfant terrible....," Francis said at the end of his tour of St Peter's Square after the general audience on 5 June, referring to Sister Geneviève Jeanningros, 81.
OsservatoreRomano.va reports that Francis greeted the sister, who lives with Sister Anna Amelia in a trailer among homosexual and transvestite prostitutes in Rome. She has been encouraging them in their vice for 56 years without calling them to repentance.
Francis sees in her "the Gospel [according to Bergoglio] lived on earth". If she had tried to lead the transvestites to Christ, Francis would have insulted her as "rigid", "dogmatic", "promotor of proselytism" or some other epithet.
On Wednesday, Jeanningros appeared with a person called "Ada", to whom Francis gave a rosary and a blessing. They were placed in the front row, as is Francis' custom when he receives transvestites who use this occasion to promote their vice.
Next Wednesday, Jeanningros will return with another group of ten privileged people, …More
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio leads the gay lobby that has infiltrated the Church. Bergoglio acts with MALICITY and has a perverse mind. Not only did he cover up for several …More
Bergoglio leads the gay lobby that has infiltrated the Church. Bergoglio acts with MALICITY and has a perverse mind. Not only did he cover up for several homosexual predators, he is a corrupter of minors. Bergoglio, as a teacher, is known to have perverted his student Yayo Grassi into accepting the pseudo-homosexual identity, who became not only a practitioner of sodomy, but also an anti-Catholic homosexual activist.
Bergoglio and his accomplice James Martin are in cahoots with the homosexual activist Yayo Grassi
Homosexual and gay activist Yayo Grassi, Bergoglio' s former student said he owes his open and progressive thinking to his mentor Jorge Bergoglio
Christopher Shahrazade
"homosexual activists like Bergoglio are homosexuals themselves." I think this is true. No one who is a normal, "straight" male would give any thought …More
"homosexual activists like Bergoglio are homosexuals themselves." I think this is true. No one who is a normal, "straight" male would give any thought about homosexuals, except maybe to avoid them and talking about them. I thinkFrancis MAY actually be gay because of his overwhelming support for them in audiences and meetings, but I definitly think that Tucho and all the rest of Francis' people ARE either celibate, or active practicing homosexuals.
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Monsignor Agüer: Tucho Is Behind the Removal of the Archbishop of La Plata

Archbishop Héctor Agüer, former Archbishop of La Plata, Argentina, writes in a 5 June statement that the hand of Tucho Fernández can be seen in the recent removal of Archbishop Gabriel Mestre, 55, of …More
Archbishop Héctor Agüer, former Archbishop of La Plata, Argentina, writes in a 5 June statement that the hand of Tucho Fernández can be seen in the recent removal of Archbishop Gabriel Mestre, 55, of La Plata.
Agüer led the archdiocese of La Plata for almost two decades. He was not popular with the neighbouring archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio. His successor was Tucho Fernández. He did the opposite of the Catholic Agüer and ruled with a 'persecution ideology'.
When Tucho was appointed Prefect for the Destruction of the Faith, Monsignor Mestre became Archbishop of La Plata. He began to clean up the mess that Tucho had left in La Plata. Tucho Fernández was not happy about that.
Now the names of Monsignor Mestre's possible successors are emerging: "Some of them worry and frighten me," writes Agüer.
He knows that the next archbishop will not be decided by the Apostolic Nuncio, but at a higher level: "I am not referring to the fact that it is always Francis who appoints …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
Archbishop Aguer: Cardinal Fernández had a ‘hand’ in sudden ousting of Argentine prelate
Christopher Shahrazade
I never spent much time thinking about the Church until recently. A good part of my family belongs to an Eastern Rite Christian Church which has nothing …More
I never spent much time thinking about the Church until recently. A good part of my family belongs to an Eastern Rite Christian Church which has nothing to do with the Pope/Vatican. The Church is pretty big where my family originally came from, but tiny in the USA. But its interesting to note that many of the bishops of this Church know about Francis and his VAtican, and like many other churches of the Orthodox tradition, think he and his people are perverts. Increasingly, I agree with them, and the hypothesis of Vigano regarding Bergoglio et al.
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Legal Victory: Rosary Can Be Prayed in Madrid Next Weekend

The High Court of Justice in Madrid has overruled a city official and declared that the Rosary can be prayed in the streets of the Spanish capital on 8 and 9 June, during the European elections. The …More
The High Court of Justice in Madrid has overruled a city official and declared that the Rosary can be prayed in the streets of the Spanish capital on 8 and 9 June, during the European elections.
The prayer will take place next to a Marian church right in front of the headquarters of the Socialist Party, which is very hostile to the Church.
The ruling states that there are "no well-founded reasons" to justify how the prayer would affect the political neutrality required on election day.
The organisers said in a statement that 'in the face of their [= the regimes] prohibitions, we must defend without fear what is ours'.
One wonders how much it has cost in legal fees for lawyers and courts to reach this decision.
Louis IX
I would like to think that the Spanish would have ignored such a dubious order.
Billy F
Vivat Christus Rex!!!
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Narrow-Minded Francis Criticises "Dogmatic Narrow-Mindedness of Church"

During his general audience on 5 June, Francis complained about a "dogmatic narrow-mindedness in the Church", but the few tourists in the square had no idea what he was referring to. His alleged "Holy …More
During his general audience on 5 June, Francis complained about a "dogmatic narrow-mindedness in the Church", but the few tourists in the square had no idea what he was referring to.
His alleged "Holy Spirit" cannot be "put in a box" or "locked up" (did anyone say that?), neither in concepts nor in treatises. This theory will be welcomed by many because it means that all the texts Francis produced during his time in Rome are rubbish and can be discarded.
Francis repeated that in the ecclesial sphere there is "a temptation to enclose the Holy Spirit in doctrines, institutions and definitions", although everyone works with "doctrines" and "definitions", whether they admit it or not. Francis, for example, buys into all the doctrines and definitions of the decadent oligarchs.
The "Spirit" creates and animates institutions, but He Himself cannot be "institutionalised", bubbled Francis, who has turned the Church not only into an "institution" but into a regime.
Forgetting everything he had …More
Live Mike
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
(Hear ye, hear ye, bla bla bla, bla bla, bla, bla bla, bla.)
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