Fred Alan Medforth

EU Elections: The Final Countdown

TEC TV’s Inside Brussels host Zsófia Tóth-Bíró sits down with Mick Hume and Scarlett Karoleva to look at the stakes in the European elections, the importance of voting …

Nächste Studie: Masken nützten nur wenig und erhöhten später das Infektionsrisiko

Foto: halfpoint / Kritik am Zwang, Masken tragen zu müssen, gab es in Corona-Zeiten genug. Doch den …

Workers revolt against ‘Pride’ month in Mexico City, tear down ‘unworthy’ banners

Workers in Mexico City who have had enough of LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations quite literally took matters into their own hands …
Credo .
God bless @ protect these brave and courageous workers in Mexico City!

Attack planned? Islamist attempts to apply as a steward at the European Football Championship in …

Breathe a sigh of relief before the upcoming European Championships: shortly before the big event, …

From Brigitte Bardot to Burkinis, French ‘Way of Life’ Is Being Destroyed by Mass Migration, Says MEP

The European Parliament elections represent an existential battle between the open borders agenda of …
Father Karl A Claver
Because France turned her back on the Kingship of Christ, the eldest daughter of the Church is now a whore.

Pompeii unveils violent images drawn by children 2,000 years ago

A new discovery in Italy suggests children in ancient Rome drew violent images from the events of their daily lives. Experts say the …

Genug gelitten! Der 9. Juni als Tag der Wende!

Jihad Watch Deutschland Der heimliche Orientalismus Deutschlands, durchleuchtet von Fred Alan Medforth Your email address will not be published. Required …

UK “Gender Critical” Charity Permanently Banned by Instagram

A high-profile charity that speaks out against gender ideology has had its Instagram page permanently deleted in what appears to be a platform …

Did Enabling School Shooter’s Transgender Delusions Cause Massacre?

In the 1990s, people blamed “violent video games” like Doom for school shootings. Then it was Prozac. Were those assumptions entirely …

‘It’s over’ – German economic policy a ‘sheer catastrophe’, stock exchange chief claims

Germany’s economic policy is a “sheer catastrophe” as a result of political “fundamentalists” running the country …
How can that be my German friend at work never wrong.We have good laugh but most of the time it true .Germany but America on the moon it will fix its …More
How can that be my German friend at work never wrong.We have good laugh but most of the time it true .Germany but America on the moon it will fix its economy .That fussion technology game changer

Bis zu 56 Prozent Ausländeranteil bei Gruppenvergewaltigungen

Eine Anfrage mehrerer AfD-Abgeordneter im Bundestag ergab: Die Zahl der Gruppenvergewaltigungen ist seit 2010 deutlich gestiegen. Bis zu 56…

Die etablierten Medien sind keine vierte Macht mehr, sondern gekaufte Handaffen der Mächtigen!

Jihad Watch Deutschland Der heimliche Orientalismus Deutschlands, durchleuchtet von Fred Alan Medforth Your …
Fahrer von Ars
Aus dem geheimen Medienstaatsvertrag: "Handaffen" sogar bis 2099.More
Aus dem geheimen Medienstaatsvertrag:
"Handaffen" sogar bis 2099.
Girolamo Savonarola
Wie wahr, wie wahr; es gibt leider nur mehr wenige Ausnahmen. Wir sehen auch diesbezüglich finsteren Zeiten entgegen, und das dauernde Gequatsche der …More
Wie wahr, wie wahr; es gibt leider nur mehr wenige Ausnahmen. Wir sehen auch diesbezüglich finsteren Zeiten entgegen, und das dauernde Gequatsche der Propaganda-Medien die Meinungsfreiheit und Demokratie seien gefährdet, geht mir auch schon auf den Geist.

US Marxism is DESTROYING Britain & the West. Immigration Is the CORE Issue of this Election

On today’s #NCFNewspeak, NCF Director Peter Whittle, Senior Fellow Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and Amy Gallagher of …

EU ELECTIONS WATCH: Dutch Right Wing Head to Head With Centre-Left in Exit Polls – Danish PM Assaulted …

The European Elections are on: voters from across the continent will chose their MEPs to represent …
This is like the days of Rasputan just before millions died

White Novelists Won’t Write About Black People. I Trash Cultural Appropriation

Allah's Willing Executioners Antisemitism, Antizionism, Jihadism and the Reunited Germany. News by Fred Alan Medforth Your …

Alle verantwortlichen Politiker haben Blut an ihren Händen. Das Blut von Rouven. Sie sind Heuchler!

Jihad Watch Deutschland Der heimliche Orientalismus Deutschlands, durchleuchtet von Fred Alan Medforth …

‘NatCon 2.0’: Stadt Essen kündigt Saalvertrag für AfD-Parteitag

Photo: Grugahalle Essen on Facebook, 8 March 2012 Die westdeutsche Stadt Essen hat einen Mietvertrag mit der globalisierungskritischen …
Wenn das Essen ist, was ist dann Kotzen?!!

‘NatCon 2.0’: City of Essen Cancels Venue Contract for AfD Party Conference

Photo: Grugahalle Essen on Facebook, 8 March 2012 The western German city of Essen has terminated a rental agreement with the …

Greens laugh during debate about Mannheim police officer murdered in Islamist knife attack

German Greens politicians in the Berlin state parliament caused an uproar on Thursday after heckling and laughing …
Dr Bobus
. . . Or empty on the inside
Billy F
Disgusting Marxists!!! Greens are watermelons; Green on the outside, Red on the inside!

UK study of children shows heart inflammation develops after COVID vaccination, not infection

A new medical study conducted by researchers at Oxford University shows that the heart diseases myocarditis …