Maleństwo po tzw. "aborcji" czyt. morderstwie najbardziej odrażającym bo na niewinnym, bezbronnym życiu.
Pro-life video: The smallest child!!! This is the very smallest child. This is the very smallest child who was murdered by artificial abortion. Abortion is a homicide! that's what kills the baby. …Więcej
Pro-life video: The smallest child!!! This is the very smallest child. This is the very smallest child who was murdered by artificial abortion. Abortion is a homicide! that's what kills the baby. Abortfascists support the killing of children in the time before the birth of children. Abortfascists (or abortion proponents) defended the death of innocent human life.
Norah Sarah
😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
Korwin Mikke o żydach i Braunie .
NikTo . .
Świece adwentowe, tez jest zakaz palenia..
Dorota Skoczek
Zastąpili krzyż świeczkami
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